
Friday, March 6, 2015

Sunday Thought, March 8, 2015: A Moment of Thanks

I was sitting here at my "desk," having this banana, when it occurred to me that I haven't said thank you in a while.  So, before I go get my big boy pants on, I have a few words...

Thank you for my parents
Their patience and stamina,
The life lessons on respect, 
And for scouting and patriotism.

Thank you for my children
And their children,
For their health and success
And their respect for others.

Thank you for my careers, 
the lessons of work,
The people I've met,
And the friends I have made.

Thank you for the retirement I earned
That enables me to assist my parents,
For their continued health
And letting them live to enjoy it.

And, thank you for my faith,
For the son you gave
And the salvation he earned,
And for his love and understanding.

I don't often say thank you,
Not on paper at any rate, 
But, with the feast of his rising soon,
Perhaps this is a good time.

Thank you, my dear God,
For all the grace you have shown,
For all you have done for me, 
And, hopefully, will continue to do.

In reality, this tidbit for my Sunday Thought crossed through my mind as I'm sitting in the Pass Christian Bookstore having a cup of their freshly brewed mud while looking across the water of the Gulf to the barrier islands, out beyond the new harbor.  No, really, I said mud.  I haven't had coffee this strong since the military.

As I take another bite from the hot brew and feel more of the enamel melt from my teeth, I still am in awe of the little wonders of God that some people of faith, like me, tend to take for granted on a daily basis.  This morning it would be the sun sparkling off the water and a formation of large pelicans looking for a place to land on the vacant, white beach.

I thought of the reasons that have brought me to this point in my journey, this fork on my path.  Those reasons are numerous, varied, and not really reasons at all.  They are the results of the lessons and challenges that were set before me; all gifts and proof, for me, of the continuing grace of God.  My path to this point has not been without incident and setback, the occasional rough patch and pitfall, all of my own making.  I have not been as righteous as I would have liked, and I have succumbed, more than a few times, to temptations better left alone.  I recognize my weaknesses and the cause of the rough times.  I also recognize these "hiccups" can be linked to bouts of hypocrisy and frustration, and a lack of patience and humble pie.  People, after all, are not perfect and neither am I.  But, I continue to press ahead in hopes I will eventually be worthy.

Someone once asked what aspirations I have.  My answer, at the time, reflected the answer to the same question I heard from a musical child prodigy, I aspire to be happy.  But, more than this, I aspire, someday, some time, to be worthy of God.  I aspire to this with full knowledge of who I am and that, because of who I am, it may not happen in this life, or the next, but one day.  Until then, there is always the incredible journey, the adventure of life.

I thank God for allowing me this journey, and for allowing me to meet some of the interesting creatures,  and to experience the colors, sounds, and diversity in this small corner of God's wonderfully infinite universe.  What will you be thankful for this Sunday?  What will you be thankful for tomorrow?  What are you thankful for right now?  Write it down and share it, and encourage others to do the same.  

If you find it hard to share, send me your thoughts and I will post them, if you'd like, with whatever pseudonym or initials you'd like to use.

God bless us all this Sunday, and every day, and give us the strength to press ever forward on our journey.  

I wish you all a smooth path.

Editor's Note:  

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch, it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion.  It doesn't make either opinion any more right or wrong than the other.  An opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form opinions of their own, if they haven't already done so.

It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and then engaging in peaceful, constructive, discussion and debate in an arena of mutual respect concerning the opinions put forth.  After over twenty years as a military intelligence analyst, planner, and briefer, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human.  God's test for us is what we do afterward, and what we learn from the experience.
Pastor Frank Anthony Villari

Pastor Tony is founder of the Congregation for Religious Tolerance and author/editor of the Congregation's official blog site, "The Path."

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