
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Thought for September 22, 2013

What to write about for this Sunday...I have nothing.  The 100th post pretty much depleted me.  It was hard for me to believe I put out 100 short essays since the middle of June.  I guess, if I have anything to write about for you, it would be how easy it was to find so many interesting things as subject matter.  The majority of it came from just walking around my little piece of heaven, here in sleepy Olympia.  The real eye opener for me was how easy they were to write about.  Most of the posts really wrote themselves.
If there is any lesson to pass on to my readers it would be, to write.  Write about anything, but just write.  You don't even need a subject or a destination to put pen to paper, it will come on its own.  While you are out and about, keep your eyes open for those bits of life that amaze you, and write about "why." 
Why.  I can't emphasize enough about how important I feel "why" is to all of us.  I think it is the root of all our knowledge.  It is the basis for all explanation.  Is it more important to know who we are, or why we are?  If the bomb will detonate, or why the bomb will detonate?  If you want to have a baby, or why you want to have a baby?  If we should go into space, or why?  If I should continue writing "The Path," or why?
I think the question for all of us is not whether we should be on our path, but why?  It does little good to try and discover your particular path until you know why you want to discover it.  What is the purpose of walking it, until you know why you want to walk it?  If you know the "why" then the what, when, where and how fall into place.
Why did I get up at 3:30 this morning and make a cup of coffee?  Because I hadn't written the "Sunday Thought" for my readers.  More importantly, I hadn't written it for myself.  I discover more about why I am here through writing than I do any other way.  I think writing can give all of us a chance to reflect on, not only who and what we are, but "why" we are.  I think that if you can answer that, you can find some peace and, in that peace, perhaps a love for God.
So much for having nothing to write about.  This makes 101.  I don't know why that matters.  I suppose knowing why it matters would help me know if it matters, or if it is really important to me continuing on my journey.
I think I'll have another cup of coffee and fry up a couple of eggs, and ponder 102.  The journey continues. 
Have a blessed Sunday!

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