"There are few things in life sadder than tears wasted,
save tears themselves."
450 years before the birth of Christ, the Greek poet Sophocles said, "There is no sense crying over spilt milk. Why bewail what is done and cannot be recalled?" By the same token, you should not fret over those things you can do nothing about. Is this supposed to make grief easier to bear? I think not. To the contrary, William Shakespeare says, "To weep is to make less the depth of grief." I have found this to be true for many people, including me. I find it best to not cry for no good reason, and then I fail. There are few things in life sadder than tears wasted, save tears themselves.
We cry for a variety of reasons, not all of them are necessarily bad. We cry when sad or happy. We cry at the loss of a loved one, or at the birth of a baby. We cry when we lose something cherished, and when we get a gift of something desired. We cry when we laugh too hard and we cry when someone else cries.
Personally, I cry at the drop of a hat. I always have, and it was always a source of embarrassment for my daughter who has witnessed my tearful displays numerous times as we watched such cinematic classics as the 1963 Disney film, "The Incredible Journey" and the 1993 Disney remake, "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey." Both of these masterpieces required a large box of tissue which she was eager to fetch prior to the start of each film. For me, the moment doesn't even have to concern living beings. In the Star Trek movie franchise, I cried when the starship Enterprise was destroyed, and I cried when the Android, Data, gave his life to save everyone in the final offering of that particular franchise.
Personally, I cry at the drop of a hat. I always have, and it was always a source of embarrassment for my daughter who has witnessed my tearful displays numerous times as we watched such cinematic classics as the 1963 Disney film, "The Incredible Journey" and the 1993 Disney remake, "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey." Both of these masterpieces required a large box of tissue which she was eager to fetch prior to the start of each film. For me, the moment doesn't even have to concern living beings. In the Star Trek movie franchise, I cried when the starship Enterprise was destroyed, and I cried when the Android, Data, gave his life to save everyone in the final offering of that particular franchise.
I came to two conclusions some time ago. One is that it takes a real man to wear pink and make it look good. And two is that real men cry. Hey, real men can be sensitive. Get over yourself. Real men cry as the antithesis to our sense of humor. The more heartfelt our tears, the more we laugh. A man who can cry simply displays evidence of his ability to feel deep emotion, while the man who holds it in exhibits fear of what others might think. Many men see tears as a sign of weakness. I think this is bullshit. A leader should never fear to show emotions, when appropriate.
"Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either."
-- Golda Meir (1898-1978), Former Prime Minister of Israel
I happened upon a new philosophy for dealing with loss. Well, new for me anyway. And it comes from far out in left field, though one will recognize why the author of this "philosophy" should not really surprise anyone. We spend so much time crying and bemoaning the loss, the end of an era, a relationship, family or friends. But I ask you to consider this gem:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
-- Dr. Seuss
But how does this help me when I see kids in a children's hospital that fight for life and greet death with much more dignity and understanding than any mature adult possibly could? I cannot visit a children's ward. Dying children affect me in a way that crushes my heart while lifting my soul. You have to experience this to understand. It is hard to explain. Victor Hugo wrote, "Those who do not weep, do not see." I think it pertains.
And you're probably asking what any of this has to do with wasted tears? Well, I see it this way. We waste a lot of our tears on trivial bullshit. This is sad when you consider all that is happening around us in the world. Yet, when I see one child cry from hunger or hurt, the feeling I get as a father and a grandfather is one of empathy. We have many reasons to cry, but should we? There are those among us who cry for far better reasons than many of us could ever imagine.
Next time I cry, I think I'll try to make sure they're tears of joy. I will try not to cry for the loss of someone, but to smile because they happened, because I knew them, and because I shared a moment of friendship and love.
But, I will cry.
"Crying is one of the highest devotional songs. One who knows crying, knows spiritual practice. If you can cry with a pure heart, nothing compares to such a prayer. Crying includes all the principles of Yoga."
-- Swami Krialvanandji (1913-1981)

It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion, in an arena of mutual respect, concerning those opinions put forth. After over twenty years with military intelligence, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.
We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience, and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. He spent 17 years, following his service career, working with the premier, world renowned, Institutional Review Board helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. Ordained 1n 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As the weapon for his war on intolerance he chose the pen, and wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's own personal, spiritual, path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He currently resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteers as lead Chaplain and Chaplain Program Liaison, at the regional medical center.
I agree. The only thing that bothers me is most women don't want to see their man cry, these days, anyway. It's a sign of weakness to them; they want a man who can conquer any situation...
ReplyDeleteAgain just my opinion: Most women? I'd like to think that women being beaten by "men" aren't with them because of their lack of sensitivity. There are plenty of "men" that can conquer any situation, yet lack the sensitivity to touch a butterfly, enjoy a flower, or dry the tears of a child, much less show tenderness to the woman they love. There are also plenty of them that can do all of it. I'd also like to think that, given a choice, a woman would want the total package and not just a Neanderthal that can grunt and scratch himself.
DeleteNow women being beaten by men is another can of worms...
ReplyDeleteThanks Frank; I am Gary from the ULCM, Jennifer told me about your blog, and I do like it.
Can you let me know when a response is given, or do I have to check in here periodically?
"Gary's Party Band"
I was never very emotional growing up. My Dad was the teacher of the family, guiding us in the right path. Dad was the person we could talk about anything to and if he did not know the answer he would find out the answer for you. But when he died I lost my best friend and parent and I cried my eyes out for a whole month. It was a living hell. I made my solemn promise to him I would take care of mom and make sure she always had a roof over her head and what ever she needed. Took Care of Mom for 31 yrs. Her health started to go down hill in 2002 with a heart attack etc. Taking her for her doctor appointments etc. Even though she had dementia also it tore my heart out day to day. The Last few weeks she was still alive in ICU my heart ached for God to heal her. He did when she passed away. 2 days before she passed I know she heard me cause she held my hand. I said Mom please get better cause your oldest son wants you to be able to live a little longer. And I cried like hell. But I new her heart was giving out and she suffered enough. She did not want to be resuscitated. The stupid doctors wanted to put her on life support. And being that I had power of attorney, I told them NO you are not going to put her on life support, she already said when she was admitted she did not want any of that nor resuscitated. She live a long life. She lived 81 yrs, and I told them she is suffering more cause you took her off of oxygen. Start the Morphine drip so she does not feel discomfort when she takes her final breath. I had my time of crying before she passed. On her final hours on Oct 15,2015, and I anointed her with oil and saying the final prayers I started to loose it but snapped myself out of it Cause I felt the presents of God in the room. As I sat in the chair looking at her, I saw her final breath which broke my heart more but knew she was finally at peace and with God. After a couple minutes after her last breath she opened her right eye and look directly at me, and I let her know its ok. Still to this day March 2,2019 I cannot talk about her without crying as I am this very minute writing my response to this article. Even though she drove me nuts with her dementia fits, I still stuck by her side. This shows how 3 other siblings did not give a crap until the day she died. Then her asshole older brother who came wanted a memorial service for her. I said we could not afford one for a while but their eventually would be one. He was having a tantrum and I put my foot down and said NOT NOW! he left and was mad. Did not care. So last year we decided it was time for a memorial service at the cemetery where it would not cost us to have a church service but a memorial honoring her life. The asshole brother had other plans. Well screw him. My other 2 brothers just worship him and get together with him at times. My sister and I NO WAY! I have always been emotional since my fathers passing in 1986. When one loves their parents as I do very much the Crying never ends because they are always on my mind, even though I pray daily, and have an active ministry. So I would appreciate any thoughts you have Tony that Can set my heart and mind at ease in the presents of God. Thank you for listening.
ReplyDeleteWhen our mortal shell expires, there isn't much to be done. It isn't the end of life but, rather, a new beginning. We learn lessons of this existence so we will be better prepared for the next. I think "hell" is when you have to repeat the lessons of this existence until you get them right. What you have to ask yourself is, was it her test, or was she yours? It sounds like the brothers will be doing some remedial training while you and sis move on. You should celebrate her life more than dwell on her passing. She has moved on. Is it time for you to, as well?