"Religion gives us an idea of heaven to create fear in an idea of hell, then promises a path to heaven for the faithful to the particular religious philosophy. The idea of heaven and hell is simply a means of control. In reality, we create our own heaven or hell right here on earth."
Is there hell on earth? You betchya, by golly, eh! Michigan is one place where you can usually expect to see hell freeze over during the winter months. If you're in the European theater of operations, you might want to check out Hell, Norway.
In religious tradition, the Abrahamic in particular, hell conjures up visions of eternal damnation, punishment, and torment to be endured in the afterlife for sins wrought in the present. But is this what "Holy Scripture" really says? Or, as I believe and have asked many times before, have religious scholars been leading us down a path of fear to fulfill their own agenda for control? I feel there is ample evidence to condemn, but it is for each of us to decide, in our own hearts, where religion has sold us out, or not.
As always, I did a bit of research to try and get a philosophical handle on Satan. I have always had my own feelings of hell on earth, and found God's seeming penchant to damn for eternity as a bit harsh for the "loving" Father we are also expected to see. A God I have to fear is no God of mine. God the Father, therefore, must be a loving father, yet stern when necessary to point out childhood errors. Whether you love God or not, His love for you is without question. It must be, or what's the point? Imagine my surprise when I came across an article in Apologetics Press that gave me some hope that I might be on the right track. According to Kyle Butt, editor of Discovery magazine contributor to the Bible department at Apologetics Press:
"Satan is not the ruler of hell, and he does not have the power or ability to cast or drag anyone into hell. In fact, when we read about Satan’s ultimate end, we see that God is the Being who will cast Satan, also called the devil, into the “lake of fire and brimstone” (Revelation 20:2,10). Furthermore, the apostle Paul explained to the Christians in Rome that no “angels nor principalities nor powers” could separate them from the “love of God which is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:38-39). Those in Rome could choose to reject God of their own free will, but no power in existence, including Satan, could pluck them from God’s hand and cast them into hell."
Satan "does not have the power or ability to cast or drag anyone into hell." It doesn't say he can't tempt you into sending yourself there. Remember the old saying that you have to invite the devil in? And there is also the idea that nothing can separate you from the "love of God which is in Christ Jesus." I think the last sentence has more meaning than all others. They "could choose to reject God of their own free will, but no power in existence, including Satan, could pluck them from God's hand and cast them into hell."
Everything revolves around your acceptance of evil and your rejection of God. This is why I feel that a loving God, will give us well-deserved spankings, even make us endure remedial training, to live an existence again and again, in order that we learn the lessons required to achieve a higher existence on our path. Will we fall along this path? Most certainly! This is how we learn; from our mistakes. Will we taste the forbidden fruit? More than likely! And, like Adam and Eve, we will be spanked. But those who are repentant, those who don't reject the love and goodness of creation in favor of inviting Satan into their house, will always have the promise of forgiveness and love.
What of other faiths, and the "godless heathen" that Christianity has historically condemned, even unto death, for their beliefs? In the kingdom of my God, ignorance is a pretty good excuse as long as your life has been righteous. Evil in any philosophy seems to be shunned.
What of other faiths, and the "godless heathen" that Christianity has historically condemned, even unto death, for their beliefs? In the kingdom of my God, ignorance is a pretty good excuse as long as your life has been righteous. Evil in any philosophy seems to be shunned.
It seems to me that what we have to watch out for is falling prey to Satan's ability as a used car salesman; his "Slick Willy" persona, if you will. Satan's power is his ability as a great deceiver. Satan may not be able to take your soul, but he can sure con you into signing it over of your own free will, and therein lies the danger.
Hell is just a four-letter word unless you want it to be something more. We need to stop worrying about hell, having faith in hell, and start living good lives. God gave us a wonderful existence to live and we spend way too much of it worrying about not being good enough to move forward or attain salvation. From what I read in scripture, our salvation has already been paid for. What we need to be doing is picking it up and moving forward. Salvation isn't about the destination as much as it's about what we do with it on the journey. And, if you do happen to fall hard, remember that Satan can only hold you as long as you don't allow the love of creation to bring you back into the light. This is the forgiving nature, my philosophy of the living God in which I place my faith.
Hell is just a four-letter word unless you want it to be something more. We need to stop worrying about hell, having faith in hell, and start living good lives. God gave us a wonderful existence to live and we spend way too much of it worrying about not being good enough to move forward or attain salvation. From what I read in scripture, our salvation has already been paid for. What we need to be doing is picking it up and moving forward. Salvation isn't about the destination as much as it's about what we do with it on the journey. And, if you do happen to fall hard, remember that Satan can only hold you as long as you don't allow the love of creation to bring you back into the light. This is the forgiving nature, my philosophy of the living God in which I place my faith.
“I found that I couldn't muster any belief in a literal heaven or hell, anyway. I thought the best we could all do was to look after one another and clean up the various hells we've made right here on earth.”
-- Octavia E. Butler

It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion, in an arena of mutual respect, concerning those opinions put forth. After over twenty years with military intelligence, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.
We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience, and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. He spent 17 years, following his service career, working with the premier, world renowned, Institutional Review Board helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. Ordained 1n 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As the weapon for his war on intolerance he chose the pen, and wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's own personal, spiritual, path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He currently resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteers as lead Chaplain and Chaplain Program Liaison, at the regional medical center.
Awesome subject. Never have believed in hell. Though the Church in is's early days and into the 1960's still preached and taught that if you lived a bad life you were going to hell and that Satan ruled Hell. I asked the nun in 5th grade before confirmation, how do you know there is a Hell, have you ever seen it? That shut the nun up. Course word got to the Pastor and oh he gives the b.s. oh Satan Rules Hell and it does exist. Again I said Have you visited Hell, and How would you know it exists? Is it by idiots from the early church? Subject was dropped. When the higher arcies of the church are challenged they drop the subject cause they can't prove it. They only go by what was taught to them in catechism and seminary. When someone says Oh your going to burn in Hell? I say Really! How so? Subject gets dropped fast.