Actions so often do speak louder than words, especially when the American free press is muzzled by socialists' hell bent on controlling our minds. Conspiracy? If you think we have a press that feeds us the facts without bias, you deserve to be the slave you are. But, that is for another post.
I posted several articles asking Islam why they don't act against their own heretics; why they don't speak out against the seemingly endless atrocities perpetrated against innocent women and children in the name of Allah and the Qur'an.
I found out not too long ago that many of "peaceful" Islam speak out, but our own government, press, and media seem reluctant, or flat out refuse, to report it. To what end are we being kept in the dark? Why are we being spoon fed hatred against a religion of peace and love? Is there a hidden agenda behind stoking this furnace of misunderstanding and hatred and, if so, what is it? Again, this is for another post. But, it has to make you wonder, unless you're totally clueless about events on your own world. If you are, you aren't alone. Most college kids don't know what ISIS ir ISIL is and couldn't find Iraq, Iran, or Syria on a map.
I ask my readers to follow the link address below and read the article found there. Leave it to Fox News to break from the pack and actually do some news reporting. Seems like an American mosque, the Al-Farooq Youth & Family Center, actually ejected a member that was attempting to sow the seed of radical Islam and then they reported him to authorities. The story is worth the read.
My point here is what the Congregation for Religious Tolerance is all about. Before we condemn an entire religion for the actions of heretics, let's use the tools at our disposal to learn the facts, and maybe even a little something about their Scripture. Does this mean all mosques in America are not corrupted by the herasy infecting Islam? No. But don't we have to assume innocence before condemnation? If we don't, are we not following our own path of evil? We can continue to kill each other through ignorance or we can try to find common ground.
I know of two prophets who would opt for the latter.
Note: You may need to cut and paste the address if clicking on it doesn't get you there. Hey, it's a little bit of work... don't strain your finger doing it.
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