
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Feeding the Homeless in Olympia

You know what's embarrassing?  When Christian organizations tasked with feeding the poor and homeless, are avoided by the poor and homeless.
I went out Saturday morning to see how Mama Dee and her Joyful Hands Ministries were doing with the wind and the rain we're having.  They were all set up and serving, waiting on one of their group to return with tortillas so they could serve up breakfast burritos.
I sipped my cup of coffee and watched the operation, all the while listening to the friendly banter among the group.  It seems like a few of her clientele had less than glowing opinions of the Salvation Army and the Gospel Mission.  Words like rude and unfriendly were used.  Hmmm.  I give money to the Salvation Army, and my girlfriend has given gifts to the Gospel Mission.  Not stuff you like to hear when you are a supporter.
Now, granted, a few comments reflected on the fact that several of the homeless had been banned from the mission, so one has to take that into account when hearing these kinds of comments.  I have been to Dee's operation twice now and find it difficult to believe that this motley group of homeless could get banned from anything.  They have been peaceful, friendly, and very respectful of Dee and her group.  If I were homeless and hungry I don't think I would be biting the hand that's trying to feed me.  Where there is smoke there is usually fire, but there are also bad apples in any group and I'm talking about both sides of this issue.
One hopes that religious organizations would ensure proper attitude and bearing while providing a few moments respite, warmth, and a meal to the needy.  Dee's crowd certainly seems to be on good terms with her folks, and I get the feeling the group that frequents her establishment probably police themselves, knowing she is probably the only game in town unless they want to be talked down to.
This is a case of "he said, she said" that should not be taken at face value.  I will continue to find out more during my visits with Mama Dee.  I would recommend the local Salvation Army and Gospel Mission look into these rumors in order to validate or dispel.  I think this kind of rumor would be of importance to Christian organizations concerned with doing Christ's work, but then, like most Christian organizations maybe it's become all about the money, and a token meal just keeps up a good front and the coffers full.
I sincerely hope this isn't the case, as I have always appreciated what the Salvation Army did on the Gulf Coast after Katrina.
God bless Dee and her folks for the volunteer work they do on cold, rainy, inhospitable mornings.  Just one more point for the Salvation Army and the Gospel Mission:  Her people aren't in a warm, dry building.  They are out amongst them, in the wind, rain, and cold, doing the Lord's work. 
Where are you?
"Happy is the generous man, the one who feeds the poor."
Proverbs, 22:9

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