There are those among us that have no concept of sacrifice for liberty and freedom. God is disappearing from the dialogue of most Millennials, and their country is awash in debt and illegal aliens. Those that can suck from the public teat as though it was their God given right, yet they give nothing to deserve it. This is the society we now live in; a society of whiners and complainers that berate the very country that gives them freedom while shying away from their responsibility to die for that freedom when required.
This lack of respect and patriotism is painfully evident when certain religious groups disgrace themselves, and their country, by interrupting solemn funeral services of those that would gladly die for this disgraceful group's very right to treat these dead with such disrespect. This makes as much sense to me as yelling, "The Indians are attacking! Quick, shoot the soldiers!"
This lack of respect and patriotism is painfully evident when certain religious groups disgrace themselves, and their country, by interrupting solemn funeral services of those that would gladly die for this disgraceful group's very right to treat these dead with such disrespect. This makes as much sense to me as yelling, "The Indians are attacking! Quick, shoot the soldiers!"
The fault for this lack of respect is us. We assumed our young people would just naturally soak in the patriotism we want them to learn. How do you learn what you haven't experienced? How do you cherish freedom you didn't earn? How do you teach a loss of freedom to those that have never had it threatened?
Agree with a strong, robust military or not, it is what guarantees your freedom to not agree. Do not target the soldier for your discontent with the political, economic, or social problems in this country. These brave men and women do a thankless job that some thankless people cannot begin to understand. My hope for them is that they never find themselves in a position of needing these fine people, with a president that tells our brave soldiers to "stand down" when there are American's at risk. It would serve them right to be left out to hang like the poor souls in Benghazi were, by a gutless, cowardly administration, but I hope they never find themselves in a similar position.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson

This Memorial Day I will celebrate the brave men and woman of our military services, past and present. I will also remind everyone that the military are not the only ones putting themselves in harm's way in the constant search for peace and understanding. I will remind others to remember the U.S. Foreign Service; the consular and diplomatic services of our country. They risk much in the service of security and peace.
God of all, we pray,
Keep in your heart all the brave men and woman who voluntarily sacrifice, with little expectation of thanks, all they hold dear to protect and defend those that cannot defend themselves.
Bless all of those that have gone before, dying for the same proud and patriotic principles this country was founded on. And forgive us for what we have asked of them, and continue to ask of those that come after, as they defend your children from themselves.
We ask that you give us the strength to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
We humbly ask all of this, not as Christian or Jew, Muslim or Buddhist, Pagan, atheist, or other faith. We ask this as inhabitants of Earth, which in your wisdom you put in our care, forever hoping we will learn to govern it with love, peace, and enlightenment.
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