
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 As a Celebration of Life

“When I look out the window, I exhale a prayer of thanks for the color green, for my children’s safety, for the simple acts of faith like planting a garden that helped see us through another spring, another summer. And I inhale some kind of promise to protect my kids’ hopes and good intentions we began with in this country. Freedom of speech, the protection of diversity — these are the most important ingredients of American civil life and my own survival. If I ever took them for granted, I don’t know.”
-Barbara Kingsolver, novelist
 After 12 years we still mourn the loss of so many, and so many more in the fight against the terrorism that grips our world.  There will be many festivities to day in remembrance.  I hope that these festivities celebrate life and not focus on the loss.
I hope we remember the good times for these families.  I hope we remember the strength and courage of this nation and its people.  I hope we remember that, when faced with adversity we pull together, in support and in hope, one people united. 
If we are nothing else, we are and always will be Americans.
Today, go forth and love each other, hug the children and your loved ones, and remember how lucky we all are to be able to remember and to celebrate life.

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