So you want to worship. The spirit has entered your life for the briefest of moments, perhaps for the first time in many years, and you find yourself standing at the threshold of your local church. Is it Sunday morning? No? Well, then good luck with that. You will find the doors to worship are locked tight.
God wants us to worship. The church hierarchy would have us buy into scripture commanding we do it in the church of our choice - and then they lock us out. That moment of spirituality you're experiencing? Don't let it go. Take yourself a moment of quiet meditation anywhere and have a discussion with the Lord. If you don't want to do it alone, then ask someone to sit with you and pray, or discuss what's happening with you; connect with somebody and share your moment. Or, better yet, go online and see if there is a list of ministers in your area that can walk you through worshiping without a building. It is a concept!
Organized religion would have us tithing our hard earned gains to keep structures of worship in good shape. It also fills religious coffers and, well, talk about your non-transparency. How about some good old fashion outdoor worship? How about a walk by the lake where you can take in all of God's wonders? If you read the Bible, take it along an d read a few pages. See if there is a religious coffee group that meets, start one yourself, or do Sunday volunteer work with others of faith.
Get out of the physical church and start to worship! Learn to praise God on God's terms; anywhere!
God bless us all, and have a glorious Sunday!
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