
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Take Five, and Relax

I had a busy week last week.
I presented several posts that I figured put me on the hit list for the Islamic heretics as well as the Christian fundamentalists.  I took a couple of shots at the blatant ignorance of hate mongers as well. 
I went to the beach.  I stretched out on the sand and took a moment to think.
When you break everything down, blame is easy to place.  The fault lies with us.  It lies with where we place our beliefs, our faith, and our trust.
Christians, Islam, and even the Jews interpret their doctrines as the wind blows.  Is there really any question why heretical leaders find it easy to con the faithful into believing peaceful religions are foundations for the destruction of their fellow humans, contrary to the wishes of their respective prophets, or God?
Nobody takes personal responsibility to read the sacred texts.  Nobody wants to think for themselves.  We are lazy.  Oh, we haven't become lazy, we have been lazy for over 2000 years.  When God finds it necessary to send prophets, someone is sleeping on the job.  When God finds it necessary to kick ass and take names, we should all be concerned.  Yet, we continue to wander blindly, hoping someone will save us.
We pay for someone to save us.  My recent post on tithing and offerings was meant as a cold slap for the lazy amongst us that expect religious elders to cement our place in heaven.  Too lazy to even praise our God properly.  Don't give God want you think God wants, give what God needs.
What God needs won't be found in a book.  It won't spew forth from the mouth of a priest.  It won't be found in your wallet because it can't be bought.  I would say that just about all good, peaceful religions build the foundation of their faith on the fact that God gave us all the knowledge to provide what our God needs.  We have forgotten that knowledge by rewriting and reinterpreting the sacred texts, and by preaching the opposite of what was intended.
If you want to find your faith, your spirituality, look into your heart.  You know what is right.  You know what God intended, what God needs.  It isn't killing the infidel, it isn't waging a jihad, it isn't launching holy crusade after crusade to convert the heathens or having religious inquisitors torturing the faithful.  My God how far we have fallen from the original Word.
We need to stop looking in all the wrong places.
I went to the beach.  I stretched out on the sand and took a moment to think.  I looked into my heart and saw all the good that was in front of me.  The sand, blue sky, the wisps of clouds, the waves and the ocean.  Seagulls flew overhead, children played and parents set about making a meal.
I went to the beach and looked into my heart.  It's where I keep finding God.

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