Why were Germans silent during WW-II? Why were Christians silent during the Crusades and, especially pertinent, the Inquisition? Fear of death by beheading can be a powerful deterrent.
Yet, the the minions,the followers, the faithful of true Islam, will not be silenced. They speak out and are muffled by the intolerant masses that would prefer condemnation to on of peaceful tolerance. My heart sings for the folks that had the audacity to make the online clip, #NotInMyName. Yet, even today, we have liberal against liberal as Ben Affleck went up against Bill Maher as Bill and his lackey condemned all of Islam and Ben was left to defend the faith - and he is not Muslim! Why are Christians doing the right thing for Muhammad? Where is Islamic leadership? It makes one wonder.
If it were not for the young people in the #NotInMyName video, I would also wonder. But one has to hope that even these few see the true peace of Islam and can do what their leadership has the lack of manhood to do. They stand up to denounce the heretics of Islam. They stand up to say, we are not all the same. They stand up and proudly pronounce what their leadership does not have the manhood to proclaim - "Not in my name!" Shame on the cowardly leadership of Islam as they leave responsibility for the words of Islam and the prophet Muhammad in the hands capable hands of the "lowly" faithful. Yet, praise Islam for these faithful that proclaim, without fear of repercussion, the true words of the prophet. And shame on the Christians that would condemn in all of Islam, another Abrahamic religion, for the heresy of radicals that do not represent the Prophet, or his people.
Again, as I always do, I implore all of my readers to do your homework. Do not let the media guide you opinion of all of Islam. He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Christianity is not without their historic speed bumps. I keep putting myself in the headlights of the oncoming traffic. I do so hoping that I am not wrong. I do so hoping there is something better than the annihilation of a spiritually peaceful people. I will continue to fight against intolerance for Islam, and any other injustice I see as it rears it's ugly head.
Please take the time to see the film, #NotInMyName. It is revealing of another side of the issue.
Before you go getting your panties in a bunch, understand that this is just an opinion and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either opinion any more right or wrong than the other. An opinion in this context is a way to incite others to think and, hopefully, to form opinions of their own if they haven’t already done so. It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and then engaging in peaceful, constructive, discussion and debate in an arena of mutual respect concerning them. It is in the arena we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.
Frank Villari, Pastor
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