
Monday, July 22, 2013

Judgment Day?


An electronic ping resonates throughout the, brightly lit, white room followed by a soft feminine voice, "Welcome to Heaven!  Please sign in, pick up a score card, and have a seat.  We will be with you momentarily."  You look down at a stack of crisp, ledger sized, score cards on the marble counter in front of you.  Taking one from the top you turn around to see the room open up before your eyes, slowly encompassing thousands of others patiently waiting to have their lives scored.  You notice there is the number "298432" printed at the top right corner of the card.  You glance back at the white box on the white wall behind the counter and notice glowing red numerals slowly counting up, "134341...134342...43...44..."

You get a feeling that your definition of "momentarily" is about to be redefined.  You just know the wait is going to be substantial.  You turn back and notice you can't see the end of the aisle in front of you.  The perspective of the aisle, along with seats and people lining it, seems to disappear into an imaginary horizon on the white expanse beyond. You notice the only color you've seen here is in the clothing worn by everyone waiting, and the red numerals, "134348...49...50...".  Only 164,000 people ahead of you.
As you start to move forward down the aisle, to the far away presumed back of the room, the soft feminine voice chimes back in, "Have a nice day!"  You close your eyes, and bite your tongue.
Right off the bat I envision this being hell.  Let's face it, can you imagine God succumbing to bureaucracy, or a "hurry up and wait" mentality for anything?  This is the power! 
I would be more apt to believe that you hear a voice on your way down the tunnel of light.  You either hear a soft feminine voice welcoming you to tranquility, or a deep male voice saying how you have been judged and found wanting, at which point a sucking black side tunnel opens up to syphon you off like you're some turd polluting the pristine environment.  Either way beats having to sit and watch the red numerals on a counter tick through the thousands ahead of you.  The only way this would make sense for me is if God were a woman, because only a woman would have this kind of humor at my expense.
Thought about "Judgment Day" lately?  What is your opinion?

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