
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Questioning Intelligence, Karma, Change, Happiness, Hate, and Learning

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." 
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Do intelligent men exist?
Yes, but they are not as “smart” as they think they are. Intelligent, yes. But smart? Not so much.
Does the wise man do it just because he has to do it?
Pretty much.
When was the last time you realized that you have more power over others than you thought?
By my third year in the Air Force Intelligence Division. I had so much fun, I stayed on for 23 years. I have never lost the realization, but I don’t utilize it. It is dangerous to those you “think” you have power over. Better to leave things, like this, alone.
Do you know what it feels like to be betrayed?
Indeed. And, being betrayed, by the one you love, hurts the most.
Imagine there is an academic competition, and Person A has two Perfect Scores and was the Absolute Winner both times, and there is Person B, the Absolute Winner three times, and one of the times they had a Person Score, who's better?
Has Person A failed? The only way to grade this is if someone fails. “Perfect Score” makes them an “Absolute Winner” as far as they have gone. The only way to judge one over the other is if one fails. The “Person Score” should be given to both of them, otherwise, one competitor has an unfair advantage.
What does it say about leaders who only want praise for achievements no matter what, and how would you rate them?
"Egotism is the anesthetic which nature gives us to deaden the pain of being a fool."
-- Dr. Herbert Shofield
Do people get their karma for cheating in a relationship?
They get “bad” karma. The person who never cheats gets “good” karma. Bad karma will strike you down when you least expect it. Good karma is with you always, as long as you are good.
Is it a pleasure to meet you?
Many people seem to think so.
Why do I feel like I don't deserve to be loved?

Not deserving means you have done something that makes you feel this way. What have you done that makes you think you don’t deserve to be loved? Can you make up for whatever you did? If you can, then however painful it is you must do it.
Reader comment: I used to feel this, but now in an older age I realize I did, and do, deserve to be loved because I've tried my best, and that's pretty o.k. 
Should everyone like you?
No. I don’t want “serial killers” thinking they like me.
What's the wise man's perception of pride without attitude?
The wise man knows that he is what he is. There is no pride, and there is certainly no attitude. He learns, and he teaches what he knows. This is wisdom. Pride and attitude negates what wisdom has taught.  
How do you view the other person: nice or mean?
It depends on whether they are nice or mean.
“My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you’ve been mean to someone, they won’t believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it’s time to stop being nice, then destroy them.”
-- Laurell K. Hamilton 
What do you do with the people who don't want to change?
Leave them to their own devices. Life is too short to waste time on them.
What are some tips for teenagers who want to sneak out of their house for some freedom, but are unable to leave their room?
Don’t. Teenagers go missing all the time. When you celebrate your 18th birthday, knock yourself out. By then, maybe you’ll know how to take care of yourself. If not, you will be raped, dead, or missing. None of these are a good outcome.
What are some bad times to say what you're really thinking?
I’m there, so, I say what I think or hold my tongue. My tongue is hard to get hold of.
What's the wise man's perception of knowing what to say and what not to?
The wise man’s “perception” is driven by what he has learned during life. The truly wise man will keep his mouth shut if he isn’t certain of the outcome
Does the wise man do it for his friends?
Do what?
Does the wise man perceive that the world is a business?
The wise man perceives that “business” will come to him, or he will be too busy to care for himself. Wisdom, unless there is an injustice, is silent… the most part. If you need to speak your mind, you might also be thinking about defense. You may need it.
"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."
-- Confucius
Why can't I man up and be happy?
You don’t need to “man up” to be happy. I am truly happy always, and in all things, regardless of my circumstances. It is a choice we all need to make for our life.
What right answer are you to say to a guy when he says he loves you, and you know you don't?
“I’m sorry, but you mistakenly think I like men.”
Are there any women in the world who love men or do they just love money?
I have been “poor” for most of my younger life, even in the Air Force. But, I had no problem dating women. Most of them were looking for a husband. Not for the love of money, because none of us were well off.
What was the hardest thing in your life to forgive? Did you move on? How?
Dishonesty. I moved on by divorcing her.
How does the concept of free will reconcile with the idea that life is about how people treat each other?
You follow the law of the land. If you don’t, you end up in jail. You treat each other right, or you don’t have many friends. It’s not a crime to not have any friends, it is your free will. But, it is a crime to hurt them.
How does the wise man deal with someone who is living immediately?
The wise man knows… as we all do, it is easier to deal with the living than with the dead.

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