Try to search for God. Search?
There are a lot of people not seeing the forest for the trees. In trying to search for a God that is
everywhere and all things, every avenue is examined. Upon examination many of these avenues are
taken in the search for a deity and rarely the appropriate one. I recommend stopping the search and considering
acceptance. Do or do not, there is no
try. You either believe in God, or you
do not. If not, then stop wasting your
time searching. If so, then accept that
God is already with you… and always has been.
The rest is minutia and will be revealed in time. We have so very much time; this life and in
those that follow. God will be revealed
to each of us in a manner that each will understand and in a time when we are
ready to understand it.
So, which religion is right? If God reveals to each in accordance with
their own ability to comprehend then it really doesn't matter who is right
unless you choose to ignore God and follow a religion like lemmings to the
sea. What God gives to each can be
similar to the blind men and the elephant.
One of them feels the leg and comprehends it to be a tree while another
feels the trunk and comprehends it to be a snake, and so on. To each there is a different truth, and yet
they all miss the whole. Only upon
feeling the entire elephant might one of them understand the whole. God is
a very large elephant.
Search for God? Why?
If a person feels the need to search for God I would ask them why they
feel the need. It is vastly more
important that we open our minds to understanding ourselves. Understanding God will benefit us nothing as
God will continue to exist whether we understand or not. Doesn't it seem a tad egotistical to think we
could ever find, comprehend, or even understand God? Instead, try understanding who you are and, more importantly, why you are. Understanding your place in the universe is
so much easier as a first step to just comprehending there is a God, but comprehending is not the same as understanding. We comprehend the actions of God and still do
not understand the divine reasoning behind them. And yet, each Sunday, priests, rabbis, and
imams would cultivate the belief that they
understand better than others. Who
would God consider the blasphemer, the so called “vessel” of God on Earth, or
the empty vessel that is the common man ready to be filled with the true spirit
which is known only to each person and to God? Consider one rule virtually all religions force their parishioners to break, from Matthew 6:5 we read:
"And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men."
I see a basic humbleness here. I guess I view a spiritual guide in a different way. It is a trait of the new pope that I like as we seem to see eye to eye on it.
I view it this way: Teach me that I may teach others. Bless me that I may ask the blessings of
others. A humble man learns from the
smallest of God’s creatures and asks blessings from the most humble of men. I offer that one should not kiss my ring,
though I am pope. Rather allow me to
wash your humble feet and gently kiss them as you relate for me the details of
your own journey so I may learn. Are we
not all equal in the eyes of God? The
high and mighty have nothing but farther to fall, yet a humble “king” can sit a
throne for eons remembered for all time by the faithful.
Have faith and do not worry so
much about the finding and understanding.
Comprehension begets faith and faith is enough, for now. The rest will be revealed to you in due time.
Blessings upon us all this fine Sunday, and thank all of those that held me in their prayers for my safe journey to Mississippi. I arrived in one piece, none the worse for the hundred plus degree weather along the entire trip. Another test? I wonder.
As always this is just my humble opinion that I offer as food for thought. I could very well be wrong, and I hope you consider your own opinion. Feel free to share it here, or with others.
As always this is just my humble opinion that I offer as food for thought. I could very well be wrong, and I hope you consider your own opinion. Feel free to share it here, or with others.
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