
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 4, 2014

Wrong, wrong, wrong!  People in this country "reap the blessings of freedom without undergoing the fatigue of supporting it" every day.  Most pull a welfare check and see nothing wrong with making everyone else pay for them to lounge around and do nothing to support this country that gives them all of these rights and freedoms.  A few are on welfare because they have to be, and that is acceptable.  Those that aren't on welfare and abuse their freedom can be seen disrupting funerals of the soldiers that died for their right to disrupt a funeral of soldiers that, well, the it becomes an endless loop.  What Payne says, however, is absolutely correct.  Freedom is not free.  The minute we start to believe it is, we become complacent.  We allow ourselves to take the easy road.  The easy road is where we don't have to think for ourselves.  The easy road is where we redistribute wealth and everybody is equal, and nobody wins first prize for fear of making all the losers feel bad.  Oh my GOD!  This is us!

See if this sounds insanely familiar:
"The present state of America is truly alarming to every man who is capable of reflection.  Without law, without government, without any other mode of power than what is founded on, and granted by, courtesy.  Held together by an unexampled occurrence of sentiment, which is nevertheless subject to change, and which every secret enemy is endeavoring to disolve.  Our present condition  is, legislation without law; wisdom without a plan; a constitution without a name; and, what is strangely astonishing, perfect independence contending for dependence.  The instance is without precedent; the case never existed before; and, who can tell what may be the event?  The property of no man is secure in the present unbraced system of things.  The mind of the multitude is left at random, and seeing no fixed object before them, they pursue such as fancy or opinion presents.  Nothing is criminal; there is no such thing as treason; wherefore, everyone thinks himself at liberty to act as he pleases."
-- Thomas Paine, "Common Sense," January 10, 1776 
History has an uncanny habit of repeating itself.  It does so for one very good reason - we no longer teach history to our young people, and even if we did we are to thick to learn from our mistakes.  I know there are a butt load of liberals out there that just gasped their lungs so full of rarefied air they are in the midst of a coughing jag.  They would argue that we do, in fact, teach history in school.  I'm not discussing the bullshit that you make up so all of our children are happy.  I'm not talking about the Iwo Jima statue that has an African American helping to hoist the flag pole that was never there to help.  Or keeping the Holocaust down to one paragraph so we don't over burden tender minds with the possibility of monsters among us.  I'm talking about factual history; the history that is brutal, bloody, racist, sexist, and full of the sociopaths that think they are the second coming of Jesus when they are only the leader of a country full of gullible people expecting them to be rational.  Surprise!  We'll just write them out of history, or make them kinder and gentler.  No one will notice because they're all too stupid to realize we've done it, or too programmed by us to even care.

Read the quote above aloud to yourself.  Do it line by line and think about each line as if it stands alone.  This is the country we live in at the present time.  Consider the excerpt:, "The instance is without precedent; the case never existed before; and, who can tell what may be the event?" It is no longer without precedent, the case has happened before, and the outcome was a declaration of independence.  The season is upon us again, I fear.  In the recent news we must admit, "Nothing is criminal; there is no such thing as treason; wherefore, everyone thinks himself at liberty to act as he pleases."  Even the President of the United States.

I fear there is a rebellion brewing in this country.  Financially we are going to feed on ourselves until there is nothing left.  The welfare state is unsustainable; history has proven it time and again.  Communism is unsustainable, even Fidel Castro said it was a grand idea that didn't work.  Socialism is unsustainable, although Vladimir Putin would like to bring back the golden years of the Soviet, it will only die another painful death later on down the road.  Nobody learns from history!

This July 4th, don't just drink the kool aid like the millions of other mindless Americans willing to commit a slow, painful suicide buried under governmental control of every aspect of life.  Do something totally novel.  Think about your country and the condition it is in.  Put politics aside and ask yourself if you are willing to die for an idea.  

Seven months after Thomas Paine published his book, a Continental Congress declared independence from tyranny and were willing to die for the idea of freedom.  Many were happy to continue under English rule; the majority saw the writing on the wall and opted for freedom from an oppressive government.  

Ring a bell?

There is a silver lining to the doom and gloom, however.  Liberals, don't want to fight.  Those on welfare are too busy eating Oreo cookies, getting fat, and watching television while they wait for their next check to arrive for doing absolutely nothing.  The President, will just draw another meaningless line in the sand and end up doing nothing because it really isn't happening.  In short, any revolution that occurs will last about as long as it takes a General officer to declare the government null and void, and since most Americans feel it meets this criteria already, this should be fairly easy.  No one gets hurt and no one dies, because we're all too damned lazy to give a shit.  

And, besides, it will never happen here, right?  We're a tolerant lot, aren't we?  Think about it.  Gays, Islam, same sex marriages, Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, and let's not forget the multitude of religions that all think they're right and damn to hell for all eternity anyone who dare disagree.  Tolerant?  Think about it. 

Note:  As always this is just an opinion, the validity of which is almost always in question, as it should be.  We should always question, everything and everyone.  More importantly, we should consider our own ideas and opinions instead of buying into the bullshit of others, especially when those others think that, just because they hold public office, they must know what they're doing.

Have a happy 4th of July!
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Praise God!  Do I hear a hallelujah?  Oh, hell yes!  Amen!

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