
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Thought - November 3, 2013: Thanksgiving

I give nothing of money to the poor and homeless, as I feel this cannot save them from their lot.  How counterproductive it would be, however, not to feed those in need, so they may have the strength to better their situation if, and when, opportunity presents itself.
That time of the year is rapidly approaching.  The time when we make a large meal, gather with friends and family, and give thanks for all of our many blessings.  We will pray for those no longer with us, friends unable to come, or for the troops in harm's way.
Thanksgiving concerns itself with the heart, and with God, not with late night drunk fests, fireworks, and giving gifts others probably have no use for.  It is about family and friends, being alive, and about love.

I hope there are some soup kitchens opened this season.  It has been a while since I have donated food to their cause.  There is plenty of time for you to reflect on whether you might want to give something as well.  Even the hardest heart can soften on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I leave you with a quote, as something to consider, and bless you all this crisp, clear Sunday morning which our creator given us! 
"What is Thanksgiving?  I saw a homeless man walking along a street today and wondered, but for the grace of God go I?"  -- Reed B. Markham, Educator

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