
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Assumed Truths I've Learned


If you want children to learn the truth, 
teach them yourself, 
and back it up with factual evidence.
Or, get rid of teacher unions.
Political indoctrination is not their purview.
A teacher that doesn't teach truth is no teacher.

A Few "Assumed" Truths I've Learned (in no particular order):

If you wake up and you're on this side of the dirt, thank God for the gift of another day in paradise and another chance to excel in life.

Your life is about learning to make good choices and decisions.

"Hell on earth" is when you don't learn and don't move forward to your next life until you do.

Faith is a belief in a truth for which there is little or no evidence.

Goodness must be accepted, just as evil must be invited in.

If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

If someone is reported to have done something out of character, it's probably not true, or there's a reason.

If someone is reported to have done something that is totally in character, you can probably bank on it.

Hope for the best, but plan for things to go totally south.

Overanalyze.  Over plan.  Sit back and critique.  Then, have someone else critique.  Over critique.

Change is the only universal constant, and the universe uses it to maintain balance.

If it's the way it's always been done, find a more efficient way.

If you have a more efficient way, voice it.

Tasks become easier the more you do them.

If all is lost, make sure "hope" isn't.

There really is no such thing as a free lunch.  Be skeptical.

A good deal today will be a good deal tomorrow, or it isn't that good of a deal.

No decision needs to be made immediately unless it's life or death, or in your best interest.

Buy one, get one, a BOGO, is a 50% off sale.

Buy two, get one, is a 30% off sale.

Buy one, get one for 50% off, is just a 25% off sale.

A BOGO on TV usually involves separate handling/shipping fees for the "free" one that is almost equal to the cost of the first one. (Refer back to "no such thing as a free lunch")

Bourbon isn't just made in Kentucky.  Hell, it isn't just made in the United States, either.

Champagne isn't just made in France.

Pasta isn't proven to be Italian, nor is it proven Marco Polo brought it from China.

The "House" wins in gambling more times than not.  

The truth is like the "House" in gambling.

Happiness comes from good choices and decisions.

Stress comes from making questionable choices and decisions.

Misery comes from making poor choices and decisions.

Happiness is a conscious choice each of us must make for ourselves.

One should strive to be happy always... because the alternative sucks.

ALF = All life matters.

However, there will always be those determined to waste the precious oxygen of others.

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