
Friday, July 4, 2014

Sermon for Sunday - July 6, 2014: God's Grace (revisited)

The following post is a reprint from a post I did in August of last year.  Things constantly happen in our lives, hence the adage, "The only constant in life is change."  My life has gone through many changes in the past month, physical, emotional, and direction.  Some of the changes were good, some were not so good, but all served a purpose and all were part of my path.  One looks upon change differently when you come to realize all change is part of the greater grace of God.

My journey continues now, as I create another aspect of reality here in Mississippi.  I am already meeting new friends and continuing the work I have set for myself as I try to do that which God put me here to do - live!

Take time this holiday weekend to reflect on your own life.  You may feel God has forgotten His grace for you, or that it is misplaced in you.  If you live, God has not forgotten you.  Perhaps it would be better to ask if you have forgotten God.  If you fee His Grace is misplaced in you, perhaps you have forgotten that God does not make mistakes.  You exist in and by the grace of God for a purpose.  Do not wait on God to show you that purpose; it lies along the path you must choose to travel.  Do not worry about your destination, and do not worry about your age.  It is never too late or too early to find your path and begin the journey.  Simply put the first foot forward and, as it touches down, know in your heart that there is something so very much greater than you watching and guiding.  We are all here to help.  

Take the first step.

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
His love endures forever.
Psalm 118:1

When did I fall from grace? At what point in my young life?

When, in my youthful exuberance, did I fall from favor?

When did I realize you knew?  Oh, you always knew.
Like my mother when I’d done wrong, you also knew.

And you let me keep on keeping on, giving me a free pass.
Or did you?  Was I paying for it all the time?

My actions had consequences, affected others.
Though, it may have been subtle, ripples occurred in the pond.

The cost of wearing blinders is realized at one’s enlightenment.
The damage becomes obvious, and one’s path becomes clear.

Some find their path early and miss the self-imposed roadblocks.
They moved unobtrusively through their youth, while others are like a train wreck.

I fell somewhere in-between, while my train was considering the jump.
All of my passengers wondered what in hell was going on.

But, did I fall?  I’m not so sure anymore.
If there is a plan, then everything played out accordingly.

Like my girlfriend, that found drugs and later found redemption.
She found a marvelous husband that died tragically and left a beautiful child.

In each instance I see a truth has evolved, another lesson paid forward, from one to the next.
Life events passed from me to her, from her to her child, lessons and new pathways.

I didn't fall out of grace.  I fell from grace into grace, again and again.
Yes, mistakes were made.  None were unforgivable.  Not to God.

We all play and we all learn, some the hard way, until we become aware.
The lessons we learn provide our path, through this life and the next.

Once we become aware of our journey, we will begin to enjoy the sights.
It truly is not just about the destination, it is more about the journey.

Today I look forward to another few miles.  Meeting new friends and sharing.
Today is another glorious day on my path.  Another day in God's grace.

Take a moment to breathe, realize that you make your daily life.
Then, do what God put you here to do. 


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