
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Questioning Leisure, Introversion, Answers, Asking, Friends, and Truth

“Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?”
-- Chuck Palahniuk

In societies where leisure is already a reality, can boredom become a problem?
It can be, but constant introspection will be the warning that you have to get off your ass and do something meaningful instead of being bored.
Why is it that some people my age are rich and I'm wasting time trolling on Quora?
You aren’t rich.
How do I deal with a lazy stepson who won't move out?
I’m sorry. I missed the point where this is your house. If it were his house, my confusion wouldn’t be warranted. Throw his sorry ass out, and change the locks.
The theory makes predictions that are stupidly wrong, so the theory is objectively wrong. How can people be so stupid and ignorant of such self-evident obvious facts?
It would be nice to know what the “theory” is you’re talking about.
Author's comment:  no, you say that but you will be offended when you see the proof in my profile. If any other reaction is anything to go by.

My reply:  English is a second language?
What are some of the lessons one should definitely learn in their 20s?
Whether a political candidate is full of shit. We can’t survive another 4 years of octogenarian fog simply because the candidate’s memory is dicey.
Why do I post questions that make no sense?
Take solace in that you’re not the only one who posts questions that make no sense.
“In life; not all questions require gentle answers, some just want you to be so stupid to answer in a stupid way.”
-- Oscar Auliq-Ice
Can you share a personal experience of how you overcame introversion and how it impacted your life?
I started dating. I got laid a lot.
Are some people destined to be unsuccessful?
Yes, and it is generally not their fault. Many are not “parented” to succeed in life or attain goals. 

What are some of the best examples of "American ignorance"?
Who voted Joe Biden for President?
I have a fear that everyone I've asked tells me is irrational but I have a hard time believing them. Is it then true that my fear is irrational?
It depends on what the fear is. But, generally, fear is pretty rational to each person. Fear helps keep us alive when faced when we’re faced with life-threatening situations.
How did you make it out of your addiction? I’m curious to hear other stories.
Nope. I’m still addicted to great-looking ladies.
Is it considered wrong to speak without knowledge?
It isn’t “wrong,” it just makes the person sound wrong… and, unfortunately, they usually are.
“A fool is made more of a fool when their mouth is more open than their mind.”
-- Anthony Liccione
Does [this site] share answers with people?
The answers are out there for anybody to read. This site doesn’t have to “share” anything. They can negate perfectly acceptable answers, but, for the most part, everything is shared. They have some moderators with a 2x4 up their derriere.
Does anyone ever pass the test?

Which test?
How do you handle a bad situation?
Delicately. Bad situations can get even worse if you handle them with no forethought. I give bad situations a lot of forethought before I open my pie hole. Your mouth can be your worst enemy or another person’s saving grace.
Would you keep texting a friend you only meet once a month? My friend acts like we are best mates. We only meet once a month. Would you just text occasionally?
That would depend on how pretty she is.
Does [this site] share answers with people?
The answers are out there for anybody to read. This site doesn’t have to “share” anything. They can negate perfectly acceptable answers, but, for the most part, everything is shared. They have some moderators with a 2x4 up their derriere.
How hard is it to leave a horrific past?
Not very hard, but you never want to forget it, lest you are tricked into repeating it.
“If you forget the path traveled, you will forget the path to travel”
-- Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar 

What is the best way to ask your grown child to move out?

“It is time for you to move out. No, really. Get the hell out.”

How did humans discover the ability to have knowledge?

We always had “knowledge.” Expanding that knowledge, on the other hand, came soon after. Everything we learned added to our knowledge base. First, we grunted, then certain grunts came to mean certain things, and so on. Okay, that’s rudimentary, but it makes a point.
Can someone who has been betrayed by their partner forgive them and move on with life?
They can forgive, but forgetting is the hardest part.
What's it like being a racist coward?
Never been one. But, it must be terrible to know you are one. Knowing that the surgeon of a different race is going to save your worthless life. There is a special place in hell… but, that’s another story.
Would you sell your soul to save another’s?
Yes. It is a selfless act that will be understood and cherished by God. 
Why does Allah like to hate so much?
Allah likes “to hate so much” because people are taught that He does by people who make up this drivel. People need to get a grip and believe that the Creator only wants the best for us.
"We will remove whatever rancor there is in their chests, and streams will run for them. They will say, ‘All praise belongs to Allah, who guided us to this’"
-- Q 7:43
My child is friends with negroes. What should I do?
If you aren’t a racist, nothing. If you are a racist… the same choice, or you can be labeled as a racist. What choice can you live with?
My 20-year-old son wants to sue me and his mother because we created him without his permission. What should we do?
You brought him into this world, albeit without his permission. But, you can certainly take him out, as well. I’d make sure you offer this to him and have witnesses to hear him balk at it. Make sure your lawyer tells the court you made the offer. I’d love to be a fly on the wall of the courtroom for this one. What an ungrateful and selfish young man you created. Do not offer to pay for his lawyer.
What would make you hate someone you used to love?
Cheating on me, constantly. I divorced her, I still love her, I just can’t be around her.
Is it worth having an opinion even if it won't change anything?
It is a right to have an opinion, even if it doesn’t change anything. Having an opinion contrary to other people doesn’t, necessarily, make you wrong. If you end up being right, people might pay more attention to your opinion.
Is deception an effort to remove the right of free will?
To make an effort of deception is you exercising your free will.
How do you find out if life is an illusion?
Other than offing yourself, you can’t. And offing yourself is a one-off. Better that you just enjoy the ride and try to be all you can be in this “illusion” you might be in. I would hate to off myself just to find I was wrong. That would just piss me off… or not, depending.
“A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”
-- Saul Bellow

Why does critical theory exist rather than not exist?
Does a “theory” truly exist, or is it critical that we find the truth of it?
Why do I keep thinking everybody is good when they might not be?
Everyone is good until they prove the contrary. This is life teaching us lessons about good and bad. We can learn, or we can keep trying to learn. It depends on how much you want to be hurt in life. I have a pretty good record when it comes to separating the wheat from the chaff.
Is it possible for some people to be inherently bad and not care about their actions towards others?
It happens all the time.
What would you estimate the IQ of a person who truly believes they're "the smartest person ever" to be? What about the person who thinks they may be, but has doubts?
“The smartest person ever” has no reason to think such a thing. This is the person who “has doubts.”
What happens if a friend doesn't talk to you?
They are preoccupied, or… what have you done?
Is it possible to ignore laws that go against our beliefs, values, or morals if we live under the rule of law?
You can do anything you want to do. You might go to jail or hell because the “rule of law” is what you have to follow, or… you can find a country that will let you act out.
"There can be no free society without law administered through an independent judiciary. If one man can be allowed to determine for himself what is law, every man can. That means first chaos, then tyranny."
-- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter


Editor's Note
(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch - it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either view any more right or wrong than the other. Opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form their own opinions, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint.

I fervently hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion in an arena of mutual respect concerning those opinions offered. After twenty-three years of military intelligence, I believe that engaging each other in this manner, and in this arena, is a way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience... and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. Following his service career, he spent 17 years working with the premier and world-renowned Western Institutional Review Board, helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. He also served 8 years on the Board of Directors for the Angela J. Bowen Foundation.
Ordained in 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As a weapon for his war on intolerance, he chose the pen. He wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's personal, spiritual path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteered as the lead chaplain at a regional medical center.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tony at:

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