
Saturday, April 27, 2024

Questioning Regret, Plans, Lying, Hostility, Enemies, and Trolls

“Youth can not know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.”
-- J.K. Rowling

What's a thing elderly people regret in their lives?

Is it true that the world feels smaller as you learn more about it?
The opposite. I’ve been learning for 70 years.  The more I learn the bigger it gets.
Do you think the people who are often and easily offended are happy?

Not necessarily. If they “are often and easily offended” it can be tough to be truly happy. Being truly happy is constantly striving for true happiness, always and in all things, regardless of circumstances. 

Isn’t it true that I wasn't prepared for what telling the truth would mean?
Most people aren’t, but only you can tell whether you were prepared.

I lied in therapy and in a group and I now have a habit of lying about fake emotions to people to build rapport. It is like I am addicted to empathy from others. What should I do?
Stop lying. Lying in therapy isn’t doing you any good. You lie about “fake emotions” to build “fake” rapport. When do you plan on telling the truth? The only person these people see is a fake.
How do I not be responsible?
Don’t accept it. Not accepting responsibility is a great way not to be responsible.
“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”
-- Sigmund Freud
I have two coworkers who are friends. They never mentioned the other to me. I started ignoring one of them because I wanted the other one to ask me about the other coworker. My "plan" did not work. Why?
You tried to play an infantile game, and they didn’t bite. Why didn’t you simply ask them about the other person? It would have been the mature thing to do to sate your curiosity.
Have you ever said a hurtful lie for a good reason?
I have no filter.  A lie will be found out and hurt even more. Better to be painfully honest.
What is the best way to "not lean" on your understanding?
Develop an “open mind” and assume your understanding may be flawed, and it might not be. It is best to look at problems from numerous perspectives.
Am I the only person who is always honest?
I’m sure you’d like to think so, but no, I also have no filter.
Why am I the dumbest person in the world? I do everything only dumb people do.
Maybe you don’t think before you jump. Think about what you’re about to do. Will it seen as dumb by other people? What will be seen as smart? Can you try that, instead? You are not necessarily “dumb” as much as you might not think things through.
How can you be happy with your natural looks, when prettier faces always win?

I am who I am, and people appreciate me for that. Trying to be something that I’m not is pretty obvious. 
“You’ll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be.”
-- Vironika Tugaleva
Do people who lie all the time about everything believe their own lies?
Not necessarily, most just like to lie. I think they want to see who believes their bullshit.
How can people find the repetitive, predictable, nonsensical, and tedious "entertainment" entertaining? Do idiots not experience media the same way as real human beings?
These normal "human beings" need to stop watching so much porn and start considering more “intelligent” programming. I'll consider the porn.
Why are my enemies low animals?
They might be thinking the same thing. Better that you try to make peace.
If I accidentally say something wrong, is it a sin and do I have to be extremely specific and check every word I say so that I don't accidentally lie?
No, it is not a sin. Being human, you can be an idiot without intent. You are correct, however, with your thought to check every word you say so you don’t look like a liar.
I'm a homeless person. I want to hear the wisdom of rich people, what do you have as advice?
Sell the laptop and get a job. You won’t become rich being homeless.
What do you say to a group of individuals who are entitled and feel that they run the world according to however they want with their own double standard and lack of accountability?
I remind them about “Madame la Guillotine” and how they play with fire. Their bullshit, like their inflated ego, soon hits the brick wall with a resounding splat. The crowd goes wild.
“Madame la Guillotine" is the younger sister, the ideological sibling of the 2nd Amendment; both were conceived of a need to purge overbearing governments.”
-- A.E. Samaan
Why do some people become hostile when you give away things?
You’re not giving away things to them.
How do you get treated if someone thinks that you are gullible?
If they’re an asshole, they treat you like you’re gullible. If they are nice, the other end of the scale, they will let you know that you’re acting gullible. If they're more concerning, they’ll help you get past it, without any embarrassment. I have no filter... and a great sense of humor. I'd be your friend and your nightmare.
We are told to just ignore rude people but is that really the best solution, because that’s technically letting it be known to them that they can treat people however they want without receiving any consequence?
You can ignore them after they are “called down” for being rude. They need to know people recognize them for what they are.
Why is it that people always want things to be fair? Like, if someone gets an advantage, everyone else gets upset. Why? I mean, really, so what?
Not everyone feels this way. For one thing, life isn’t fair, and most of us realize this. It would be great if everything is fair, but “learning” in life prohibits this nicety. Life wants you to learn lessons. If you don’t learn the lessons, life will beat you down until you get a clue, if ever. The lesson may span several lifetimes if it isn’t understood.
I identify as having a height of 6 feet 5 inches. Will you accept and affirm my height identity?
Why do you find this so important to you?
Why can some people think with logical reasoning and others can't? Is it just laziness or is there a difference in how the brain works?
Parenting, for the most part. They never were taught how to use logic when they reason. This is probably because the parents were also never taught how to use logic by their parents. One can understand this when they see how the parent’s life is not following any logical reasoning. From the parent comes the child, unless the child has climbed a rung or two higher… on their own.
“I am convinced that the act of thinking logically cannot possibly be natural to the human mind. If it were, then mathematics would be everybody's easiest course at school and our species would not have taken several millennia to figure out the scientific method.”
-- Neil deGrasse Tyson
How do I prove that my enemies are low animals?
So, you want to join them? Let it, and them, go. Life is too short for this shit.
Is natural evil part of why we are all mentally ill? Or is it not? Can we do something about this or is it out of our control?
According to “Genesis” in the Holy Scripture, Eve and Adam brought this onto us by eating the forbidden fruit. We are “mentally ill” if we don’t rise above it. We can do much about this if we strive to do what is right, instead of doing what is wrong.
People take my innocence as my foolishness and try to deceive me. What should I do?
When they try this, ask them what they’re doing. “Innocent” is not the same as “stupid.”
What strategies for managing emotions did you use as a bullied student to diffuse potentially volatile situations and de-escalate conflicts with your peers?
In high school, I surprised one of them by kicking him in the balls and then beating the crap out of him. I paid for it, but they never bullied me like that ever again. I learned to shame them in front of their girlfriends. They grew up and it soon stopped.
Does humor require intelligence? How are humor and intelligence related to each other? Is it a skill area independent of intelligence, or is it completely related to intelligence? Are people with good humor intelligent people?
Intelligent humor requires intelligence, otherwise it’s just slapstick.
How do I attack my enemies?
Unless you are in the military going to war, your enemies are not that important. So, ignore them. Life is too damned short to waste precious time on them. Climb above them. Rise above their attitude and leave them choking on the dust you leave them in.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
-- Napoleon Bonaparte
Why is it that whenever you open [this site], the first question you see on top is almost always a troll question?
I’ve never paid that much attention to it. If I come up against a troll, I keep on going, They aren’t that important to me, and shouldn’t be to anyone. They are “trolls” for a reason. Learn to ignore them.
What are the consequences of dishonesty and why do many people have issues with it?
The only friends you have, if any, will be dishonest. No one will believe you, ever. You may do jail time. Any quality spouse will ignore you. The issues are obvious.
In what ways can emotional intelligence contribute to developing resilience in students facing bullying, allowing them to maintain a sense of self-worth and confidence?
I had enough bullying in high school. My “emotional intelligence” told me to kick the SOB in the balls. He did not expect my short self to do that. When he hit the ground I kept kicking him, while constantly berating him in front of his girlfriend. I paid the price for my revolt, but by then I had built a shield of “self-worth and confidence” that would follow me through my 23 years in Air Force Intelligence.
Is it okay to always have a different opinion or to always disagree with what everyone thinks is okay?
If you “always” differ from what everyone thinks, everyone is stupid… or you are wrong.
Why do people feel like it's ok to lie and it's pushy to question someone even if you know they are lying? I've heard that people are trying to protect their privacy, but are they not also harming you?
First, their privacy has nothing to do with their lying. Calling them down for a lie won’t get you harmed. It might make them think twice about lying… since they aren’t that good at it.
Do you think if you are a loser you should hang around other losers because you must not drag anyone down to your level? Winners need to be around other winners because iron needs to sharpen iron and losers are a menace to society, am I right?
If you think you’re a loser, you are listening to idiots or you might think you have no self-worth. Know that idiots target the insecure, and everyone has some self-worth. I would be careful how I generalize “losers” as a menace to society. One may determine it is time to save a life… that might be yours.
“Stand up for the underdog, the 'loser.' Sometimes having the strength to show loving support for unacknowledged others turns the tides of our own lives.”
-- Alexandra Katehakis

Editor's Note
(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch - it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either view any more right or wrong than the other. Opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form their own opinions, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint.

I fervently hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion in an arena of mutual respect concerning those opinions offered. After twenty-three years of military intelligence, I believe that engaging each other in this manner, and in this arena, is a way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience... and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. Following his service career, he spent 17 years working with the premier and world-renowned Western Institutional Review Board, helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. He also served 8 years on the Board of Directors for the Angela J. Bowen Foundation.
Ordained in 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As a weapon for his war on intolerance, he chose the pen. He wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's personal, spiritual path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteered as the lead chaplain at a regional medical center.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tony at:

Friday, April 26, 2024

Questioning Pretty, Envy, Arrogance, Reality, Suffering, and Capitalism

“The pretty ones are usually unhappy. They expect everyone to be enamored of their beauty. How can a person be content when their happiness lies in someone else's hands, ready to be crushed at any moment? Ordinary-looking people are far superior because they are forced to actually work hard to achieve their goals, instead of expecting people to fall all over themselves to help them.”
-- J. Cornell Michel

Am I actually pretty or are people lying to me? I feel and look so ugly 24/7, then people tell me I’m pretty.
You are pretty, and you are being too hard on yourself.
When I talk to people about vague concepts, most don't understand or want to talk about it; why? Is not everyone able or willing to think about consciousness, and imagining another level of being? Why can no one connect?

Because they’re “vague” concepts. A “concept” isn’t concrete as it is, so when you want to discuss a “vague” concept well, there isn’t much meat on the bone to hold a person’s attention. And, you want to discuss consciousness and “imagining” another level of being? On one hand, with two fingers, I can count the friends I can have this discussion with, and I may be able to hold their interest.

Isn’t this a smart question?
Uh… no.
What are the factors that make marriage more difficult today than it was in the past?

We tend to marry for the wrong reasons. We don’t understand the importance of the vows. We marry because we think we love them when it’s only the sex we love. We don’t understand what “forever” means. And, if you want to love someone, forever, why do they want to have sex with everyone else? It was so much easier when we took our time to get to know each other
Why do some people refuse to explain their actions or behavior when asked? Why do they claim to not know the reason instead of providing an explanation?
They are either embarrassed or stupid. Let’s assume they’re embarrassed, shall we?
Why should parents not lie to their kids?
It is confusing to the children. Is lying wrong or right? If your parents do it, it must be okay to do, right? So the parents call the child down for lying, and the child calls the parents down for lying, but the parents say it’s different. What? Lying is lying, and there is nothing different in it.
“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
What is considered an envious person?
A person who covets what another person has.
What do you think of the flood of [this site] users posting ChatGPT replies instead of trying to answer questions themselves?
An answer is an answer, but, sadly, the users posting replies are ignorant of the answer until they get it from ChatGPT.
I run a pig slaughter. How do people feel about what I do?
Someone has to do it.
Is it true that there is no future without a past? If it is so, why is the future unpredictable? The past is no mystery.
That is a falsehood. A child is born and the future begins. Everything that happens after the child awakens is the child’s future. For the awakened child, there is no past before awakening. The past belongs to the parents. The past, for the awakened child, is a mystery.
What is the conclusion on the role that has been assigned to the state?
We’ll find out when it concludes.
Should fat people even be considered human or just sentient blobs of blubber?
All humans are “human” regardless of girth. To judge them as “sentient blobs of blubber” says more about the person judging them. One has to wonder who gave the person the right to judge them.
“We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.”
-- J.K. Rowling
How do you deal with those who treat you arrogantly?
I ignore them. Most arrogance is caused by ignorance, and life is too short to deal with ignorant arrogance.
How do you get revenge on people who bullied you?
I was small, but I beat the crap out of one in junior high when his back was turned. In reality, when they all grew up, most of them realized the error of their ways. The one I beat the crap out of, pushed me over the line. I forgave myself for almost killing him with a tree branch and made certain I conducted myself with more control in the future.
What do you think about manipulation?
When I left the Intelligence field, I stopped thinking about it.
Could you live with toxic positivity?
I could, but I’d rather not if I had a choice. If I can’t make it non-toxic, I’ll find my positivity someplace else.
Why has everyone I have ever known for any length of time completely given up on me and decided I don’t matter despite never giving up on anyone else, ever?
Hanging with the wrong crowd who don’t give a shit.
How do I know when procrastination is just laziness and when it is due to real psychological havoc?
If one is honest with themselves, questions about “laziness” and “psychological havoc” would be one way. I have no “psychological havoc” so my procrastination is due to laziness, which I am well aware of.
“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”
-- Mark Twain
Why do people ignore reality? Why do they always teach lessons of humanity but they never help the poor and respect them?
Reality can be messy. My experience with teachers is that they like to teach, but they don’t like to get their hands dirty. This negates them ever working in a soup kitchen or shaking the hand of a poor person. As an interfaith minister, I have paid for the food, fed the poor, and shook more of their hands than I can remember.
How do I know how I actually look in real life, and how people see me?
How you “act” is how people see you. Trustworthy, personable, intelligent, mature, etc., is how people will see you. If you act like a doof, people will see a doof.
How do you trust?
Selectively. I trust very few people with what is valuable to me. I am friends with many people, but I am "close" friends with very few. It is one reason I hang out with many retired military and give respect to those who respect me. A doctor introduced him as Doctor So-and-so, and I introduced myself as retired Master Sergeant Villari. He looked at me crosseyed. I told him if he wanted to be known as a doctor, I wanted to be known as my military rank. I know I earned it. He laughed and shook my hand and said his name was Bill. Even this “trust” does not come without a price.
Why do evil people know they are doing wrong but keep doing it anyway?
This is going to sound matter-of-fact, but they are evil, and doing "wrong" is what they do.
Why are some people intimidated by the study of psychology and feel it’s a very difficult subject and not easily understandable?

Search me. I almost didn’t graduate from high school, but when I went to college I majored in psychology. I garnered a 3.2 GPA and never cracked a book. I soaked it all in and was going to get a letter from my professor for Stanford, but the military draft beat him to it. My psychology background got me a job in Air Force Intelligence.  

Can all mistakes we make as human beings be forgiven?
Yes, if you don’t keep making the same mistake. But, forgiveness is the purview of the strong, according to Mahatma Gandhi.
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
-- Mahatma Gandhi 

Are all human beings suffering?
I don't love you, and I don't respect you. I just think that you are a bitch. Do you understand?
I don’t know you, but I respect your opinion as someone seemingly ignorant of what being judgmental says about a person. Is that understandable?
How can I make a stranger happy if I offended her by touching her?
Try asking her. But, for God’s sake, don’t touch her anymore.
Is it okay to not know sometimes?

It is okay to not know most of the time. The only stuff you need to know most of the time is what you need to know. Everything else is just crap that will get you into trouble if you don’t know what to do with it. This is why, in the Intelligence field, they only tell you what you have a “need to know.”
Can something illogical exist?
Joe Biden is the President of the United States. Ta-da!
What are some important self-awareness factors for someone studying psychology?
I always told people to not do as I do, do as I say. Nobody is perfect, and they certainly don’t need to act like they are. Be aware that you aren’t any “more” than the people you try to help, you are just screwed up differently.
“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”
-- David Richo
Why do people in very capitalist countries not like to tell the truth and tell people to “be nice”?
Not every person does this. Telling the truth is the first tactic, and being nice is the second.
I believe my girlfriend was talking to and possibly sleeping with someone else in the past while we were together. I want to ask the guy if it happened. What’s the best way to approach asking him?
If you don’t trust her, what’s the point of this exercise? She will probably do what the guys will do - lie. The best thing you can do is trust who you are with… or let them go. If she’s seeing other guys, you are not what she wants to be with always.
What's worse than a stupid evil person?
An intelligent evil person. 
When someone identifies as something they are not, why must I agree with that identity?
You don’t have to. You have the right to work and live somewhere that identifies people for what they are.
When a friend asks, “Where have you been?”, how should one reply?
“Around.” They may be a friend, but some things friends don’t get to know.
In what situations would you say "it's not your fault" instead of "don't be sorry"?

If it is your fault, you accept responsibility and you have a lot of reason to be sorry. However, if it’s not your fault, why in the world would you be apologizing for it? If it is your fault, you apologize for it. If it isn’t your fault, you don’t apologize for it. It can’t be more simple than that. Of course, if you’re submissive, you apologize for everything and hope they spank you… hard… and long. Just saying.
“She wasn't afraid of him, and he liked that. He didn't want a meek mouse, no matter that he wanted someone utterly submissive. There was a difference between submissive and spineless.”
-- Maya Banks

Editor's Note
(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch - it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either view any more right or wrong than the other. Opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form their own opinions, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint.

I fervently hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion in an arena of mutual respect concerning those opinions offered. After twenty-three years of military intelligence, I believe that engaging each other in this manner, and in this arena, is a way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience... and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. Following his service career, he spent 17 years working with the premier and world-renowned Western Institutional Review Board, helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. He also served 8 years on the Board of Directors for the Angela J. Bowen Foundation.
Ordained in 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As a weapon for his war on intolerance, he chose the pen. He wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's personal, spiritual path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteered as the lead chaplain at a regional medical center.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tony at:

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Questioning Revenge, Answering, Debating, Truth, Equating, and Rude


“Childhood trauma does not come in one single package.”
-- Asa Don Brown


Note to my readers:  Not to blow my horn too loudly, but I was just informed that 10,579 people have read my posts this week.  That is similar to the past few weeks of reporting.  If this keeps up, I will garner 42,316 readers for the month or 507,792 readers for the year.  I can count the naysayers on one hand for the year.  Not bad for simply giving my humble opinion.  


Why does no one let me commit a drive-by shooting for revenge for my childhood trauma?
Because that is what a “sick fuck” does. Rise above your own “childhood trauma” and be a force to change “childhood trauma” for other kids. This is what a “force to be reckoned with” would do.
Why, why, why, why?
“Why?” This is the question of the ages. We should all be interested in it. The answer is not “Because.”
Without invoking a higher power, how do you reconcile the moral framework that many societies adhere to? What basis do you see for ethical principles and values?
Why would I invoke a higher power who washed His hands of us, and gave us everything we need to succeed in life? Moral framework and ethical principles and values all rest on the foundation of the “rule of law” for the specific society or country. Except for those countries that have bastardized their religious beliefs into a reason to declare war, we all base our beliefs on a similar framework.
What do you call selective amnesia at age 2 or 4 that lasts for less than an hour?
Bad filing system. It lasts for less than an hour, so the system is getting a handle on the issue.
Loved people such as friends and immediate family members always come first then pets/animals. It's just how most and/or sane people think. Who else agrees?
I agree if we’re discussing situations that just can’t wait. Priority falls to the most at risk. If the risk is acceptable, the animals can come first so there is nothing you need to worry over while helping others.
I got rejected by all "Ivies" and T20 schools and eventually went to a so-so one. Is my life so far considered a failure?
It depends on how you excel at the “so-so” one. You are there to learn, so learn more than the instructor. You will not be a failure.
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”
-- Maya Angelou
Why are we humans willing to answer questions asked by people we do not know. If these people stopped us in the street to ask us the same questions, even if we were not busy, we would not be willing to answer compared to answering online?
That is such bullshit. I have no filter, according to a particular lady friend, so if you asked me a question, I’d sit you down and bore you to death. It is what I do.
What is the best method you use to answer questions; the 'perfect' response?
I only answer questions that I have some experience with. Whether it is a “perfect” response is up to the receiver, the questioner. I could be out in left field, but I try not to be. If I’m not sure of my answer, I state that fact. I try to keep my answers short and to the point, so people don’t get bored with my bullshit.
In the age of social media, how do people navigate the decision-making process when accepting or rejecting friend requests from individuals they may not know personally?
If you make mistakes you can block, restrict, or report “friends” that are assholes.
How can I recover from my trauma of being overloaded with too much truth or information?
The truth can be a bitch. Exercise those broad shoulders you are supposed to have… or take a break. A couple of days of “me time” never hurts if you need a break. It would be better, however, to learn how to deal with the truth or information you may not want to hear.
Who is the most evil person in history? Is it a world leader or someone more obscure?
Adolf Hitler.
To what extent might ethics be open to interpretations?
If you have a good code of ethical behaviors, they are not open to interpretation… at least not by you. If you can constantly “re-interpret” them, what is the point of having “good ethics” in your life? You live by good ethics this week, but next week... not so much? It's not a good way to live life.
“The word "good" has many meanings. For example, if a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards, I should call him a good shot, but not necessarily a good man.”
-- G.K. Chesterton
Why do some people think that personal experiences trump statistics and data and is it worth debating such people? I find it frustrating debating people who argue on this basis because their experience isn't representative of the facts or reality.
Personal experience can be the exception to the rule. Because there is a “rule” it becomes very hard to debate using your experience.
Is it true that most people who are dumb don’t even know that they are dumb because they are too dumb to realize how dumb they are?
For the most part, this can be true. My experience says that most “dumb” people know they are lacking the spark of intelligence that might set them off from the madding crowd. But, doesn’t knowing this already set them on a more intelligent side? I think if you are capable of learning anything, you are “smarter” than you are dumb, and if you apply yourself you will realize the world will open to you.

Will stupid people survive the coming years of technology? 

There will always be menial jobs for those who have limited intelligence. If most people are involved with technology, who will dump their trash or clean the restrooms? 

Is it common for people who have been abandoned as children, by their biological parents, to develop cold personalities, sarcastic or careless attitudes, as defensive mechanisms toward such trauma? Are such considered mentally ill?
Not necessarily. Children who have been through this can see the anguish of other children going through this, and they can step in a show a strength that can get the other children to a better place mentally. Children who allow this abandonment to negatively affect their lives may, very well, become mentally ill. But, I think that most children can grow stronger, as they get older, from the negativity thrust upon them.
How is it true that when dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion?
Pretty true. We learn this during interrogation.
What has happened to you related to a cult?
In 1974, several of us in the Air Force went to check out Scientology. It didn’t take us long to see through the “mind control” and realize most of the people getting involved were weak-minded. Getting out of the “cult” atmosphere was tough… for anyone but members of the Intelligence branch. Physically touching us was their first mistake. We got some exercise that day. We went back to the air base and did a debrief for the commander. He put Scientology off-limits for our base, at the time, and I was told they were not allowed on the base to "recruit" membership.
“Scientology always has been a game of power and control. L. Ron Hubbard was the ultimate con man, and it's hard to figure out how much of Scientology was an experiment in brainwashing and controlling people, and how much of it was truly intended to help people.”
-- Jenna Miscavige Hill
What are some signs that indicate a person is genuinely seeking truth?
They don’t let anyone prevent them from picking apart what they consider to be bullshit. They will dig down until they find the truth.
How is it wrong to post someone's obituary to your blog, when that's the only evidence you have to prove that that person's family belongs to a corrupt organization?
If their obituary has proof that they belong to a corrupt organization, then the police are morons and the corrupt organization knows this. Shame on the police. Wrong to post? Hell, post away!
What are the reasons behind people thinking he is a bad person now?
Who are we considering? 
Why should I know why I do what I do? What are the reasons that make people know this?
According to Friedrich Nietzsche, if you have a “why” to live for, you can bear almost any how. If you don’t know why you do what you do, why, in God’s name, are you doing it? The reason why most people know this is because they don’t want to waste their time doing things for no reason.
What is the impact of motivational factors on academic achievement?
If you have no motivation, why would you expect any achievement? The impact on achievement is certainly tied to an individual’s motivation.
What are the reasons behind people not recognizing their own ignorance? Can anything be done to address this issue?
Uh… they’re ignorant. Point out why they are wrong.
“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”
-- Harlan Ellison

Why do people equate hatred with ignorance?
People tend to hate what they are ignorant about. If you’re going to hate something, know what you’re talking about. Otherwise, you’re just another jackass in the herd braying.
What do people lie about?
Sexual affairs. Usually to their wife or husband.
Is it still lying if someone doesn't tell you right away?
If you don’t ask them, they have no “responsibility” to tell you. If they blab, why would anyone tell them anything? Is that right? Not necessarily, any more than it’s wrong. What you don’t know can’t hurt you. But, when you know, friendships can go south… rapidly.
What motivates someone to feel superior over others? Is this a common mindset or uncommon?
Ego, or a false sense of ego. It is becoming more uncommon as we learn to accept each other for what we bring to the table.
Why do some people like authority over others?
Ego. They like the feeling of having authority over other people.
What is the meaning behind a person constantly telling lies and never admitting to them, but then denying them later on?
If you always tell the truth, you don’t have to remember what you said. I think they deny them because they know you found out they were wrong, or they forgot the lie they told in the first place. Karma always catches up with liars first. It is simple to disprove bullshit. If it sounds too good to be true…
“There are three types of lies -- lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
-- Benjamin Disraeli
Why do some people consider asking why to be rude?
They are ignorant, and content to remain so.
How would you feel if someone called you stupid and disrespectful for not putting Nas or Jadakiss in your top ten rappers of all time?
I don’t like “rap” so it matters little what people call me. It makes little matter what people call me, period. If they choose to show their stupidity and disrespect by judging me over rap, so be it. I will support them.
Is somebody a liar if they're 99% honest?
Is someone “infectious” if they are 1% “infectious” to other people? It would seem so.
If Trump was not running for president, would he be facing any of the lawsuits that he is now?
No. The lawsuits have no foundation and are politically motivated. He should sell his buildings and move from New York. The outcry would be heard around the world. He could set up shop in Florida and do no business with New York ever again. Just saying. 
Is it considered rude to constantly talk about oneself instead of asking others questions about themselves?
It is rude and egotistical.
How do I find an enemy to verbally disrespect?
Do you have to find an enemy to verbally disrespect? They are dripping off the walls. My favorite is Vladimir Putin. He thought it would take less than a week to take Ukraine. Two years later, he hasn’t moved more than he originally had, and the Ukrainians have shown the world what they are made of. Yeah, it would be really easy to disrespect Putin.
"You can get arrested if you live in Russia, and you say that there is war in Ukraine. You can only say "special operation." There is a popular joke in Russia: Tolstoy’s "War and Peace" should be now renamed "Special Operation and Peace."
-- Boris Akunin
Editor's Note
(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch - it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either view any more right or wrong than the other. Opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form their own opinions, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint.

I fervently hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion in an arena of mutual respect concerning those opinions offered. After twenty-three years of military intelligence, I believe that engaging each other in this manner, and in this arena, is a way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience... and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. Following his service career, he spent 17 years working with the premier and world-renowned Western Institutional Review Board, helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. He also served 8 years on the Board of Directors for the Angela J. Bowen Foundation.
Ordained in 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As a weapon for his war on intolerance, he chose the pen. He wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's personal, spiritual path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteered as the lead chaplain at a regional medical center.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tony at:

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Questioning Leisure, Introversion, Answers, Asking, Friends, and Truth

“Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?”
-- Chuck Palahniuk

In societies where leisure is already a reality, can boredom become a problem?
It can be, but constant introspection will be the warning that you have to get off your ass and do something meaningful instead of being bored.
Why is it that some people my age are rich and I'm wasting time trolling on Quora?
You aren’t rich.
How do I deal with a lazy stepson who won't move out?
I’m sorry. I missed the point where this is your house. If it were his house, my confusion wouldn’t be warranted. Throw his sorry ass out, and change the locks.
The theory makes predictions that are stupidly wrong, so the theory is objectively wrong. How can people be so stupid and ignorant of such self-evident obvious facts?
It would be nice to know what the “theory” is you’re talking about.
Author's comment:  no, you say that but you will be offended when you see the proof in my profile. If any other reaction is anything to go by.

My reply:  English is a second language?
What are some of the lessons one should definitely learn in their 20s?
Whether a political candidate is full of shit. We can’t survive another 4 years of octogenarian fog simply because the candidate’s memory is dicey.
Why do I post questions that make no sense?
Take solace in that you’re not the only one who posts questions that make no sense.
“In life; not all questions require gentle answers, some just want you to be so stupid to answer in a stupid way.”
-- Oscar Auliq-Ice
Can you share a personal experience of how you overcame introversion and how it impacted your life?
I started dating. I got laid a lot.
Are some people destined to be unsuccessful?
Yes, and it is generally not their fault. Many are not “parented” to succeed in life or attain goals. 

What are some of the best examples of "American ignorance"?
Who voted Joe Biden for President?
I have a fear that everyone I've asked tells me is irrational but I have a hard time believing them. Is it then true that my fear is irrational?
It depends on what the fear is. But, generally, fear is pretty rational to each person. Fear helps keep us alive when faced when we’re faced with life-threatening situations.
How did you make it out of your addiction? I’m curious to hear other stories.
Nope. I’m still addicted to great-looking ladies.
Is it considered wrong to speak without knowledge?
It isn’t “wrong,” it just makes the person sound wrong… and, unfortunately, they usually are.
“A fool is made more of a fool when their mouth is more open than their mind.”
-- Anthony Liccione
Does [this site] share answers with people?
The answers are out there for anybody to read. This site doesn’t have to “share” anything. They can negate perfectly acceptable answers, but, for the most part, everything is shared. They have some moderators with a 2x4 up their derriere.
Does anyone ever pass the test?

Which test?
How do you handle a bad situation?
Delicately. Bad situations can get even worse if you handle them with no forethought. I give bad situations a lot of forethought before I open my pie hole. Your mouth can be your worst enemy or another person’s saving grace.
Would you keep texting a friend you only meet once a month? My friend acts like we are best mates. We only meet once a month. Would you just text occasionally?
That would depend on how pretty she is.
Does [this site] share answers with people?
The answers are out there for anybody to read. This site doesn’t have to “share” anything. They can negate perfectly acceptable answers, but, for the most part, everything is shared. They have some moderators with a 2x4 up their derriere.
How hard is it to leave a horrific past?
Not very hard, but you never want to forget it, lest you are tricked into repeating it.
“If you forget the path traveled, you will forget the path to travel”
-- Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar 

What is the best way to ask your grown child to move out?

“It is time for you to move out. No, really. Get the hell out.”

How did humans discover the ability to have knowledge?

We always had “knowledge.” Expanding that knowledge, on the other hand, came soon after. Everything we learned added to our knowledge base. First, we grunted, then certain grunts came to mean certain things, and so on. Okay, that’s rudimentary, but it makes a point.
Can someone who has been betrayed by their partner forgive them and move on with life?
They can forgive, but forgetting is the hardest part.
What's it like being a racist coward?
Never been one. But, it must be terrible to know you are one. Knowing that the surgeon of a different race is going to save your worthless life. There is a special place in hell… but, that’s another story.
Would you sell your soul to save another’s?
Yes. It is a selfless act that will be understood and cherished by God. 
Why does Allah like to hate so much?
Allah likes “to hate so much” because people are taught that He does by people who make up this drivel. People need to get a grip and believe that the Creator only wants the best for us.
"We will remove whatever rancor there is in their chests, and streams will run for them. They will say, ‘All praise belongs to Allah, who guided us to this’"
-- Q 7:43
My child is friends with negroes. What should I do?
If you aren’t a racist, nothing. If you are a racist… the same choice, or you can be labeled as a racist. What choice can you live with?
My 20-year-old son wants to sue me and his mother because we created him without his permission. What should we do?
You brought him into this world, albeit without his permission. But, you can certainly take him out, as well. I’d make sure you offer this to him and have witnesses to hear him balk at it. Make sure your lawyer tells the court you made the offer. I’d love to be a fly on the wall of the courtroom for this one. What an ungrateful and selfish young man you created. Do not offer to pay for his lawyer.
What would make you hate someone you used to love?
Cheating on me, constantly. I divorced her, I still love her, I just can’t be around her.
Is it worth having an opinion even if it won't change anything?
It is a right to have an opinion, even if it doesn’t change anything. Having an opinion contrary to other people doesn’t, necessarily, make you wrong. If you end up being right, people might pay more attention to your opinion.
Is deception an effort to remove the right of free will?
To make an effort of deception is you exercising your free will.
How do you find out if life is an illusion?
Other than offing yourself, you can’t. And offing yourself is a one-off. Better that you just enjoy the ride and try to be all you can be in this “illusion” you might be in. I would hate to off myself just to find I was wrong. That would just piss me off… or not, depending.
“A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”
-- Saul Bellow

Why does critical theory exist rather than not exist?
Does a “theory” truly exist, or is it critical that we find the truth of it?
Why do I keep thinking everybody is good when they might not be?
Everyone is good until they prove the contrary. This is life teaching us lessons about good and bad. We can learn, or we can keep trying to learn. It depends on how much you want to be hurt in life. I have a pretty good record when it comes to separating the wheat from the chaff.
Is it possible for some people to be inherently bad and not care about their actions towards others?
It happens all the time.
What would you estimate the IQ of a person who truly believes they're "the smartest person ever" to be? What about the person who thinks they may be, but has doubts?
“The smartest person ever” has no reason to think such a thing. This is the person who “has doubts.”
What happens if a friend doesn't talk to you?
They are preoccupied, or… what have you done?
Is it possible to ignore laws that go against our beliefs, values, or morals if we live under the rule of law?
You can do anything you want to do. You might go to jail or hell because the “rule of law” is what you have to follow, or… you can find a country that will let you act out.
"There can be no free society without law administered through an independent judiciary. If one man can be allowed to determine for himself what is law, every man can. That means first chaos, then tyranny."
-- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter


Editor's Note
(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch - it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either view any more right or wrong than the other. Opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form their own opinions, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint.

I fervently hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion in an arena of mutual respect concerning those opinions offered. After twenty-three years of military intelligence, I believe that engaging each other in this manner, and in this arena, is a way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience... and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. Following his service career, he spent 17 years working with the premier and world-renowned Western Institutional Review Board, helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. He also served 8 years on the Board of Directors for the Angela J. Bowen Foundation.
Ordained in 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As a weapon for his war on intolerance, he chose the pen. He wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's personal, spiritual path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteered as the lead chaplain at a regional medical center.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tony at: