
Friday, August 30, 2013

Gay Marriage Equality

The gay marriage issue has been preoccupying the western world for some time now.  There have been so many aspects brought to the forefront that many, don't only not know what to think, they are tired of thinking about it at all.
The waters have become so muddied by opinion and counter opinion that even a stupid seagull wouldn't feel comfortable wading into it.
Let's face it, the gay community played this very smart.  How many people feel strongly enough about this issue to fight it to the death?  A few groups that want the rest of the lazy fighters to throw money at the problem so they can skim off the top. 
Well, hell, that's perfect!  All the gay community had to do was wait for an ass kissing President that just wants their votes, and keep brow beating the public until they did mental shut down and declared they really don't give a tinker's damn, children are being tortured in Syria!
Note to reader:  Where the heck did the term "tinker's damn" come from and what does it mean?  And, I threw in the reference to Syrian children being tortured cause it really just pisses me off!
I heard yesterday the IRS is going to recognize all legal gay marriages.  This is pretty much the beginning of the end for the opponents of gay marriage.  It is what it is, learn to deal with it and get over it.
In twenty years we'll look back on this as an exercise in intolerance that really had no footing in common sense except to pad the pockets of those in their own circles that fueled the fire.  This kind of mercenary attitude reminds me of the African-American equality loons that prey on their own by fueling the non-existent fires of bigotry in this country.  There is an old axiom in southern politics, "keep them fed, clothed, sheltered, and stupid, you'll have a voter for life."  It's really too bad when your own treat you like the politicians instead of working for better access to education and building a solid family unit.  But, I digress.
I have no problem with gay marriage.  My only issues with the gay culture is that I wish they would treat me with the same respect I wish to treat them.  Stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder.  This is the attitude that has kept the African-American segment of our society in self-imposed mental slavery for the past 150 years.  When you start accepting everybody else, everybody else eventually becomes accepting of you, eventually.  It takes time.  Wearing a chip that won't go away does nothing to help people move on.
As a pastor, I am fully cognizant of the possibility I may be called on to perform a same sex wedding.  I have no issue with this.  I only ask that it is done for the right reasons, and not just to make a statement.  The statement is like an old, beaten down horse.  It is time to kill it, bury it, and let's all move forward.
In the end, racism and gay acceptance boils down to love of our fellow human beings on this planet.  Our willingness to put aside our bigotries and be more tolerant, to open our minds and find common ground, and realize we are all on a path leading to the same destination.
We're just taking different routes.

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