
Saturday, August 17, 2013

"Born Again" Christians

A good friend sent me an email asking me about "born again" Christians.  I had just gotten out of bed and was not quite full awake when I tried to answer the question with my take on it.  I should have strong cup of lubricating coffee prior to engaging my rusty cogs and gears.  This was my first shot at it:
"To be "born again" refers to a spiritual rebirth.  For Christians this is evident in charismatic orders when the minister would lay on hands and, upon accepting the Holy Spirit, the parishioner would experience a "reawakening" of their soul.  For non-Christians it would, in essence, be accepting the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts for the first time.  Sometimes this rebirth is quite remarkable and "painfully" evident.  Other times it can just be a personal, inner rebirth of one's soul.  Any one can have spiritual rebirth, however, it is not just limited to Christians, they are just the ones we tend to hear ridiculed for it as they tend to go a tad overboard."
Now that I am fully awake, I think some of this "simplified" explanation requires a bit more clarification on my opinion of being "born again.".

The charismatic movement is not the only Christian sect which experiences rebirth.  I used their example as the most outwardly apparent show of rebirth through the speaking of tongues, attaining trance like states, snake handling, faith healing, etc.  Pentecostals and charismatics should not be confused even though they share many beliefs, they also differ in as much for cultural and theological reasons.

The joy experienced in being born again can manifest itself in many ways.  One way is the feeling of the born again that all others need to feel the same joy.  As true as this may be, many are not ready to accept this path.  The born again can be blinded to this by the overpowering joy they feel.  This can lead others to wish them well on their journey as much as these others wish the born again would begin that journey immediately, if not sooner.

Trying not to put to fine a point on it, some of those born again can be a bit overbearing about it.  I don't want to paint them all with the same brush as I have many close friends that have experienced rebirth.  I wish this for everyone, in their own way, in their own time.

We also need to remember there are differences in being a religious Christian or other faith, being a spiritual Christian or other faith, and just being spiritual.  Any one of these can undergo a rebirth of spirituality, a welcoming into one's soul the Holy Spirit, mother nature, the feeling of being at peace with one's beliefs or being at one with one's god. 

I'm not sure what an atheist would think of all this.  It might be interesting to hear an opinion from one willing to share their viewpoint. 

For me, I feel it also is the bells, whistles, and fireworks that announce to you that you are no longer lost.  You have placed your feet firmly on the right path and can now continue the journey you began at birth and may have become sidetracked from.

As usual, this is just my opinion, and everybody has one.  Feel free to share yours with us by comment or email.  Anything shared via email with remain anonymous unless otherwise noted.

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