
Monday, May 5, 2014

Jeremiah Out of Context

People have problems with quoting Jeremiah 29:11-13 and Psalm 32:8.  They have a problem with it because it is taken out of context.  Out of context?  It isn't even taken out of proven writings!  Granted the Old Testament has at least been around for a while, like before the written word, so even it must fall into the realm of faith.  But is it supposed to be that difficult?  

I equate most religion to Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act.  The "Act" consists of 20,000 pages of "simplified" healthcare for everyone.  Do you understand it?  No, of course you don't.  Even the people that wrote it don't, but they'll be happy to explain it to you.  And religious scholars take issue with the context of a parable.  God's word isn't supposed to be that difficult.

Don't over-think the word of God., and don't over-analyze what God wants for us.  What makes you think it was ever intended to be difficult?  God gave us his Son and the knowledge we need to move forward, yet we rely on priests and scholars to interpret the Word.  God's word does not need interpretation.  According to scholars, parables need interpretation because they are lessons hidden within stories.  The Word of God, however, was meant to be very clear.  It is not hidden!

As I read Jeremiah and the Psalm I can't help but wonder.  For me to pray, well, I envision the Kingdom secretary fielding my prayer and telling the front office supervisor, "There's another call for the Big Guy from Villari."

"Oh, great.  Better put him on hold."

If you've ever heard bad "on-hold" phone music, the Kingdom of Heaven outsources theirs "out of country" so to speak - to hell.   Rest assured, I will be on hold for a biblical eternity before I lose the connection and have to call again.  If I do get through I have no doubt reaching customer service in New Delhi will probaly seem like heaven.  So I don't pray, I talk to God "mano y deity" knowing God is ever present, and I try not to be demanding or prideful.  I ask only for guidance on along my path.  Watching over me, after that, is unnecessary as what will be, will be.   

Out of context?  Isn't that the problem with most religion, and letting someone else guide you and make decisions for you?  How many people need to interpret God for you?  God is already guiding you, and advising you, all you need do is listen.

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