
Friday, April 21, 2023

Questioning Fitness, Reality, Reflection, Motivation, Maturity, and Idiots

“Ladies like guys with nice butts too.”
-- Kellie Davis


What are the psychological benefits of regular exercise and fitness routines?

Healthy body, healthy brain. Having a routine for health will bleed over into your work life. Work routine will seem easier and happier since you are in better fitness to perform. Oh, and ladies like guys with nice butts, which means a more robust sex life that will keep the stress at bay.

What makes teams work and fail?
Poor leadership.
How do our childhood experiences and relationships influence our attachment styles in adulthood?
It stands to reason that childhood is when we learn; our experiences would influence much in adulthood unless later experiences offset the bad ones.
Will you suffer in life if you do nothing to make yourself well? Let's say, you're just quiet. You don't tell what you need or what you love. You are not assertive and you're afraid of what people think.
It makes perfect sense that, if I don’t do anything to make myself well I will suffer. Fortunately, for me, I am assertive, yet, humble. I am pretty forward with what I need and love. I strive to be truly happy, always and in all things, regardless of my circumstances. To not do so is counterproductive to forward movement.
What is the meaning of forgiveness?
Try this:
"Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness."
-- UC Berkeley
After how many failed driving attempts should you give up?
So, the goal is to quit? One. One driving attempt. Why waste any more time and effort? If there is no perseverance available to muscle through a simple driving test, what else does life have in store that one should also quit if one fails?
Failure is an opportunity to learn that life sets in front of us. You may find 10,000 ways that don’t work, but, all you need is that special one to attain the goal. If the goal is to quit, one might as well do it now, and get used to the feeling.
Author's comment:  I guess I should have phrased the question a bit better, it is a bit misleading. I've seen some online discourse about failed driving exams and wondered when does one become unfit to drive. After 10 failed attempts or maybe 20? I was curious how experienced drivers would see this, if there is a point where you should give up in order not to be a potential danger or should you simply keep on trying no matter what. Thank you for the answer!

My reply:  Context is always great. In my humble opinion, if you finally pass the test, we assume you aren’t a danger. Driving without passing the test would make you a danger.
What are some things you should start doing as soon as possible if you're in your 20s?
Studying at college or joining the military. Be all you can be.
Are hurt feelings the responsibility of the offender or the victim?
The offender should never have hurt the victim, but, then, the victim should never have been so weak to be hurt. As I approach 70 years of age, my feelings are the least of my concern, and trying to offend me is an exercise in ignorance. I will simply walk away. I rise above such trivial pursuits, so the offender wastes much effort.
How can you tell if you're a nice person but others see you as mean and aggressive?
If others see you as mean and aggressive, that, alone, is a reason for concern.
Will asking questions get me more popularity?
I haven’t asked a question yet, and I have garnered 1,726,000 views of my answers. Does that make me popular? Not that it matters. Answering questions is a selfless way to help those who question life. Why do you feel the need for more popularity?
“Whether you try too hard to fit in or you try too hard to stand out, it is of equal consequence: you exhaust your significance.”
-- Criss Jami

What do you do if no one in your group wants to present and you’re the only one left to do it, every single time?

Don’t do it, every single time. Why are they in the group, for God’s sake? Everyone in a group should share the work, or, again, why are you in a group?
As an introvert desperate to live alone, how do I do it?
Get a small, single-bed apartment, for just you.
What do you think of this quote “You can’t control things which you can’t control.”?
It is stating the obvious for people who can’t grasp the obvious. If there is something you can’t control, then you can’t control it. If sticking your hand in a running blender won’t make it turn off, then don’t stick your hand in a running blender. Ta-da! It can’t be stated much simpler. 
Does your community support your identity?
It is my identity, so why wouldn’t they support it? Not that I care if they do, because it is what it is.
Why aren't we all going insane by asking the simple question, “Why”?
And, yet, you used the word as the basis of your question, “Why aren’t we going insane…?” And yet, we aren’t. “Why” is the question of the ages. It is the reason for the sciences, mathematics, architecture, and even art. We endeavor to answer the questions “Why?” and “Why not?” in order to understand our environment, the world, the universe, and the unknown. “Why?” is the basis of all our knowledge.

“There is much asked and only so much I think I can or should answer, and so, in this post I would like to give a few thoughts on what seemed to be the overwhelming question: “WHY?”And here is the best answer I can give: Because. 
Because sometimes, life is damned unfair.
Because sometimes, we lose people we love and it hurts deeply.
Because sometimes, as the writer, you have to put your characters in harm’s way and be willing to go there if it is the right thing for your book, even if it grieves you to do it.
Because sometimes there aren’t really answers to our questions except for what we discover, the meaning we assign them over time.
Because acceptance is yet another of life’s “here’s a side of hurt” lessons and it is never truly acceptance unless it has cost us something to arrive there. 
Why, you ask? Because, I answer.
Inadequate yet true.”
-- Libba Bray

If you’re psychotic and your emotions are your reality, how come when I think of someone else’s emotions, I view it as their reality?

For most people, their emotions are their reality. The difference is being able to curb your tendency to act emotionally to what you feel. It is the ability to separate your “emotional” sense of reality from the true reality. Emotions tend to skew what we think is real.

For instance, you might feel that your wife doesn’t love you anymore when, in reality, she has a burden at work that she doesn’t want to lay on you, as well. Her thoughtfulness has caused an emotional response because of the lack of communication between the two of you. Is she having an affair, or is she simply stressed?
Is jealousy considered selfishness?
Oh, my… yes.
Why do the people we think will be of help when we need them, fail us?
Because if you rely on anyone but yourself, you will more apt to be disappointed. Since it is your life, then you must take charge of it. You can ask for help, but you should be prepared when that help falls flat. You will learn much from perseverance in the face of failure.
How did you understand that no one but yourself is responsible to make yourself well and to make your life go well?
The split second between life and death is a learning experience… if you’re paying attention.
What is the understanding of problems for knowing how they are solved?
If you don’t understand the issues, how in God’s name do you expect to solve them? The first step in knowing how to solve any problem is to understand the who, what, when, where, and why of it.
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”
-- Marie Curie
How do I reflect on your life?
You need to know something about it, but you don't.
How do I tell someone about my inner pain?
First, they must want to know about it. We all have enough of our own “inner pain.” Why would we want to listen to more? Well, women who watch “soap operas” might. They invite fictional drama into their lives, so why not someone’s real drama? Personally, I never understood the appeal.
What is the definition of "cold revenge"?
When some time has passed and it is least expected.
How much time should be spent on self-motivation?
Obviously, enough time to negate this question. To be “self” motivated requires the person to constantly focus on being motivated always. If they need a swift kick in the pants, “self” motivation is failing them.
What are some ways to tell if your partner is open-minded toward you?
Bring up the topic of kinky sex acts. That should do it.
“No means no. And ask before you touch.”
-- Joffy
What are some ways you can motivate yourself to do something for someone else?

Be selfless in all you do. Motivation follows. 

What are some great answers to "Who are you"?
Your mother’s secret lover.
Undercover alien.
A smartass.
What are the consequences of having no worldview or belief system?
You become pretty boring.
Do you feel tired of anybody disregarding your own answers, choices, beliefs, and/or ways and thinking you're wrong?
No, and for the simple reason that I really don’t care. These are my answers, choices, beliefs, and ways of thinking, not theirs. Why would I give one rat's ass if they disregard me?
How do you describe someone who has everything sorted out in life but doesn't know it (or at least pretends like he doesn't)?
Aware defective.
“Awareness is the enemy of sanity, for once you hear the screaming, it never stops.”
-- Emilie Autumn
Is there someone in your family that you admire or look up to as a role model?
My mother always stood between me and my Dad. She taught me a lot about the philosophy of life, God, and happiness.
What do you say about the mature at an early age?
I have no problem if women mature at an early age.
Is it possible to have memories from 0 years old?
I have a memory from 2 years old. I’m pretty sure that regression hypnosis can probably bring you through gestation and the birth canal again.
How does a person remove enmity and hatred of the world from their heart?
If socialist politicians weren’t trying to destroy your country, it would be a lot easier.
Is a person's ability to analyze and find solutions at the age of their thirties much higher than a person at the age of 20?
Yes. You can find a solution, but having lived a decade longer give you a bit more knowledge to weigh if the solution will take. Generally. the longer one lives, the more wisdom one accumulates.
“There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there's never more than one.”
-- C.S. Lewis

And, now, some one-word, bathroom quasi-wisdom answers from the always humble semi-ancient pie-hole philosopher:

How could I know if I am dealing with an Idiot?
Should ultra-nice people burn for eternity?
Does being one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world always assure a person a great level of respect in society?
Could someone rational ever learn to accept an irrational thought?
What is the stupidest question you can ask?
“The Professor never really seemed to care whether we figured out the right answer to a problem. He preferred our wild, desperate guesses to silence, and he was even more delighted when those guesses led to new problems that took us beyond the original one. He had a special feeling for what he called the "correct miscalculation," for he believed that mistakes were often as revealing as the right answers.”
-- Yoko Ogawa

Editor's Note
(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch, it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either view any more right or wrong than the other. An opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form opinions of their own, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint. 

I fervently hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion, in an arena of mutual respect, concerning those opinions put forth. After over twenty years with military intelligence, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience, and what we do afterward.

Pastor Tony spent 22 years with the United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and, finally, a senior manager. He spent 17 years, following his service career, working with the premier, world-renowned, Western Institutional Review Board helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research.
Ordained 1n 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As the weapon for his war on intolerance he chose the pen, and wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's own personal, spiritual, path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He currently resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteered as the lead chaplain at a regional medical center.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tony:

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