This one blind-sided me! Who woulda thunk it? A day set aside to celebrate Pepe's raincoat; your little friends armor; the little discussed condom; life's little prophylactic against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.
I thought this should be shared as part of informational outreach. I found it interesting they opted to celebrate it in conjunction with Valentine's Day. No wonder it isn't advertised very well. No pun intended but, it could really take the feeling out of that special moment. But, then again...
Isn't this what maturity is all about? Doesn't this separate the men from the boys? Make us stand up to be counted? Fish or cut bait? Personally I think its where the rubber hits the road for men in the world.
All humor aside, I think this celebration is marvelous. I think all offices throughout the world should end their lunch with a "Mr. Condom" shaped cake to help ICD spread the word and stop the spread of an STD like AIDS.
The following is from, www.wincalendar.com/International-Condom-Day:
International Condom
Day History
International Condom
Day seeks to promote the use of condoms as a means of preventing unwanted
pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is an informal
observance celebrated in conjunction with Valentine's Day. The holiday is
also promoted by the AHF (AIDS Healthcare Foundation) in an effort to reduce
the spread of HIV thru safe sex practices.
Facts about
International Condom Day
- 1 in 20 Americans will get infected with hepatitis B
(HBV) some time during their lives. Hepatitis B is 100 times more
infectious than HIV. (Source: CDC)
- There are more than 19.7 million new Sexually
Transmitted Infections in the U.S. each year. (Source: CDC)
- By twelfth grade, 65% of high school students will have
engaged in sexual intercourse, and one in five sexually active teens will
have had four or more sexual partners.
- The use of Condoms make for the only proven method for
reducing the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
(STIs) during sex.
- 5 billion condoms are used every year, worldwide.
International Condom
Day Top Events and Things to Do
- Practice safe sex and keep condoms on hand so there is
no excuse to use them if the situation arises.
- Say the Danish word for condom 10 times fast. Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel
- Talk to your kids about safe sex and answer any
questions they may have.
- Make a donation to the American Sexual Health
Association (ASHA)
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