We still live in a world of ignorance
and bigotry, and we still insist on repeating history because of it. If
you were taught history, which is a crap shoot in today's educational
curriculum, you may have been informed of the Japanese internment camps during
World War II. Not the prisoner of war camps, the ones we used to put the
loyal Americans of Japanese descent. We took away their homes,
businesses, and freedoms out of our ignorance and growing bigotry. And,
yet, the American spirit was not to be denied.
Young Japanese Americans wanted to prove
a loyalty that should have required no proof, but such was the honor of these
people. The Nisei volunteered for combat duty in the
100th Infantry Battalion. This group of Hawaiian National Guard led
the way to the creation of the all-Nisei 442nd Regimental Combat Team, which
became one of the most decorated units in U.S. military history, and the 522nd
Field Artillery Battalion which liberated survivors of the Dachau concentration
camps. No, the American spirit was certainly not to be denied in these
patriotic Americans. We stripped them of everything, and yet they would
hold their heads high and give that which was not asked for; proof that
we were wrong.
And, it would seem clear; we continue
to prove we have learned nothing from this history.
I constantly find myself on the
frontline of war ongoing in the United States. It is a war of
misconception and hate against a group that may be undeserving of it. Try
doing word association among your own friends and family. Ask what their
first thought is when you say "Islam." Then ask my favorite
question, "Why?"
Before we go hanging American-Muslims in
the town square, burning their businesses, or busing them all to internment
camps, maybe it would behoove us to learn something about common misconceptions
of Islam and Muslims. I found a good, succinct listing at the following
Common Misconceptions about Muslims:
(My comments are after each line item, but read what the site has to say about each at the link above. I was pretty certain about what I'd find if I looked at the answers for each item, so I have given my answers without looking. See how close I came by going to the link above and checking out the answers for yourselves. I run the risk of having a bit of egg on my face. What do you have to lose?)
Common Misconceptions about Muslims:
(My comments are after each line item, but read what the site has to say about each at the link above. I was pretty certain about what I'd find if I looked at the answers for each item, so I have given my answers without looking. See how close I came by going to the link above and checking out the answers for yourselves. I run the risk of having a bit of egg on my face. What do you have to lose?)
1. Muslims live in the Middle East. You really have to have your head seriously buried somewhere not to here world news and know everywhere Islam has spread. Indonesia, Europe, the U.S., Russia and most of Africa enjoy the Islamic faith.
2. Muslims are Arabs. See answer to Item 1, above. Really? I was not aware Arabs had a big colony in the Philippines, or Nigeria.
3. Muslims don't believe in Jesus and aren't interested in him. But they are one of the three major Abrahamic religions. They not only believe in him, they acknowledge the virgin birth and revere him as a prophet and messiah.
4. Muslims worship the moon and a Moon-God. "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet." This is repeated time and again. People really need to start listening and stop farting through their pie hole.
5. Muslims support violence and terrorism. We believe this only because our western media no longer reports the news. Islam is constantly speaking out against the violation of the Qur'an by these terrorists and heretics. Our news media only reports what fits into their, or the governments, agenda. No news there.
6. Muslims are engaged in Jihad (war) against us. Trick question? The word "jihad" means struggling or striving. The Arabic word for war is "al-harb." Jihad is not a violent concept, nor is it to be used as a declaration of war against other religions.
7. All Muslims are the same and all are either Sunni or Shi'a. There are many sects of Islam, these two are the most prevalent, and many are as varied as the cultures they represent.
8. Islam oppresses women. So, there are a lot of women in free societies that we can only assume are masochists? I don't know of many women who would willingly convert to a religion that will treat them like dirt. This "oppression" we hear about is almost always driven by cultural laws and customs.
9. Muslims are ignorant and don't value education. Gee, let's see... math, astronomy, medicine, experimental sciences, all of which made great strides due to Islamic contributions. Again, we only learn what we're taught in our schools.
10. Muslims place little value on women, family life, and children. Oh my goodness! See Item 8, above, and extend it out. This isn't rocket science people! Muslims pretty much value their women and children to the exclusion of all but Allah.
11. Muslims are archaic with little value for culture and the arts. See Item 9, above. Without a healthy respect for culture and arts you will find it very difficult to have any advances in math, astronomy, medicine, etc., etc., etc.. Islam is noted for their romantic history of colorful stories and poetry. There is a rumor that Islam was ultimately responsible for the final destruction of the Library at Alexandria. I will not attempt to defend against such slander, but, if they were responsible I think it would only be after they took all knowledge of any value safely from the building.
12. Muhammad was the founder of Islam, and they worship him. This one is tricky for me. They consider both Adam and Abraham to be Muslims, Adam being the first of them all. However, being the first Muslim does not mean that Adam declared a religion of Islam. Someone had to put a name on it and I'm not clear who that someone is. I'm sticking with Muhammad on this one.
13. Muslims are lying about Islam being peaceful. See the answer to Item 6, above. I find it very interesting that the Qur'an refers to Jews and Christians as "people of the book" who should be protected and respected. So, Israel is at fault here... why? Christians are being murdered...why?
14. We never hear Muslims speak against terrorism. See answer to Item 5, above. No more comment necessary. I recommend a visit to #notinmyname, or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfYanI-zJes for more information.
15. Islam is growing faster than any other religion. Wrong again, Buckwheat! Do your own due diligence on this one. I think you'll find the numbers are skewed. Is Islam growing faster than mainstream Christianity? Probably, but this is like putting a number to the jobless in the United States where those that have stopped looking for work or are no longer pulling unemployment are not factored in. Many have left mainstream Christianity in search of a better path to Christ. These numbers are not factored in. When you look at a stadium filled to hear Joel Osteen, it is hard to believe Christ is on a downward slide. Oh, and I doubt anyone is counting the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Christian contingent of in all of this number crunching.

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch, it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either opinion any more right or wrong than the other. An opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form opinions of their own, if they haven't already done so.
It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and then engaging in peaceful, constructive, discussion and debate in an arena of mutual respect concerning the opinions put forth. After over twenty years as a military intelligence analyst, planner, and briefer, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.
It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and then engaging in peaceful, constructive, discussion and debate in an arena of mutual respect concerning the opinions put forth. After over twenty years as a military intelligence analyst, planner, and briefer, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.
Frank Anthony Villari, Pastor
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