
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Victims of Evil Leadership

I'll be the first to admit, and I have on numerous posts, that Christians visited atrocities on others throughout history.  Let us be clear on this, because it is like saying all Moslems are suicide bombers and believe in "jihad" as defined by the current wave of heretical terrorists.  This is like saying all Christians are guilty of these historical atrocities.  Christianity, as with Islam, is a religion based on peace and love.  But, let a charismatic leader of the faith stir the masses into a bloodthirsty frenzy, and we can see the consequences even today.

It is the leadership of a religion that holds full responsibility for all actions done under their banner, with their consent.  The people that follow them, believing their leaders word is the holy "word of God", are guilty of their own actions as well.  But the followers are also guilty of being morons for even buying into an edict which obviously runs counter to their religions tenets.  Although not to buy into the party line might have found you next in line for the rack during the Inquisition.  So, you were truly damned if you did, or didn't, obey.

As usual, atheists take aim at theists on their websites.  This target practice shows two negative traits for the perpetrators.  One is a lack of intelligence or understanding.  Reading the commentary on these sites is an exercise in tolerance.  The pure hate that issues from their pie holes negates any chance of finding an intelligent idea.  Two, is the total lack of tolerance for their fellow man.  They fire countless barbs and, like the poor marksmen they are, continually miss the true target as well as the point.

Yes, theist leadership has used their faith, and faithful, as an excuse for many historical atrocities against mankind.  The leadership, not the faith, is at fault here.  Any intelligent person would read the scripture on which the religion is based and be able to understand this simple fact.  Most modern theists believe in tolerance, peace, and love.  How deep that love goes is, unfortunately, very dependent on how deep the leadership dictates.
There is no question that the Christian faith, in particular, has been guilty of many historical crimes against humanity.  The number of these is an eye opener.  I went on line and picked out one list that seemed to cover the lot.  The URL is listed below.  I found that most of the site with long lists seemed to be anti-Christian or anti-religion, which makes as much sense as the Christian sites having the shortest lists.
The purpose of opening this wound is not to demean Christianity, but rather to clarify the target of our anger and disappointment.  One cannot hope to do better without clearly defining the problem, and the problem here, as always, is with leadership and proper interpretation of scripture.  The purpose here is to make sure we don't forget why we are Christians, Jews, and Moslems, and that we are the church of God, and, in the end, personally answerable to that God for our actions in God's name. 
The purpose is to come out the other side stronger in faith to ensure atrocities never happen again.

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