
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rapture: Will You Choose to Stay?

"You gave Him what He asked for, I gave Him what He needed." 
Legion, 2010

"Speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who
are dispossessed."
Proverbs 31:8

"In the end, I will hold my ground when called.  I will say to God, "I will stay for them, those that you leave behind."  God will likely remind me I was staying anyway, so it will have worked out nicely."
Frank A. Villari, Pastor 

What will the righteous do at the end?  My assumption, from what I've seen and heard, is that they will jump at the chance for a place on God's lifeboat.  The righteous of God will have given what was asked for, and will stand ready for God's promise to them showing their true nature.

Who, in their piety, will stand in the face of life everlasting, looking down on the multitude being left behind, and not feel compassion for their ignorance and their pain, some modicum of pity?  Who will stand up for them, one more time, and renew the faith of God in mankind?  Who is willing to turn their back on what God wants, in order to give that which is needed?  Who will stand with me on that day of judgment?  Who will stay and guide the children left behind, through the tribulation and what lies beyond?
"I will stay for them, those that you leave behind."  As I close my eyes and lift my face to heaven, spreading  my arms slightly from my sides, palms forward, I feel a hand grasp my right, and yet another grasp my left.  I cry.
Who will stay?  More than anyone realizes, I think.

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