"If the global image of Islam is to be viewed as its followers preach, that it is the one true religion of peace and love, the message would likely be better received if not preached with the detonation of a suicide vest in a crowded square or with the removal of a journalist's head by the edge of a sword."
-- Mark Politi
Mr. Politi made this statement in his August 22, 2014 article, Muslim Silence Amid ISIS Atrocities (http://guardianlv.com/2014/08/muslim-silence-amid-isis-atrocities/). I have posted similar articles and called for a greater outcry from "peaceful" Islam to denounce terrorism which I felt to be against the teachings of Muhammad and the Qur'an. In the referenced article Mr. Politi goes on to say, "What also complicates the matter is that it is not entirely understood by the West and non-Muslims whether or not Islam has been hijacked by a minority of Muslim Islamic terrorists engaged in Jihad, or if there is a larger scenario involving the millions of peaceful Muslims whose history has yet to be written."
I am in constant struggle with my own father who would believe what he hears from the anti-Islamic culture, or Islamic ignorant culture, and the mass media in America, concerning the beliefs and goals of Islam. It is difficult to fight this kind of ignorance and misplaced anger when even FOX News accuses all Islam of being silent and complicit in these atrocities (http://www.globalresearch.ca/muslim-leaders-worldwide-condemn-isis/5397364). I find it difficult to fathom that even a woman as intelligent as FOX's Andrea Tantaros would declare that all Muslims should be met "with a bullet to the head." Yet this article I have reference would point to this. I cannot substantiate the quote, and I list it only as evidence of a greater problem of misunderstanding.
It seems the leadership in this country, both liberal and conservative, have an agenda to keep the American people ignorant of what is being said by Islam in condemnation of terrorism by extremists that use Islam as their excuse to perpetrate and perpetuate atrocities against all of mankind, even Islam. What does our own government hope to achieve by keeping us inflamed over Islam? I have my own thoughts on this, but I would rather not get into a pissing match with ignorance, or as they say in the south, a braying contest with a jackass. I think the only way to sway an opinion is through education.
"We strongly condemn this gruesome and barbaric killing as a violation of Islamic beliefs and of universally-accepted international norms mandating the protection of prisoners and journalists during conflicts."
-- Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
In this post I have listed three of many references available online for those that wish to "educate" themselves prior to making ignorant accusations and labeling and entire religion for the acts of a minority of heretics. I would ask that we all take the time to become better aware of what bullshit we are being spoon fed by our own governments and media before we buy into, what might be construed as, a thinly veiled attempt to inflame anti-Semitism, intolerance, and hatred throughout the world. And, by the way, look up anti-Semitism. It isn't all about the Jews.
As a Christian, a minister, a professor of tolerance, and a human being, I ask that we all take a few moments to look up these articles online and see just what Islam is saying about the terrorism infesting our world. More from the CAIR and MPAC can be found at, http://www.rediff.com/news/report/iraq-isis-top-muslim-groups-and-leaders-condemn-isis/20140822.htm
"A major obstacle preventing the true message of Islam worldwide is extremism. In this, we are not alone. Sadly, extremists contaminate all religions... Thus, with this document, together we passionately affirm our opposition to extremists of all stripes, particularly all Muslim extremists who betray Islam's true message. Furthermore, we pledge to collectively condemn and act to prevent extremism in all forms."-- Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and the Declaration Against Extremism
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