
Thursday, September 11, 2014

We Are at WAR! (But, the Enemy Isn't Islam)

"If you don't speak out against the atrocities; if you don't take a stand against the heresy; if you bury your head in the sand and ignore them, then you are condoning the monsters that perpetrate, and perpetuate, this evil.  If you are not the solution, you are the problem and, as such, should consider yourself an enemy to humanity and civilization."
ISIS, in a mundane comparison, would be like Islam saying the Westboro Baptist Church is representative of all Christians, or Jim Jones and the People's Temple, David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, or even Jeffrey Dahmer and the Milwaukee Cannibals.  Oh, wait...Dahmer was a serial killing cannibal, so he certainly is no Christian and is more compatible with ISIS than Islam.  But, this is all really moot, because the President says we are not at war with a heretical Islamic cult that has declared war on the United States.  

Let us be clear on a several points.  These are heretics.  They claim Islam but do not practice the any tenet of this peaceful faith.  For all intents and purposes, any true follower of Islam should put a follower of ISIS to death just for the blasphemy issuing from their pie hole.

We ARE at war, and there WILL be more boots on the ground; there already are.  Look forward to many, many  more.  The map above shows the desire of ISIS for The Caliphate.  If you believe this map, they already think they have a foothold in Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Turkey. To assume for one moment this stops here you would have to be brain dead.  They have already stated they will not stop until their flag flies over our nation's capital.  

President Obama has had his back put up against the wall by his own party and supporters.  He made a speech laying out a plan to deal with these butchers that, from the look on his face, must have taste like vinegar as the words left his mouth.  This leaves no doubt that he is not, nor ever has been, a Commander in Chief, except in name.  His actions, when compared to those of the British PM Cameron, speak volumes, though no one is still quite sure what he's saying.

Key to my discussion here, though, is Islam.  DO NOT condemn the people of this faith until we have reason to doubt their resolve.  Islam is being torn apart by heretics that promise "virgins in heaven" for martyrs.  A virgin in heaven should be questioning Allah if she is told to give herself to these butchers for what they do.  A Muslim would have to be an insane moron to think God will bless them with virgins for killing innocent women and children.  I give you an army of insane morons.  I give you ISIS.  

I plead with all Christians, and those of other faiths:  Do not harm the children of Islam for some misguided bullshit spewed forth in the media or from some homegrown, intolerant miscreant one might find with the Westboro Baptist Church.  ISIS does not represent Islam.  Islam is not perfect, hell, neither are Christians.  But, this?  

I would like to think we as a species are better than that.  I still believe peaceful Islam is.

I am forever an outspoken critic of our educational system either not teaching history, or teaching a re-written history to serve an agenda.  ISIS is as bad, or worse, than the Nazis in their lack of respect for human life.  I leave you with one of my favorite quotes I use when I think about what forgetting histroy can mean to the world.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. 
Martin Niemoller (1892–1984), Protestant pastor and outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler

Note:  As always this is just opinion and, as such, may be wrong.  In this particular case I sincerely hope I'm not.  Opinion is a method of stirring a pot in order to incite creative discussion, debate, and most importantly to get others to form their own opinion.  Develop one of your own and pass it on.

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