
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Leapin Lizard Tails, Batman!

"Holy crap on a cracker!"

It has been a couple of years since I first heard of this "miracle" of medical science and, when I think about the ramifications, I can still only quote my favorite blond on the sitcom, The Big Bang Theory.
Lizards can regrow tails, but what would you say if you'd heard of a man that regrew his finger tip right down to the fingernail and original finger print?  Or of an Army soldier, wounded in Afghanistan, missing most of his thigh muscle and close to having his leg amputated, that is now jogging and looking forward to applying to a police force for duty in the field?  I was so taken with this medical miracle I included it in the adventure novel I wrote while in Mexico.
The implications of this technology, when perfected, are staggering to think about.  From what I have read the Army is even investing in it now.  This will be a godsend to wounded soldiers returning from conflicts, like the soldier from Afghanistan.  It will save the country millions in continued care.  But, is it true?
There have been skeptics to the regrown finger articles, but the soldier re-growing thigh muscle?  This seems to have more credence.  These stories are so fascinating that I think everyone needs to make their own opinion concerning the validity.  As a retired veteran I sincerely hope it is true.
I have included the links to these articles for those interested in reading more.
God gives us the tools...

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