
Thursday, June 12, 2014

So, Sexy Is In?

You betchya by golly wow!  But, lets really consider what we're looking at.  We have an image of a woman down to the top of her breast.  What lies below?  There are quite a few "full figured" attractive women.  So, let's consider what we see.  I see a woman that has taken time to have her hair styled.  I see a woman that has spent a few bucks on a stylish outfit.  I see a woman that really knows how to accent the lips God gave her.  And I see a woman that has practiced the art of posing that "come hither" look.  I won't even try to be delicate about this.  Her ass might be using the bar stool as a suppository but, as a real man, all I see is a woman that gives a shit how she looks.  

I think we pay too much attention to whether a woman measures up to the current body type rage.  How about just having a bit of self-respect and using the most out of what God gave you?  I went through most of elementary, junior high, and high school with a plus size woman.  She was, and is, a good friend.  She was, and I don't think still is, a party animal.  Everybody loved her.  When she went into the Presidio NCO club in Monterey, drinks hit the table and soldiers had to be fought off.  It isn't always about looks, it is always about presentation.  I mean, have you seen the make-over shows?  Man, the transformations with the right makeup, hairstyle, and clothing, are incredible!

God gave woman a gift.  If a woman chooses to ignore that gift, then she shouldn't cry foul when she can't find a man.  Stop hanging around bars with the rest of the trailer trash looking for the ideal man and start dressing up, putting on a little makeup, having your mop styled, and learning how to walk, talk, and act.  We'll address the seductive beads of perspiration on her chest and cleavage after we get approval for a follow-on date.  And just as a side note, the ideal man doesn't hang around bars looking for a life partner.

Okay, I was just getting started.  Are you ready for the real rant?  (Big breath...)

Men, if you think you're immune from this, think again.  Most of you slovenly miscreants couldn't find a quality woman because you rarely find the sober ability to part your ass cheeks long enough to pull your head out and take a breath of fresh air much less bathe, shave, put on some fine threads, and, yes, learn to walk, talk, and act so a woman of any worth would give you a first, much less a second, look.  Try getting a haircut and combing what's left.  Try wearing pants that don't droop half past your butt crack and, by the way, boxer shorts worn in plain sight are not a fashion statement to anyone, except the person wearing them and it certainly isn't a sign of good breeding.   Let me say that all of this is aimed at the teenagers that do it.  You guys over thirty that do it, well, really?  GROW THE HELL UP!  The fact that you think you can act like you're eighteen is just, well, sad.  Any woman that thinks he's "cute" needs a serious reality check.  God was kind enough to give a man two heads, how about using the one with a brain in it occasionally.  If you want to really be different, try acting like an adult, or at least like a person that gives one shit about who they are and where they are going in life, after you wake up from your drug or alcohol induced coma tomorrow morning.

The point here is very simple.  Sexy has always been in.  It doesn't matter what your shape is.  It matters who you are and how you present yourself.  If your goal in life is to be trailer trash, hey, I respect that.  Go for it!  But, at least be the best trailer trash you can be and please don't bitch to the rest of us about how miserable your life is.  It is your life!

Okay, I think I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! As a size 16-18 myself, I'm glad to see that said... Even us Big girls can be sexy if we wish to be.


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