
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Questioning Atheists, Reasons, Preferences, Losers, Minds, and Games


“That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”
-- Christopher Hitchens

Is it appropriate for an atheist to say "I'll keep you in my prayers"?
It is inappropriate, and they’re kidding.
What is the best way to handle men who play mind games in dating or relationships?
Don’t go out with them. If you’re looking for a serious relationship why waste time with mind games? You need to find a real man that is honest and has good values. Life is too short for mind games.
What typically happens when two unhappy people meet?
What do you say if a guy asks why you won't go out with him?
I’m not interested. I’m not gay. Please stop touching my butt.
My girlfriend has cheated on me and told me about her actions. What should I do?
Let’s go back to, “My girlfriend has cheated on me.” Is this okay with you? You’re getting burned, so it’s time to drop her… unless this turns you on. She told you, so you might ask her why she told you. She might be looking for a threesome.
How should a girl respond if her boyfriend says, "You're too good for me"?
Blow his mind. “I know. That’s why I love you.”
"Either you're too good for them or you're too bad for them... and you know what, none of that is your problem..."
-- Shraddha Vitha
What’s the reason for being alive?
We live to learn. Many of us don’t realize the reality of life. We are here to learn. We are supposed to learn all we can and be prepared for the next life, where we will learn more to prepare for the next life, and so on until we reach the final destination. People who don’t like the trip, choose suicide. They will not be reborn. This is a tragic loss of information they have collected. If you don’t like the trip, just stop learning. Many people choose to stop learning and be a waste of life. They might think this is great for them, but they stop moving forward, and stagnation is never a good option.
If you could have anything, what would it be?
True happiness. Oh… too late. I already have that.
I’m 18. I am growing up and I have no one to guide me about life. I feel like a failure and I am scared. What should I do?
If you have nowhere else to turn, try making use of this site. Ask questions and consider the answers. Not all answers will be right for you. But, at least you are asking. Find someone who makes sense and “follow” them on the site. Follow several. You might just learn something.
How do you respond when a friend says they are not smart?
“You’re my friend, and I don’t make friends with stupid people.”
Why do some people challenge my intelligence?
They want to make sure you’re not just full of shit, and that you are as intelligent as you think you are. I wouldn’t take it as a slight. Are you up for the challenge? If you are, then there’s no problem.
Do you believe a smaller opponent can defeat an opponent twice the size?
Absolutely. Ever heard the story of David and Goliath?
“You can’t concentrate on doing anything if you are thinking, “What’s gonna happen if it doesn’t go right?”
-- Malcolm Gladwell
Which do you prefer, immaturity and childishness or immorality and corruption? I'd take childishness and immaturity any day. And again, as the second Christ, I must not exist.
Immaturity and childishness are always over immorality and corruption. And you’re right… you don’t.
How can I stay motivated to exercise regularly?
Get on a scale, chubby.
Is it common for people to ask "why" to find meaning in their lives?
Many people don’t know the meaning of their life. The only way they will find answers is to ask questions. The hardest question to find an answer for is “Why?”.

Using “Because” as an answer doesn’t seem to cover it.
What is the percentage of people who are satisfied with their current president?

It is somewhere around 30 percent. Biden is getting hammered. 
What will be your destiny when you have all the things?

My destiny will be to understand that I don’t need to have all things. True happiness is all I need, besides basic needs.
What is a good plug?
What kind of plug? There are plugs for cars, electrical, butts, tubs, and sales. Any clue?
"Electricity can be dangerous. My nephew tried to stick a penny into a plug. Whoever said a penny doesn't go far didn't see him shoot across that floor. I told him he was grounded."
-- Tim Allen
Can a person start at age 33 with basically nothing but a huge baggage of lethargy, laziness, escapism, and below-average mediocrity and rise to a position of great health, wealth, and power?
Sure, but it will take some time to get rid of the lethargy, laziness, escapism, and below-average mediocrity, so one can focus fully on rising to a position of great health, wealth, and power. The problem, as I see it, is teaching the “old dog” new tricks, not that the “old dog” has any old tricks. Learning tricks takes focus. And, from the description…
What does it mean when someone tells you they love you and want you in their life, but doesn't want to commit?
They love you. They want you in their life. No commitment? They’re an oxymoron, and you must be great in bed. I’d be telling them that I have to think about it.
Is it better to be a hypocrite or to remain silent? Why or why not?
Do as I say, not as I do. I’m a self-proclaimed hypocrite, and I have no filter. I couldn’t remain silent if I tried. My hypocrisy comes from knowing what I should do, but I do the opposite to see what happens. People ask me why I do some things, and I tell them it’s a “speriment” in life. Hey, I’m 70 and I’m bored.
Why would life be a mistake without music?
Life would never be a mistake, but, without music, life would be a tad boring.
What's a hobby or interest that people might be surprised to learn about you?
I pretty much aced the test to be a MUFON Investigator. I’ve been into the paranormal since I was 12, so with my military intelligence background it only made sense, at 65 years of age, to take the test for a UFO investigator. Then, Dad got sick and I had to bail on them. I have collected five gun cases full of paranormal investigation equipment, and want to start the Pass Paranormal Project (P3), investigating haunted places on the Gulf Coast.
As a man, would you date or marry a woman who is not interested in sex?
No. Sex is a sacred gift to be experimented with.
“I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer.”
-- Woody Allen
What is your minds?
Do I have more than one?
What does it mean when your partner says 'I love you but I'm not in love with you' or 'I don't feel anything towards you anymore'?
Freedom! We split and I go about finding someone better-looking that wants to get it on. Oh, and I will flaunt it.
What can you say to your enemies?
“Neener, neener, neener, you are a wiener!” And then, run!
What are the best AI books that AI researchers would recommend reading?
“I Robot” by Asimov. If you’re doing AI, maybe you should understand the downside and the dangers of letting AI go it alone.
What does teamwork mean to you?
A team working together toward a common goal.
Why am I so in love with someone even though I’m married?
You’ve found someone better than your partner, eh? It happens to the best of us. Now you have to see if they feel the same way. Regardless, you have someone you love more than your spouse. Not a good position to be in.
“It’s probably not just by chance that I’m alone. It would be very hard for a man to live with me, unless he’s terribly strong. And if he’s stronger than I, I’m the one who can’t live with him. … I’m neither smart nor stupid, but I don’t think I’m a run-of-the-mill person. I’ve been in business without being a businesswoman, I’ve loved without being a woman made only for love. The two men I’ve loved, I think, will remember me, on earth or in heaven, because men always remember a woman who caused them concern and uneasiness. I’ve done my best, in regards to people and to life, without precepts, but with a taste for justice.”
-- Coco Chanel

Why would a man play mind games with a woman?

I'm not touching this question.

Are people stupid in general?

Did you answer the question before this one?
Are there people who are meant to be lessons?
My ex was my lesson to never get married again. 23 years later and I am truly happy.
How do you get a woman laid without mentioning love?
Do you know of a good “red light” district? Bring some cash.
What is our society becoming?
Thanks to Joe Biden, a hell of a lot larger.
When a girl says “harder” during sex, what does she mean?
She either likes it rough, or the guy is flaccid.
“She didn't want soft and gentle."
-- Christine Feehan

Editor's Note
(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch - it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either view any more right or wrong than the other. Opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form their own opinions, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint.

I fervently hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion in an arena of mutual respect concerning those opinions offered. After twenty-three years of military intelligence, I believe that engaging each other in this manner, and in this arena, is a way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience... and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. Following his service career, he spent 17 years working with the premier and world-renowned Western Institutional Review Board, helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. He also served 8 years on the Board of Directors for the Angela J. Bowen Foundation.
Ordained in 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As a weapon for his war on intolerance, he chose the pen. He wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's personal, spiritual path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteered as the lead chaplain at a regional medical center.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tony at:

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