
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Questioning Chomsky, Kindness, Effort, Evil, and Humor


"We don't do ambivalence well in America. We do courage of our convictions. We do might makes right. Ambivalence is French. Certainty is American."
-- Anna Quindlen

What would you do or say to someone who believes that "virtue is weakness" and "might makes right"?

Be wary of the “virtuous” and two wrongs making a right. "Might" could win… if you’re not up against the virtuous. Watch your back. The “virtuous” show high moral standards, but they don’t necessarily abide by them. It is a choice, situational, and made at the moment.
Is it true that reading novels, rather than reading research or psychology, teaches us more about human nature, as Noam Chomsky asserted?
I majored in psychology prior to joining military Intelligence. I took every psych class offered, and yet, the classes and books were simply "crib notes" compared to watching people and their interactions with others.   The classes were instructive in cluing you into +what personalities and characteristics to look for. 
To me, there is nothing that tops watching “human nature” in person, in a bar, or in a club. The parade of humanity, thinking they're all that, not knowing they're being watched. Who is going to hit on who? Who is married, and not? Who is pissed at who? Who is having an affair? Who is too young to be in the crowd? Who is wearing a wedding ring? Who is deviant and who isn’t? Who is cash-fat, and who isn’t? Who has a concealed weapon, and who is undercover? Who will go home with me if asked? Yadda, yadda, yadda… 
Reading is great, but I prefer to watch people.
Why do some people make you always want to feel like you're doing something wrong all the time?
False ego. They need to feel they are better than others. I usually hand them the project and ask them to show me how they would do it. Usually shuts them up. Do it a couple of times and they leave you alone.
Is the internet a huge cause of the fall of our society in terms of morality and empathy? People can become anonymous and they use it to their advantage, venting their own misery by bullying and demeaning others. It's accepted and spreading.
I think we have a winner. 
How does a person get to a point when they believe they are always right?
Become very knowledgeable about the subject, and you can “believe” you’re always right. You won’t always be, but you might come to believe it. No one is perfect, and if they think they are, they're lying.
“The good thing about being a pessimist is that I'm either always right, or pleasantly surprised.”
-- Robin Ayers
I can’t stop thinking about the past, how do I fix it to be focused on the present?

Has thinking about the past had any effect on it? Probably not, or you wouldn’t be fixated on it. Don’t worry over things over which you have no control. To do so is counterproductive to happiness.

What we have is now, so focus your energy here. If the past was a mistake, find out why you made the mistake and work now on not making the mistake again so you can move on. Live in the “now” and strive to be truly happy always and in all things, regardless of your circumstances.

Is it hard to show kindness?
No harder than it is to be mean. The “fallout” is where you see the difference.
If I were stupid, would I be supposed to see other people as intelligent?
If half the country votes an idiot in as President, does that make half the country stupid? I don’t think these stupid people would see the other half as intelligent. We are what we wish to be, and how other people see us is of little consequence.

How we see other people is a judgment. Judge not lest you be judged? We try to not judge people as stupid, yet they constantly try to prove us wrong, so what are we to do? I drink bourbon, smoke a fairly good cigar, and try to remember that it is what it is until it isn’t.

What is your opinion on bugs? Are they good or bad?
Bugs are a necessary part of our ecosystem. If we keep them under control, they are good. If we allow them to invade our personal spaces, probably not so much.
Am I stupid? My class had a field trip today and it was only for people who got C, B, and A, and good behavior. I was gonna go because of good behavior, but I didn’t because I have one D in math.

So, you know what it takes to go on the field trip, yet you didn’t put forth the necessary effort to get the grades to go. Does this make you stupid? Well, it was your choice to not make the extra effort, so it would bear this out. It doesn’t take that much more effort to make the “D” into a “C” and be able to go. But, the only one that can judge you as stupid, is you. Are you stupid or are you just not trying as hard as you could? Personally, I try to study harder.

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”
-- Harlan Ellison
Why do we expect high without putting in our best efforts?
Unrealistic expectations. If you constantly expect “high” and never get it, you should critique “why” this keeps happening. If you are honest, the answer will be not putting forth your best effort. So, why do “we” expect “high”? We aren’t being very honest about our expectations.
I'm stupid, how can I survive?
Eat, breathe, and find shelter. If you’re too stupid to do the basics, you’re probably dead already. 
How much can humans be crazy/stupid?
Being seen as crazy or stupid is a personal choice. As such, you can be as crazy or stupid as you’d like people to see you as. Voters get to exercise this choice on a schedule, and they keep choosing to show their collective ass religiously.
How can we prevent failure in our lives?
You can’t. Failures and mistakes are opportunities, presented by life, for us to learn valuable lessons. It isn’t that we fail or make mistakes, it’s what we do with them that makes a difference in our lives and allows us to continue forward.
Can people be good without being honest?
Sure. They’re good at everything but being honest. But, if they aren’t ever honest, how can we ever know that they’re really meaning to be good? I mean, by not being honest they’ve already proven they aren’t ethical and, if they aren’t ethical we’ll never truly know them.
“And that's the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too.”
-- Khaled Hosseini

I want to be evil, but at the same time, I am an extreme emotional sponge. Because of that, I see myself as weaker. What do you think?
“Evil” is short-term satisfaction followed by an eternity of pain and guilt, which is fine since there needs to be “balance” in the universe. Being a “weaker” emotional sponge, I can see you being forced into playing the role of a universal counterweight. The questions you must ask, however, are you into being used like a cheap slut, and are you willing to be paid in the currency of eternal pain, suffering, and guilt? Personally, I shoot a bit higher in life.
What thoughts come to mind when you see an abandoned building?
If it’s very old, I consider paranormal investigations. If it’s fairly new, I think of investment opportunities.
Do you believe in second chances?
And, third chances, as well. I will go to bat for someone if I feel their supervisor or manager is letting them down. I’ve met quite a few slacker supervisors incapable of real training. I’ll give anyone a chance to show me.

If I’m impressed with their perseverance, I’ll be willing to give them a second, and even a third chance. After three, however, and knowing my ability to train, we would have to consider that, perhaps, this isn’t the job for them. I will say, though, I never had to have that discussion.

As humble as I am, I’m also a good trainer, which flies in the face of logic, considering I have no patience. What people don’t know, however, is that I’ve had to fight bullies and assholes for everything. I’d like to think that everyone doesn’t have to be a bully or an asshole. You can actually show some supervisory professionalism and try training for a change.
How can human stupidity be cured?
Take emotions out of the equation, or learn that the real reason for mistakes and failures is so we learn. We are only stupid if we choose to continue making the same mistake over and over, like in politics.
In what instance have you been parochial in your perspective? What did you do to change it?
My belief in a "supreme power" in the universe is not the same as “organized” religious teaching. Something about a book of scripture that man has had too much input for, I find concerning. I have an undying faith that my belief in a “God” figure is more logical than most others. I have no reason to change my thinking, nor do I find any reason to pressure anyone to follow my thinking. It is mine, so go find your own.

I find it humorous when atheists insist I show them proof of God when they would refuse to show me proof there is no God. We both have faith in our beliefs. What I have found, however, is that some atheists deny they even possess faith. Faith is not religious. It is simply a belief in something for which there is little or no proof. Neither side, atheist or theist, has any proof to back up their belief.

I find it interesting that any theist would care about convincing people as much as the League of the Perpetually Offended does. It is what it is, believe it or not, it matters little to me. The fact that there is no proof is exactly why I have faith, however.

Ask yourself this:  What does it mean when you have no faith in what you believe to be true?
"They remain prisoners in their own cages of archaic thoughts. Fettered to a parochial mentality, they fail to become visionaries! Enslaved to their innate desire for pettiness, they remain small-minded and little-hearted!"
-- Avijeet Das
How can I be less mature? Maturity is my arch nemesis.

Learn to make peace with it. Maturity will garner you “wisdom” and the ability to utilize it. Being immature will the wisdom to be more mature. It will, also, set you on a path of stagnation where you move in circles instead of forward. Learn the right times to “cut up” and the times to be mature. Learn how to balance the two so you keep moving forward in life.

Are you drawn to a certain type of comedy or do you explore a diverse area of humor?
Diverse. I swing from early slapstick to onstage comedians and everything in between.

 Why do we tend to view failure as an obstacle to our success, rather than viewing it as part of the process?

Failure and mistakes have been given a bad reputation. Failures and mistakes are life’s way of providing opportunities for us to learn. It isn’t that we make them, it is what we do with them that is important. Failures and mistakes are definitely part of the learning process. 
What mindset is “do the right thing in the right moment even if it is bad and if it benefits you”?

If you are truly doing the “right” thing, it won’t be bad and it may not benefit you. Doing the right thing is usually selfless. If you’re doing the “right” thing because it benefits you, this is selfish. In this case, you’re doing the right thing for the wrong reason. Better you selflessly do the right things for the right reasons. Karma will take care of the rest, in due time, usually in the guise of happiness. 

What are everyone’s best quotes about the measure of one’s character?

Try this:

“The true measure of a person’s character is how one handles one’s failures, not successes.”
-- Bill Courtney


Editor's Note
(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch, it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either opinion any more right or wrong than the other. An opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form opinions of their own, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint. 

I fervently hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion, in an arena of mutual respect, concerning those opinions put forth. After over twenty years with military intelligence, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience, and what we do afterward.

Pastor Tony spent 22 years with the United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and, finally, a senior manager. He spent 17 years, following his service career, working with the premier, world-renowned, Western Institutional Review Board helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research.
Ordained 1n 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As the weapon for his war on intolerance he chose the pen, and wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's own personal, spiritual, path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He currently resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteered as the lead chaplain at a regional medical center.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tony:


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