
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Questioning History, Marriage, Behavior, Habits, Responses, and Life


“I had a feeling that Pandora's box contained the mysteries of woman's sensuality, so different from a man's and for which man's language was so inadequate. The language of sex had yet to be invented. The language of the senses was yet to be explored.”
-- Anaïs Nin

What can we learn from the history of the church about sex, love, and marriage?
There's no fun. Wham, bam, and thank you. "Creativity" is what the church is missing.
Can you explain “we are our thoughts”?
If you don’t think, what are you? Nothing. If you do think, you are the culmination of your thoughts. Your actions are tempered by civilization’s laws and your good ethics. But, your thoughts are still in there, festering. Being “good” will help you continue through a good life, regardless of your thoughts. If you are a theist, your thoughts, if bad, are between you and your God.
It seems, life doesn't want me to be successful, at anything. What should I do?
If life didn’t want you to be successful, you’d be dead. You live, so live life to the fullest. 
Are there humans that can handle prosperity?
We are few, and humble. Prosperity is something for someone else. We deal with it, and when we die, the prosperity moves on to our heirs. We move on to another life, shed of any responsibility, thank God.
On average, how many times do married couples have sex in a week or a month?
It depends on their age and their happiness.
Are we losing joy in taking care of ourselves by chasing unattainable ideals?
If you have joy by taking care of yourself chasing unattainable ideals, what’s the issue? It seems you are busy with life chasing an ideal. If you are truly happy there is no foul. If you are losing joy, this is a "choice" you have made. Make another choice, until you start enjoying life.
“Don’t allow negative people to steal your joy. When you lose your joy, you lose your strength.”
-- Joel Osteen
I want to marry and travel. What should I do?
Get married and travel. That is what you should do.
My husband cheated on me. I have proof of that, but he doesn’t say sorry, he says it’s my fault. What do I do?
Your fault? He’s not accepting any of the responsibility? I’d divorce him. But, that’s just me. If he doesn’t take responsibility for this, what else is he going to bail on?
I divorced my husband. What should I do?
Can a person achieve complete freedom from thoughts? If so, what is the process for attaining this state?
Death. If you are living, you are thinking. Take a breath. Your brain communicates with the lungs and does this automatically. But it is still a silent thought that your body does because the brain orders it. Your body has many of these automatic functions.
Why does my husband refuse to help with tasks, but expects everything to be done for him?
Why did you marry him? I’m confused.
What would a married woman do if not satisfied with sex?
She needs to chew her husband out for not satisfying her. She needs to explain to him exactly what he needs to do, to satisfy her cravings. If he doesn’t want to comply, then she has, yet, another decision to make.
“A major theme, among the women I treat, is their difficulty in asking men to do this or that, to touch them in a certain way. Women are very tender with the male ego. They're afraid of offending their partner's pride because men like to think they know how to perform.”
-- Avodah K. Offit
How can one handle individuals who are consistently rude and refuse to take responsibility for their actions? What could be the reasons for someone to behave in this manner?
Rude and irresponsible. Not the best people, in my opinion. There is no reason for this, except. perhaps, bad parenting.
When a person is confident, is it the same as being arrogant?
Not necessarily. Being arrogant is a usual sign they are hiding their lack of confidence.
What is the reason behind some people's tendency to shift blame and only say things that make themselves look good instead of taking full responsibility for their mistakes?

You have answered the question. They want to make themselves look good. Taking responsibility for their mistakes, to them, negates looking good. On the contrary, for most “mature” individuals, accepting responsibility can be a good thing. It shows, well, responsibility.
Can Kamala brag about her achievements as border czar?
What “achievements” can she brag about? 
At what point did everyone lose any and all faith in themselves, everyone else, the future, and the present moment?
Not “everyone” lost “any and all faith in themselves, everyone else, the future, and the present moment.” We are a mess on this planet, but we can be so much worse off than we are. We've been fighting evil since WWI and have not been given a break. I think we have been doing pretty good, considering.
Is happiness something we actively pursue, or is it a byproduct of a meaningful life?
Happiness is something we actively pursue, and it is a byproduct of a meaningful life.
“Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance.”
-- Roy T. Bennett
What is your single best daily habit?
Every morning, weather permitting, I take a walk at 3:00 a.m. for about a mile. It gets me ready for the day. If I miss a morning, I really feel it.
Is it true that if someone can't remember something or has to glance over it more than once mean that they lack intellectual or cognitive potential and also what are some books that would assist with cognitive development, enhancing memory, more?
Or, they could be getting old. The brain slows down a bit with age.
What are the positive living habits you learned from your parents?
Work to live. I have always worked. I still work at the computer answering questions, on this site.
Is intelligence necessary for constant thinking?
No. Even the smart among us constantly think. Even the not-so-smart do the same.
What is the difference between truth and logic?
Logic can seem right even if it’s wrong. Logic can fly in the face of truth. But, it’s logical. But, it’s wrong.
Do you think it's cowardly to not allow comments after you answer a question here on [this site]? Why can't people stand behind their answers? Should we just downvote any answer that bans comments?
It is a bit cowardly, I must say. I don’t know how to ban comments, So, I’m a willing target to the idiots, out there. I suppose someone needs to be.
"I have been instrumental in banning bottled water on the set. It hasn't gone that well with the crew... so I replaced it with tequila."
-- Hugh Laurie
How should one respond to "I love God" and "God Bless You"?
Why would you feel the need to respond?
Are humans considered to be smarter than machines? If so, why do we not rely on machines to make all decisions for us?
As far as I know, they don’t make any of my decisions for me. They can suggest, and I can accept or not. It is my free choice to make.
What is the most precious thing in this world?
Is there an actual and simple reason why there are a lot of people in the world?
Ignorance, unprotected sex, and no condom would seem logical reasons. Pick one. 
How often do married couples 65-75 make love?
Why do some people seem to pick up things quickly, even if they're not particularly smart or have had much practice with it before?
Talent. Some people are naturally talented, even if they aren’t that smart.
“Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.”
-- Arthur Schopenhauer
How much longer will you live?
In this life, or are we counting the following lives?
Why is sex better when you cheat on your husband?
The excitement of cheating. It’s the same excitement men get when they cheat. If you both knew you were cheating, it wouldn’t be so exciting.
Is the universe independent of human perception? Did it exist before humans and will it continue to exist after humans?
Yes, yes, and yes.
Is the concept of an eternal soul and afterlife a belief held by people, or is everything finite?
Nothing is “finite” to people who believe in an afterlife. By the way, a soul is eternal. Just saying.
Does fate exist? Is everything that happens meant to be?
Yes, and yes. Everything that happens is meant to be, or it wouldn’t happen.
Is life suffering? Is it true that to live is to suffer?
Suffering is a way of learning. We are here, in this life, to learn. If you don’t experience suffering, you haven’t really learned about it.
"We must learn to suffer what we cannot evade; our life, like the harmony of the world, is composed of contrary things, and one part is no less necessary than the other."
-- Michel de Montaigne



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