
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tiananmen Square

"The so-called dissidents do not exist."
Hong Lei, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman
Heard this one?  Hey, dumb-ass!  You think they don't exist because you butchered 2,600 of the poor bastards, putz!

But, how can you blame him.  Don't we do the same thing here?  Fast & Furious, Benghazi, NSA, and I could go on but why put a sharp point to it.  We all lie and try to cover up.  We all fail miserably at it.  Hong Lei is trying the ol' "holocaust never happened" gambit.  Didn't work before doesn't...well, it has never works, any more.  In today's age of computer information bullshit just doesn't go the distance it used to when we were all stupid and gullible.  Were, right?

No.  Plenty of us are still stupid and gullible.

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