
Thursday, December 12, 2013

More Pope Francis

"He washes the feet of the poor. He opts to live in a small apartment, rather than the opulent Vatican suites.  His humility has made him globally popular. But traditionalists are worried that he may move the Church’s teaching to a more open and liberal approach."
Have you read this?  These are the opening two lines of the latest Newsmax advertisement for the new book, Francis: A Pope for Our Time, The Definitive Biography, by Luis Rosales and Daniel Olivera.  I haven't read it yet, but I would like to.  Maybe someone will get me a Christmas present (hint, hint). 
I have been concerned that the Vatican would start trying to tighten his leash.  That would be very sad when you consider the lines above with everyone touting "his humility" and how it has made him "globally popular."  I don't think any Pope has ever come close to becoming what he has become to all people.  Certainly not in as short a period as he has had to do it.  He has appeal has a name now, "The Francis Effect." 

But, my fears are borne out in the last line, "traditionalists are worried."  And, what are they worried about?  They're concerned that "he may move the Church's teaching to a more open and liberal approach."  Hallelujah!  Roll me in honey and call me Margaret!  Isn't it about time we had a Christian leader that cares about solving the stagnating relationship between the Christian Church and mankind?  I would say, yes!
While the Pope stands at the forefront of a new Christian "jihad," I think the traditionalists might be worried they'll be required to get their hands dirty and do some feet washing.  To them I would say, use soap!  I want to see some priests out with us on a cold Saturday morning feeding the homeless.  I want to see the priest having to go back to his apartment for another pair of socks so his frozen toes will warm up.  When was the last time you saw a priest, or a nun, or a minister of a denominational church, downtown doing anything for the homeless on homeless turf?  Come down with me one Sunday when I hand out a few bags of apples, but dress warmly.
I notice no priest showed up to the city council meeting last night to show support for continuing to feed the homeless.  Ask yourselves why.  I have plenty of ideas why, but I won't cast unfounded dispersions on character.  I'm sure all the churches in town are quite active in feeding the poor, I'd just be a lot happier to see them out amongst them English.  Come out and freeze with them.  It is an education.
Fear is a terrible thing.  I seriously think the priesthood is afraid of our new Pope.  They probably don't like how the parishioners look at him and then look at them, as though they were comparing vehicles.  Like they're seeing, for the first time, how their priest measures up.  It is an eye opener to know that being a great man is more difficult than being a truly good man, but being a truly good man and a great man, well, it just goes to show that even the Vatican can screw up. 

While the Vatican may be questioning their decision, this pope just made Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" for 2013, beating out President Obama.  Alright, so a child with a lemonade stand could have beat out Obama, but the Pope has actually shown himself more than worthy and up to the challenge.  Maybe Barack could learn a few things here, like humility, honesty, how to speak from the heart without a teleprompter, and other Christian values.  Pope Francis seems to have it all, and the people love him!  I think that scares the Vatican to death.
I just love the guy.

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