
Friday, August 30, 2013

Gay Marriage Equality

The gay marriage issue has been preoccupying the western world for some time now.  There have been so many aspects brought to the forefront that many, don't only not know what to think, they are tired of thinking about it at all.
The waters have become so muddied by opinion and counter opinion that even a stupid seagull wouldn't feel comfortable wading into it.
Let's face it, the gay community played this very smart.  How many people feel strongly enough about this issue to fight it to the death?  A few groups that want the rest of the lazy fighters to throw money at the problem so they can skim off the top. 
Well, hell, that's perfect!  All the gay community had to do was wait for an ass kissing President that just wants their votes, and keep brow beating the public until they did mental shut down and declared they really don't give a tinker's damn, children are being tortured in Syria!
Note to reader:  Where the heck did the term "tinker's damn" come from and what does it mean?  And, I threw in the reference to Syrian children being tortured cause it really just pisses me off!
I heard yesterday the IRS is going to recognize all legal gay marriages.  This is pretty much the beginning of the end for the opponents of gay marriage.  It is what it is, learn to deal with it and get over it.
In twenty years we'll look back on this as an exercise in intolerance that really had no footing in common sense except to pad the pockets of those in their own circles that fueled the fire.  This kind of mercenary attitude reminds me of the African-American equality loons that prey on their own by fueling the non-existent fires of bigotry in this country.  There is an old axiom in southern politics, "keep them fed, clothed, sheltered, and stupid, you'll have a voter for life."  It's really too bad when your own treat you like the politicians instead of working for better access to education and building a solid family unit.  But, I digress.
I have no problem with gay marriage.  My only issues with the gay culture is that I wish they would treat me with the same respect I wish to treat them.  Stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder.  This is the attitude that has kept the African-American segment of our society in self-imposed mental slavery for the past 150 years.  When you start accepting everybody else, everybody else eventually becomes accepting of you, eventually.  It takes time.  Wearing a chip that won't go away does nothing to help people move on.
As a pastor, I am fully cognizant of the possibility I may be called on to perform a same sex wedding.  I have no issue with this.  I only ask that it is done for the right reasons, and not just to make a statement.  The statement is like an old, beaten down horse.  It is time to kill it, bury it, and let's all move forward.
In the end, racism and gay acceptance boils down to love of our fellow human beings on this planet.  Our willingness to put aside our bigotries and be more tolerant, to open our minds and find common ground, and realize we are all on a path leading to the same destination.
We're just taking different routes.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Wasteland

“I am living in hell from one day to the next. But there is nothing I can do to escape. I don't know where I would go if I did. I feel utterly powerless, and that feeling is my prison. I entered of my own free will, I locked the door, and I threw away the key.”

-- Haruki Murakami, author, writer

It's what your life feels like, every day - a wasteland.  You searched for heaven, thought you'd found it, and discovered hell on earth; cruelty in the guise of a lover.  You mistakenly invite evil into your life.
Every nerve ending on edge, like dry sand when it gets into your clothes and works in around your nether regions; itching.  Something you can't simply ignore.  You become an emotional desert where very little grows, and nobody cares.  You feel yourself dying. The only sound, a tuft of grass cracking as it dries out.  No breeze, no humidity, nothing alive - a wasteland.
You feel as if your life has become an emotional wasteland.  A territory even cockroaches won't frequent.

You've reached the point where sanity teeters on a fine edge, a breaking point.  You try to push it from your mind and go back to preparing chicken for dinner 
And then, you hear it.  Like so many other days before, at this same time, the closing of a car door in the driveway, and the certain knowledge that the beating is about to commence.  Another beating, not because of some way you have been lacking, but of a perception that you've been.  His perception, because he needs someone to blame for his inadequacies.  Someone weaker.
You tighten your fingers around the carving knife on the counter, and you wait.
The front door opens and he shouts his usual derisive comment at you from the front room.  You brace for the assault to come.  His footfalls go another direction, though, toward the bedroom.  Some other priority consumes his attention.  The bathroom door closes, locks.
Your hand begins to shake and you put the knife back on the counter.  You see his keys on the table near the front door with his wallet.  Your mind screams at you, "MOVE!"
Twelve hours later you pull into a small beachfront motel with separate bungalows, park, and turn off the motor.  You sit there in silence as the realization hits that you can't remember one mile of the last hours.  After checking in to a small room you take a walk on the beach in bare feet and watch the sunrise.  Removing the thousand dollars, taken from the auto teller before leaving town, and the odd cash from his wallet, you consider the credit cards and think about the paper trail.  You stuff the cash in a pocket, draw your arm back, and throw the cards and the wallet as far as you can into the waves.
The sun peaks over the horizon and warms your face as you truly smile for the first time in years.  Good riddance. 
On your way back to the motel you pass a tuft of grass growing from a dune.  You stop as it makes a familiar cracking noise.  No, not cracking, rustling - from the morning breeze coming off the water.  The sound of the waves crashing and the gulls overhead.  A beetle scurries from the base of the tuft and races like a dune buggy over the sand. 
The sights and sounds of life.  Your life.  Your future.
Life is much too short to be caught up in an abusive relationship.  Violence is not an answer.  If you can't divorce yourself from it, then leave.  This sounds very simplistic when you consider all the reasons you can't just leave.  So, the option is what?  To commit murder?  To let the situation final spiral to no other option than death?  His, or yours?
I think one must, eventually, come to a realization that nothing is more important than one's self.  Things are just things.  Things can be replaced, as can living people.  You can always get new stuff, new friends, new life, new freedom, a new and better love.  It starts with what God gave each us.  It starts with life.  Life always starts somewhere.  Your life starts with you.  Be brave and take the first step on a new path.

Learn to love you first, then learn to love others.  Take care of you first.  Heal you first.  Put on your oxygen mask first, before helping the passenger next to you.

It just makes sense. 

“An abuser can seem emotionally needy. You can get caught in a trap of catering to him, trying to fill a bottomless pit. But he’s not so much needy as entitled, so no matter how much you give him, it will never be enough. He will just keep coming up with more demands because he believes his needs are your responsibility until you feel drained down to nothing.”
-- Lundy Bancroft, author, abuse counselor

Editor's Note

(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch, it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either opinion any more right or wrong than the other. An opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form opinions of their own, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint. 

It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion, in an arena of mutual respect, concerning those opinions put forth. After over twenty years with military intelligence, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience, and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. He spent 17 years, following his service career, working with the premier, world renowned, Institutional Review Board helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. Ordained 1n 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As the weapon for his war on intolerance he chose the pen, and wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's own personal, spiritual, path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He currently resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteers as lead Chaplain and Chaplain Program Liaison, at the regional medical center. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I Just Helped Him Cry

This e-mail is making the rounds again.  It lists the answers of children when they are asked what love is.  The following story was included and I always find it precious.  Get out the tissues.
It tells of a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. 

Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, "Nothing , I just helped him cry."

"When there is nothing left but God , that is when you find out that God is all you need."

Atheists - More Intelligent?

I heard this announcement of a study showing atheists are more intelligent than the religious was going to be a segment on a news show.  I waited but the segment didn't air, or I just missed it.  Any way, I went online and found an article about it.  This was a new study by the University of Rochester which found that religious people are less likely to be intelligent than their atheist counterparts.  Some reasons stated:
 “Intelligent people typically spend more time in school—a form of self-regulation that may yield long-term benefits,” according to the study. “More intelligent people get higher-level jobs (and better employment (and higher salary) may lead to higher self-esteem and encourage personal control beliefs.”

“People possessing the functions that religion provides are likely to adopt atheism, people lacking these very functions (e.g., the poor, the helpless) are likely to adopt theism,”

Researchers defined intelligence as the “ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience.”  Religion was defined by involvement in some (or all) facets of religion.

Some argued the definition of intelligence was too narrow and did not include the creative or emotional intelligence.  Study subjects were also not representative of the world population as most of the participants came from the U.S., U.K. and Canada.

This being said, I kept an open mind and decided to agree thee science seems fairly sound and, had they asked me, I could have saved them the research funding.  This is common sense.  I will give you the simplistic view:  If you only wear the same outfit everyday, you don't have the decision making involved in color, style, etc., so it frees your brain to focus on other things.  But, who wants a closet full of the same suit?
I found it interesting that, although believers in religion are dropping in numbers, atheism is relatively stagnant in growth.  Are people leaving religion for spirituality, as I believe, and not because they find any alternate comfort in atheism?
I went to Wikipedia to see if they had any numbers on atheism.  Wikipedia breaks famous atheists into their various fields of study, which for me was interesting to look through.  After comparing the various fields of study, I finished with the "political" list.  I came up with my own conclusion.
I can agree that there are, and have been, many intelligent people that claim atheism.  The lists given were quite lengthy.  This is not to say that I probably could have presented an equally impressive list of the religious that have been responsible for building civilization as we know it. 
Almost all of the politicians and philosophers on the list are communists or socialists, not surprising when you consider their doctrinal view toward religion.  I have to wonder if atheism takes into account that most of the politicians associated with it would opt for world domination and would be very happy to utilize all of the intelligent atheists to attain that end.  Many of Hitler's henchmen, the Soviet, Mao in China, other notable revolutionaries, all made the list.
This study is typical of any argument against religious tolerance.  It attempts to place atheists above everybody else.  One of the many comments to this study came from an individual calling himself "Samuel Adams" who had this to say:    

"NO one NEEDS religion in their lives. No one needs to be ignorant. They might need a backbone and some courage to face the fact that they'll die someday and that will be IT - but they do NOT and I repeat NOT need or are required to have religion in their life.
Wanting to believe in a fairy tale because you're scared of the dark is pathetic and diseased. Allowing people to be self-deluded so that they "feel better" isn't doing them any favors, and can allow them the perception that they can make rules, regulations and laws based on their delusions that affect INNOCENT, INTELLIGENT people.
Your right to believe in fairy tales stop when it affects my life and my Constitutional rights"
Tolerance?  I think not, but that wouldn't surprise an atheist, according to this study.  For most atheists we hear from in the news, we might conclude that it's all about them, and screw everybody else.  I would like to think that this isn't the case for all.
But, I keep going back to the list of politicians.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Take Five, and Relax

I had a busy week last week.
I presented several posts that I figured put me on the hit list for the Islamic heretics as well as the Christian fundamentalists.  I took a couple of shots at the blatant ignorance of hate mongers as well. 
I went to the beach.  I stretched out on the sand and took a moment to think.
When you break everything down, blame is easy to place.  The fault lies with us.  It lies with where we place our beliefs, our faith, and our trust.
Christians, Islam, and even the Jews interpret their doctrines as the wind blows.  Is there really any question why heretical leaders find it easy to con the faithful into believing peaceful religions are foundations for the destruction of their fellow humans, contrary to the wishes of their respective prophets, or God?
Nobody takes personal responsibility to read the sacred texts.  Nobody wants to think for themselves.  We are lazy.  Oh, we haven't become lazy, we have been lazy for over 2000 years.  When God finds it necessary to send prophets, someone is sleeping on the job.  When God finds it necessary to kick ass and take names, we should all be concerned.  Yet, we continue to wander blindly, hoping someone will save us.
We pay for someone to save us.  My recent post on tithing and offerings was meant as a cold slap for the lazy amongst us that expect religious elders to cement our place in heaven.  Too lazy to even praise our God properly.  Don't give God want you think God wants, give what God needs.
What God needs won't be found in a book.  It won't spew forth from the mouth of a priest.  It won't be found in your wallet because it can't be bought.  I would say that just about all good, peaceful religions build the foundation of their faith on the fact that God gave us all the knowledge to provide what our God needs.  We have forgotten that knowledge by rewriting and reinterpreting the sacred texts, and by preaching the opposite of what was intended.
If you want to find your faith, your spirituality, look into your heart.  You know what is right.  You know what God intended, what God needs.  It isn't killing the infidel, it isn't waging a jihad, it isn't launching holy crusade after crusade to convert the heathens or having religious inquisitors torturing the faithful.  My God how far we have fallen from the original Word.
We need to stop looking in all the wrong places.
I went to the beach.  I stretched out on the sand and took a moment to think.  I looked into my heart and saw all the good that was in front of me.  The sand, blue sky, the wisps of clouds, the waves and the ocean.  Seagulls flew overhead, children played and parents set about making a meal.
I went to the beach and looked into my heart.  It's where I keep finding God.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tithes and Offering

"Verily I say, give your money unto the stock broker and he will multiply it ten fold." 

Bullshit!  How many have fallen into this brokerage trap?  Tithing and Offering is like giving your hard earned cash to a stock broker.  If he were any good at choosing stocks to invest in he'd be on a beach drinking foo-foo drinks with little umbrellas, not losing your money too.  As it is with stock brokers, I believe it is with most churches. 

Who ever said you have to give to the church?  Now listen to the question.  To the church?  Give unto God, yes.  This is another aspect of writing and re-writing the Bible where the hidden agenda is control of the population, free thought, and separating you from your hard earned cash so the church can live in the lap of luxury.  Vatican City...hmmmm.

Check it out yourself.  I read through the 168 Bible verses on in their post, 168 Bible Verses about Tithes And Offering.  Interpreting these to say God wants you to fill the coffers of the church to prove your love is a stretch.  It says to give, yes.  Give to the poor, the needy, the hungry.  Help your neighbor.  Can you do that by giving to the church?  Yes, if you are lazy.  The problem with lazy is that God will know you are.  Shouldn't love of God and your fellow man be an active endeavor by the faithful, not by their proxy?  And how much of what you give gets to the target and not to "administrative expenses?"

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."
Matthew 6:1-4    

Consider what most of the TV charities involving feeding children in the world tout.  Your thirty cents a day can provide three meals to c child in need.  Really?  So all of the religious tithing for time before time has not ended hunger?  Think about that.  Someone is feeding the faithful a load of horse manure, and the faithful are proving they are gullible enough believe it.

I'm not say don't give.  I am saying give intelligently so you feel that the money is spent appropriately, otherwise, if you want to throw your money away, you might as well give that dollar to the guy with the sign on the corner so he can buy his next bottle, or pack of smokes.

The church would tell you that without funds the place of worship could not be built.  I offer that, to praise God, you don't need it anyway.  Where two or more of you gather...the money could be put to better use.

Next Sunday at worship try passing the offering basket to the next sucker.  Go to the market and purchase $10 in groceries and dropping it at the food bank.  Find a deal on blankets and pass them out to the homeless on sleeping in doorways or on benches.  Adopt a poor family and make sure that child has book and school supplies to better their lot for the future.  YOU invest your money in humanity!  I guarantee it will make you feel something special that you won't get from dropping cash in that wicker basket.

OK, now that I have damned myself, once again, in the eye of organized religion...

God bless us, one and all!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hate Mongering Continues

Note to the reader:  There is no graphic I wished to use for this post.  I think it is evident why. just posted an article (see link below) that was typical of many news articles.
Have you ever looked at the comments that follow these news articles?  I see them with Yahoo! and other e-news posts as well.  I have tried to some semblance of even handedness in my comments to these articles and some comments of other people as well.  This is a great way over opening the gates of hell onto yourself.
The absolute seething, blatant, hatred that explodes in response to these articles is more than worrisome.  To say these people are hate-mongers would be like saying the Nazis were girl scouts.  I was immediately sorry I read to the bottom of the comments to this article, but I had to do it to get the complete message.  The complete message?
I think my reference to Nazis is well placed.  To read these comments one finds one' self transported to Germany of the 1930's.  I keep waiting, throughout the read, for the reference to a "final solution" for the Islamic problem.  Let's face it, the only good Muslim is a dead one, right?  The sins of the father are visited upon the children, right?
If you haven't read my post on the Syrian torture and killing of their own children, and the killing of their own women, I would recommend a viewing.  The numbers are appalling.  I would beg everyone to take a breath before we condemn children to the new furnaces of nouveau Nazism. 
Right now Islam is it's own worst enemy.  I don't think we need to fan the flames of hatred.  Islam is in need of a voice of peace and reason.  This voice will be assassinated, to be sure.  Martyrdom seems to be what is understood, and through this martyr Islam may find they're way back to the original message put forth by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).  The world can only hope.
Instead of joining the insanity, try a voice of reason and understanding.  Most important, if this isn't your way, at least try hitting the right target with your vehement hatred.  Aim it at the heretics, like all of Islam should be doing.

Sunday Thought - August 25, 2013: Dance Like There's No Tomorrow!

The music on stage screams, "DANCE!" 
No one in the entire festival stands up to take center tarmac.  What do you do?
Dance like there's no tomorrow!
This Sunday, once again, let's try to jump out of the box, out of our comfort zone.  Let's try to dance!
So, you find yourself with that significant other, or perhaps just a friend, sitting in the café for Sunday breakfast.  A tune comes over the sound system that just gets your toes to tappin'.  Hey, no one says you have to dance through the whole tune, just snatch up your lady and give it a twirl or two, and maybe a dip.  Make sure you thank her, and, what the hell, bow to the crowd if they applaud your unabashed public show of happiness.
I could tell this couple, to the left, was having a great time.  They were not alone, they had each other.  Everybody else was superfluous to their moment, until the applause.  Even the band gave them a hand.
People like these folks show us how to live.  Most of us wouldn't put it out there, venture to be a spectacle.  How short life is.  God forbid they were to lose the other only minutes after they thought of dancing, and hadn't.  What a loss that would be for them.
Dance, like there's no tomorrow!  There may not be.  This also holds true for things left unsaid like, "I love you!"
Dance, like there's nobody watching!  Who cares?  Truth be known you are dancing for you, and maybe for her.  If people are watching, like most of the crowd around this couple, you dance for them because they won't.
Dance, even if you can't!  Hey, nobody else got up there to try with this couple.  Let em' laugh!  Deep down inside they know you showed them how to live!
This Sunday let's leave our comfort zone at home and dance a lil' ditty for the day, for ourselves, our significant others, and for God!

Friday, August 23, 2013

God's Grace

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
His love endures forever.
Psalm 118:1

When did I fall from grace? At what point in my young life?
When, in my youthful exuberance, did I fall from favor?

When did I realize you knew?  Oh, you always knew.
Like my mother when I’d done wrong, you also knew.

And you let me keep on keeping on, giving me a free pass.
Or did you?  Was I paying for it all the time?

My actions had consequences, affected others.
Though, it may have been subtle, ripples occurred in the pond.

The cost of wearing blinders is realized at one’s enlightenment.
The damage becomes obvious, and one’s path becomes clear.

Some find their path early and miss the self-imposed roadblocks.
They moved unobtrusively through their youth, while others are like a train wreck.

I fell somewhere in-between, while my train was considering the jump.
All of my passengers wondered what in hell was going on.

But, did I fall?  I’m not so sure anymore.
If there is a plan, then everything played out accordingly.

Like my girlfriend, that found drugs and later found redemption.
She found a marvelous husband that died tragically and left a beautiful child.

In each instance I see a truth has evolved, another lesson paid forward, from one to the next.
Life events passed from me to her, from her to her child, lessons and new pathways.

I didn't fall out of grace.  I fell from grace into grace, again and again.
Yes, mistakes were made.  None were unforgivable.  Not to God.

We all play and we all learn, some the hard way, until we become aware.
The lessons we learn provide our path, through this life and the next.

Once we become aware of our journey, we will begin to enjoy the sights.
It truly is not just about the destination, it is more about the journey.

Today I look forward to another few miles.  Meeting new friends and sharing.
Today is another glorious day on my path.  Another day in God's grace.

Take a moment to breathe, realize that you make your daily life.
Then, do what God put you here to do. 


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Syria and The Torture of Children

I have learned, after my tenure with military intelligence, not to ever be shocked at what man is capable of doing to each other.  What continues to shock me, however, is our continuing indifference to the killing and torture of children.  There will always be collateral damage which needs to be minimized in any conflict, but to consciously go out and arrest children, torture and kill them is the epitome of evil.  To stand by while it happens and do nothing is less evil?  I think not.  We as a nation have finally become what other nations have called us for years, "The Evil Empire."

How many lines in the sand, Mr. President?  And why isn't this creating an outcry in the population, or Congress?  Have we become so insensitive, or is it desensitized?  What has happened to our leadership?  What has happened to our humanity?  

I, for one, an ashamed to call myself an American under this administration, and a human being under the auspices of this inept United Nations that allows this to continue.  How dare us!  We are already damned for what we have allowed to continue, when do we take a stand and say, ENOUGH!

I cry for the innocent.  I cry for the children.

For those not in the know, I have gleaned some numbers from Wikipedia:

Estimated death toll varies between 80,725 and 106,425.  As of July 4 the U.N. estimated the total at over 100,000.
UNICEF reports over 500 children have died as of early February 2012.  Another 400 reportedly arrested and tortured in Syrian prisons. 
By August 2013 the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported the number of children killed in the conflict had risen to 5,553.  They also reported 3,607 women were also killed. 
The U.N. put the number of children killed at 6,561.

I contend that it is time to stop counting.  We have proven we can count.  Let us try proving we are still caring human beings.

I have to add one thing, since I stand up for them all the time, where the hell is Islam in all this?  This religion that I stand up for to family and friends, when no one else around me will.  Where is this brave culture of warriors.  Where is the rest of the Middle East?  This is your problem, my friends.  If I understand the Qur'an correctly, it allows you to protect yourselves from genocidal lunatics.  Or have you become so numb to the insanity around you?  I ask you, what is worse?  The Heretics that throw the Qur'an up in our faces, then ignore the sacred texts by reinterpreting them, or the faithful that hide behind it and ignore the text.  Better to let the children die?

I think not.  

Now is the time to garner some positive world opinion, show the world you are still a brave culture and not a rabble of cowardly suicidal heretics.  Rescue your children, your women, and protect the helpless from the insane dictator in your midst.  Or, you can take the stand the rest of the world seems to have taken.  What is a few thousand children, give or take?  And you dare to call us evil?

Hitler's staff, in the 1930's advised him, after listening to several world leaders:  The world doesn't care about the Jews, you can do with them what you want.

Is history repeating itself?  God save us all.

They are children, your children.  Whether you care for your own rich culture or not, I weep for their loss, as I weep for yours.

Help them.  Please!

Remembering a Good Friend

He was having urinary tract issues.  Blood, pain, typical of something important going on, and it had been going on.  A trip to the doctor resulted in x-rays.  The x-rays evidenced the bad news.   
The fact that he was old and had lived a good and full life did nothing to ease the sadness that my best friend was riddled with cancer.  The good news, if there can be good news, was that it had progressed to a point that he would not last much longer, he had days.  But, he was in pain and rapidly going downhill in the worst of ways.
He still had his smile, though.  The way he would wrinkle his nose and lift his upper lip to one side would still make us all laugh, even with all the I.V. tubes.
My father didn’t know him as well as I did, yet he took the time to go visit him in the hospital.  I think my friend enjoyed the walks they took, enjoyed the company.  Dad would hold the IV as they walked. 
We all tried to go every day.  It was sad to see how he slowly slipped away from us.  Toward the end he didn’t say much, but his smile would still come through the pain.  We could have taken him home, let him die with some dignity, but his pain and quality of life was more than we could bear, and taking him home would be cruel.  We had to let go, and I think he understood this as well.
The family was all present at the end.  We wanted to be.  We wanted to make sure he understood how loved he was, and that he was not alone.
He was cremated with little fanfare.  We had drinks and told of fond remembrances.  His ashes were brought home in a tasteful walnut box.  He is still in my memory and my heart.  I’ve had dreams where he has come to visit, to tell me that all is fine, that he is happy and healthy and content.
It is the way my family has always been, the way I was raised.  We don’t shuffle a loved one off to the hospital and leave them to die.  We make sure we are with them so they know how much we love them till the end.  We hold them and talk to them, and cry over them for quite some time before we can finally feel like it is time to leave.
They have always been part of our family, our pets.  My cats and dogs were the only siblings I had growing up, and I had many.  Each one was loved.
Boomer was special to my heart.  He was special to all who knew him.  He still is.
I can see him smile.

Tolerance: Fundamentalism and Terrorism

I found this website as I was researching the difference between Islamic fundamentalism (true Islamic principles) and terrorism.  I found it very well written, clear, and informative.  For those that think Islam supports terror, I ask that you consider this article written by The Islamic Center of Columbia. 

I invite you to join me as I check out their website:

Masjid al-Muslimiin

The Islamic Center of Columbia, SC, known as Masjid al-Muslimiin, is located at 1929 Gervais street in downtown Columbia, the capital city of South Carolina.
It has been in operation since 1981 and presently serves the needs of approximately five hundred Muslims. Being in close proximity to the University of South Carolina, it also serves as a source of Islamic activity and guidance to the Muslim students, both indigenous Americans as well as students from abroad , while they pursue their undergraduate or graduate studies.

Fundamentalism and Terrorism

Fundamentalism comes from the root word fundare, which means “a base or foundation.” The definition of fundamentalism in reference to religion is “religious beliefs based on a literal interpretation of a religious text.”
If you ask a Westerner, “What is the first image that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘Muslim’?” many answer, “Terrorist.” This may be due to the fact that the word Muslim is often paired with the word “terrorist” in the media. If a Jew or Christian were to take part in an act that is clearly considered terrorism, one would not hear that person called a “Christian terrorist” or a “Jewish terrorist.” Just as Jim Jones (who claimed to represent Christ) is not considered representative of Christianity, terrorists should not be considered representatives of Islam.
Two phrases often used interchangeably are “Muslim terrorist” and “Muslim fundamentalist.” “Muslim terrorist” is an oxymoron; one who truly practices Islam cannot be a terrorist. And if we were to refer to the definition of fundamentalism, we would know that these two phrases are mistakenly or intentionally being used interchangeably, and that they actually have opposite meanings. A true Islamic fundamentalist is one who strictly adheres to the fundamentals of Islam, which can only be defined by the Qur’an and the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammadp. This is the opposite of what people commonly call “Islamic fundamentalism.” Within true Islamic fundamentalism one would never see crimes against humanity, heinous acts of hatred, political killing, terrorism, oppression, religious extremism or zealotry, or the forcing of one’s religion on others. All of these acts are clearly forbidden in Islam. Muhammadp was a pinnacle of humanity’s generosity and compassion.
When it comes to the media, the spotlight is shining on dramatic murderers who are repeatedly referred to as “Islamic fundamentalists.” This is in total contradiction to the definition of the truly practicing Muslim fundamentalists. It is a tragedy that many people have an enormous and unfounded fear of Islam and what is mistakenly thought to be Islam’s fundamental beliefs. From the time of the Crusades, there are still some people who have taken an aggressively hostile and demonizing stance toward Islam.
It is distressing when one reads a newspaper article or hears a broadcast report that takes quotations from the Qur’an out of context to create fear or divisiveness. Misrepresenting or twisting any religious text is despicable, whether it is done by “terrorists” or by “evangelists.” Fear mongers who misrepresent religious principles to create alienation, fear, and hatred are another type of terrorist. Terrorism can be physical, emotional, or psychological. At the very least, it is the duty of all people who wish to counter any kind of terrorism to become informed about one another’s true beliefs. Unfortunately, polarizing propaganda has been relentlessly spun into the sensationalism of today’s media, unjustly fueled by the fear of this “unknown and strange” faith. Today’s mass media, which is controlled by few, appears to be the most researched, refined, and powerful mind-control instrument ever devised by man to shape “world opinion.” Alienation is escalating. It often seems that all governments need enemies to fuel the military and to bring about “national unity.” During the Cold War, “the enemy” was “Communism.” Today, Muslims globally often find themselves in the cross hairs, cast as “the enemy.”
Unfortunately, across the globe those Muslims who are practicing true Islamic principles are becoming an “endangered species.” As Muslims struggle to practice their beliefs many are challenged, not only by their own government or Western governments, but they also find themselves caught between secularists and narrow-minded extremists. The subjective corporate media spotlight is not shining on the true Islamic fundamentalists.
Pressure Cooker: Today there are millions of people living under great oppression. Their future looks hopeless as their families and homes are being crushed by humiliating injustice and violence. When such conditions are ignored or viewed with callous indifference by the rest of the world, it can and does produce a desperate rage that transcends all culture and religion. These are the conditions in which many Muslims find themselves today. Lacking hope and having lost patience with the dysfunctional options placed before them, they seek relief or justice in desperation. Thus we are seeing more and more of them willing to take extreme measures, willing to react in violent ways, even to kill themselves, in order to deliver a militant or political act of defiance. Committing suicide and killing civilians are both forbidden in Islam. Those living in the Muslim world who are in this “pressure cooker” of oppression may seek any nonreligious or religious justification for their desperate, violent, and extreme actions. If they look long enough, they sometimes find what they are looking for, as there are people of an extreme mindset in every religion who do not truly practice and represent the actual tenets of their faith.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Holier Than Thou?

The question was recently put to me: "What sparked your path, your current spiritual journey? Because in all the years that I have known you - this had not been a topic for us.  I am just curious as to what got you going in this direction?"

What convinced me to switch from a promising major in psychology, with offers of letters of recommendation from professors to admissions at San Jose State and Stanford, to a questionable career in Military Intelligence?  And, why did I stay for almost 23 years, eventually being involved with plotting nuclear destruction as a deterrent?  Why did I stay when most of the people I worked alongside cross-trained into other fields offering better promotion opportunities?  Why did I let it my military career destroy my marriage?  Why did I let plotting nuclear destruction, while trying to protect millions of innocent women and children, finally get to me?  Yadda, yadda, yadda...  There is no end to the questions concerning the direction our lives take.

What got me going in this particular direction, on this particular path?  I guess when you hold the lives of millions of innocent women and children in your hands, it can have an effect.  In my case, I had to forgive myself for those things done in my career.  I had to forgive myself for things I did to my family and my friends.

If one has to have a turning point, for me it was probably the ever confrontational, deeply faithful, Christians holding their Bible up to me as proof of their love of God and constantly asking me where I stood.  They seem to use their "good" book as their sword and shield while they judged me, and damned me to hell for all eternity, for daring to question this "good" book, the Holy Bible.

Love of God?  How dare they question my faith?  For me to place my immortal soul on the line to protect our way of life, while ensuring the weapons we deployed would hit their targets with minimum loss to the innocent lives of the enemy civilian populations, says nothing of my love of God?  To let this immoral anchor weigh on my conscience with sleepless nights which would eventually destroy my marriage and my family, says nothing of my love of God?  I think it speaks volumes.  I think it speaks to why I have more faith in mankind than many of these, so called, faithful.  I think it speaks to why I can so easily forgive hypocrites for their trespasses as quickly as they seem able to condemn me, and why my love does not require faith in a book, with questionable origins, to strengthen a belief in God for which said God is already aware, according to this same book of these very same, condemning, Christians.  "There is no one righteous, not even one."

Who is holier than thou?

Not one of us is better than the other.  This is an egotistical concept never set forth by Jesus Christ, or by God.  We were all supposed to be equal in the eyes of God.  We were to help each other on our journey, not force our beliefs on others and make them follow us.  Life is all about making our own choices.  Who would dare question a person's faith without first knowing the person's life?  I condemn the suicide bomber only for being too eager to believe the heretics in their own midst, for being too eager, like many Christians, to drink the refreshing Kool-Aid set in front of them by people with their own agendas.  These personal agendas of death and destruction do not reflect the philosophies of their prophet or their God.

If a show of faith is required, let it be my faith in that my path has always been in front of me.  It is a direction I was already moving in.  My spiritual journey awoke in me while I was in grade school, at St. Angela's, when, at the age of ten, I began questioning the church.  As I got older, in high school, I began questioning the Bible.  In college, I found the Asian philosophies, and have been damned by Christians for believing that Christ did as well.  I registered as a Buddhist on my dog tags in the military, then as a Taoist, then as "No Preference."  I continued to evolve, and question, and learn.

Evolving did not invalidate my faith in the existence of God, of a supreme force in the universe, in something greater than me.  I think this is why we were given the ability to evolve and to ask, "Why?"  This evolution of personal philosophy, of growth, has strengthened my belief and my faith, not diminished it.

No, my path has always been set in front of me.  I believe God places a path in front of each of us and gives us the tools to find it and follow it.  As all roads lead to Rome, so each of our paths all lead to the same destination.  The fact that these questions are put to me concerning my path, my spiritual journey, and my direction, is proof that there are others set on their own personal path.

Perhaps the questions being put to me are my fault for not making them a topic for us, for all of us, earlier.  It is never too late, there is always time, if not in this life, then in the next. 

It is not a race, the finish line will always be there.  Let us walk our paths together and learn to laugh and love...and believe!

Editor's Note

(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch, it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either opinion any more right or wrong than the other. An opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form opinions of their own, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint. 

It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion, in an arena of mutual respect, concerning those opinions put forth. After over twenty years with military intelligence, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience, and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. He spent 17 years, following his service career, working with the premier, world renowned, Institutional Review Board helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. Ordained 1n 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As the weapon for his war on intolerance he chose the pen, and wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's own personal, spiritual, path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He currently resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteers as lead Chaplain and Chaplain Program Liaison, at the regional medical center.

My Dream: Center for Tolerance

I have been asked what I want from this life.  It happened to come up after I had seen a clip of the Reverend Martin Luther King, and I thought, "I, too, have a dream."
I have a dream of a meeting hall, not a church and yet, a place of worship and meditation, a place for searching and spirituality, a place for people to congregate in peace.  This is my dream.
I see a hall for all faiths to come together in peace; a place to learn from one another, to celebrate the diversity of our faiths and to welcome one another to praise with each other.  I would like to see the lion lay down with the lamb.  The Jew takes a prayer rug and prays alongside the Muslim, and the Muslim enters the synagogue to hear the words Muhammad must have heard from his Jewish teachers.  He did have teachers from both faiths, Christian and Jew, guiding him down the path he would finally follow.  This "center" is my dream.
I see a central hall filled with plants and flowers, benches and fountains, where people sit and discuss philosophy and their personal paths; a place where all can come to teach and to learn, and to search; a place of peace where all are welcomed; a place of discovery, where the children of one faith can play with the children of another, because they are children, the favored of God.  This is my dream.
I see people that strive only to learn how to appropriately greet people of other faiths in the manner appropriate to their customs, and I see the other people smiling and correcting them, in peace and friendship, asking them to break bread with their family in the garden, as they talk of children and grandchildren, and those soon to be born.  People of different faiths finding common ground in understanding, in agreeing to disagree, in peace.  This is my dream.
I see a time when someone announces, "Let us pray." and all bow their head to worship, side by side with other faiths, in peace and camaraderie; a place where a Muslim, dying on a street from an accident can be helped from this life to the next by a Jew, knowing that it matters not what faith they are if their heart is pure.  This is my dream.
I see a large meditation garden attached to the hall with an alcove for every faith, every belief, to construct a place for peaceful meditation; a garden for weddings, and funerals, for baptisms and other cultural ceremonies; a place where all are welcomed to join in the happiness of the occasion, where even the passing of a loved one can be celebrated as they move forward beyond this realm or celebrated for their eventual return.  This is my dream.
I see an outdoor coffee bar, in the garden, where we can get a decent cup of coffee, tea, or chai for fifty cents.  This is my dream.
What did you dream today?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Tolerance: Eid al-Adha, (Feast of Sacrifice)

"O my Lord! Grant me a righteous (son)!" So We gave him the good news of a boy, possessing forbearance. And when (his son) was old enough to walk and work with him, (Abraham) said: O my dear son, I see in vision that I offer you in sacrifice: Now see what is your view!" (The son) said: "O my father! Do what you are commanded; if Allah wills, you will find me one practising patience and steadfastness!" So when they both submitted and he threw him down upon his forehead, We called out to him saying: O Ibraheem! You have indeed fulfilled the vision; surely thus do We reward those who do good. Most surely this was a manifest trial. And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice. And We perpetuated (praise) to him among the later generations. "Peace and salutation to Abraham!" Thus indeed do We reward those who do right. Surely he was one of Our believing servants.
                                                                                                                The Quran
On October 15th, Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated by the Muslim community.  It is the most important feast of the Muslim calendar as it concludes the Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca and the holy month of Ramadan.  Lasting 3 days, it commemorates Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son on God’s order.  It is also a commemoration of accomplishment.  Ibrahim is known as Abraham in the Jewish and Christian faiths.

I want to take a moment to clear up a misconception that is making the rounds through e-mail concerning Islam.  Of course, we are all aware that you can believe everything that circulates through your computer, right?  This particular gem praises Christians for all the good thing they do in America and then turn into hate mail as tit begins slamming the American Islamic community for doing nothing.
Perpetrators of such hate mail will never do their homework prior to sending this drivel forward, it is up to the rest of us not to take it as fact.  Hell, it isn’t even a good rumor.
I have it on good authority that, after hurricane Katrina, Qatar sent millions in aid to assist rebuilding the gulf coast.  The U.S. government has issued postage stamps commemorating Eid al-Adha as a way to highlight the business, educational and social contributions Muslims have made in the United States.  I am sure there are numerous other specific instances to be referenced, but I will leave that to your own due diligence.  For now, let’s get back to the Feast of Sacrifice.

In the United States Eid al-Adha is celebrated with prayer and social gatherings that can attract thousands.

Take a moment to cruise the net and learn something about the diverse cultures that make up our country.  What you learn may surprise you.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Thought for August 18, 2013: God's Creation

On another glorious day brought to us by the ultimate power in the universe, I leave you with one small thought to ponder for this Sunday, a quote from Carl Sagan:

"A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths.  Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge."

As I keep saying, science does not invalidate God, science continues to prove the absolute glory and wisdom behind all of God's creation.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

"Born Again" Christians

A good friend sent me an email asking me about "born again" Christians.  I had just gotten out of bed and was not quite full awake when I tried to answer the question with my take on it.  I should have strong cup of lubricating coffee prior to engaging my rusty cogs and gears.  This was my first shot at it:
"To be "born again" refers to a spiritual rebirth.  For Christians this is evident in charismatic orders when the minister would lay on hands and, upon accepting the Holy Spirit, the parishioner would experience a "reawakening" of their soul.  For non-Christians it would, in essence, be accepting the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts for the first time.  Sometimes this rebirth is quite remarkable and "painfully" evident.  Other times it can just be a personal, inner rebirth of one's soul.  Any one can have spiritual rebirth, however, it is not just limited to Christians, they are just the ones we tend to hear ridiculed for it as they tend to go a tad overboard."
Now that I am fully awake, I think some of this "simplified" explanation requires a bit more clarification on my opinion of being "born again.".

The charismatic movement is not the only Christian sect which experiences rebirth.  I used their example as the most outwardly apparent show of rebirth through the speaking of tongues, attaining trance like states, snake handling, faith healing, etc.  Pentecostals and charismatics should not be confused even though they share many beliefs, they also differ in as much for cultural and theological reasons.

The joy experienced in being born again can manifest itself in many ways.  One way is the feeling of the born again that all others need to feel the same joy.  As true as this may be, many are not ready to accept this path.  The born again can be blinded to this by the overpowering joy they feel.  This can lead others to wish them well on their journey as much as these others wish the born again would begin that journey immediately, if not sooner.

Trying not to put to fine a point on it, some of those born again can be a bit overbearing about it.  I don't want to paint them all with the same brush as I have many close friends that have experienced rebirth.  I wish this for everyone, in their own way, in their own time.

We also need to remember there are differences in being a religious Christian or other faith, being a spiritual Christian or other faith, and just being spiritual.  Any one of these can undergo a rebirth of spirituality, a welcoming into one's soul the Holy Spirit, mother nature, the feeling of being at peace with one's beliefs or being at one with one's god. 

I'm not sure what an atheist would think of all this.  It might be interesting to hear an opinion from one willing to share their viewpoint. 

For me, I feel it also is the bells, whistles, and fireworks that announce to you that you are no longer lost.  You have placed your feet firmly on the right path and can now continue the journey you began at birth and may have become sidetracked from.

As usual, this is just my opinion, and everybody has one.  Feel free to share yours with us by comment or email.  Anything shared via email with remain anonymous unless otherwise noted.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Quintessential Little Prick

"All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them, but confront them. Touch a thistle timidly, and it pricks you; grasp it boldly, and its spines crumble."
-- William Halsey, Jr. (1882-1959), Fleet Admiral (WWII)
Interesting how the mind works, huh? I'll bet you thought this post was going to be about some little condescending know-it-all. Well, aren't both, the thistle and the other little "son of a gun" potentially painful to be around? Like most of us, you probably went for the more colorful slang, at least until the thistle came to mind. Personally, I've been "intimate" with the defensive needles on that puppy, and I can attest to the vulgar obscenities which rocketed forth from my pie hole. Having been subjected to Catholic school, I think my choice of words would have rendered a cathedral full of nuns comatose and made many a navy man smile with pride.

I'm sure this is probably what happened in 1263 when a barefoot Norseman stepped on a thistle and cried out in pain, alerting the Scot encampment to the impending invasion which would become known as the Battle of Largs.  This cry of pain was most certainly followed by a stream of expletives worthy of many a Norseman (re: navy men).  The passive, humble, thistle thus became the symbol of all Scotland.

Interesting how the mind works, yes?

When I consider Jesus Christ as he is nailed to the cross, I can't help but think how that must have hurt.  Would any of us have been able to endure, in silence, what that pain must be like?  Did Jesus endure in silence or did he satisfy the soldiers by screaming out in agony with His own stream of expletives?  Would we think less of Him if He gave in to the pain?  After all, He was just a man, human, like any one of us... only not.

Thinking about it gives me pause to reflect on my own frailties. 

By the way, I have to throw a "yellow flag" on Halsey.  He may have been one hell of a naval fighting man, but I don't think he ever grasped a thistle boldly without it pricking him.  Just saying. 

Editor's Note

(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch, it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either opinion any more right or wrong than the other. An opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form opinions of their own, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint. 

It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion, in an arena of mutual respect, concerning those opinions put forth. After over twenty years with military intelligence, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience, and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. He spent 17 years, following his service career, working with the premier, world renowned, Institutional Review Board helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. Ordained 1n 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As the weapon for his war on intolerance he chose the pen, and wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's own personal, spiritual, path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He currently resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteers as lead Chaplain and Chaplain Program Liaison, at the regional medical center.