
Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Sabbath is Saturday

My critique of the Christian church continues.
No where in the Bible does it say change the Sabbath from the seventh day, Saturday, to Sunday.  Yet another example of Christian councils and Emperor Constantine placing themselves above God because, of course, they are God's voice on Earth.  So were James Warren Jones, David Koresh, Warren Jeffs.  According to Lord Acton, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."  I have to wonder if there isn't a predilection to corruption amongst the religious.  Corruption so perverse as to include, or cause, insanity.
And, we find ourselves back to the Sabbath.  Taken as a whole this is just another example of rewriting God's word to fit an agenda which has been lost to us over the course of time.  The same agenda that drove which writings would be included in the Bible, cathedrals to be built while the poor starved, some priests to live a life of luxury, and the Pope to own a city housing treasures beyond value. 
The poor still starve, by the way.
I have an idea.  Let's move the Sabbath back to Saturday.  As a matter of fact, let's stop screwing with history and move all celebrations back to the days they were intended and not change them to make it better for ourselves, to fit an agenda.
The Pope can sell off Vatican City as a tourist attraction, which is all it has become, use the proceeds to solve world hunger, live in the back of an adobe mission and ride a burro.  Now, wouldn't that bring everyone back into the Christian faith?  And don't think the Catholics have a corner on corruption.  Have you seen how much the evangelicals pull in?  Just look at the Crystal Cathedral.  But the Kool-Aid drinkers just keep doling out the cash as they try to buy their way into heaven not realizing that they pay for the leader's lifestyle more than a meal for the needy.  Ask them why they don't  do what Christ would have wanted by giving up the worldly goods and following in His footsteps?
Makes me wonder.

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