"He may be the voice of God on earth, immune from making mistakes, but the cardinals still tell God what he can get away with, for now...
My fear for him is from threats within the Vatican, from the cardinals themselves. It is a government, after all, and historically they have not been immune to intrigue from within. Internal tug of war, back stabbing, and assassination should come as a surprise. One can hope for more, but this is the Vatican."
-- Pope Francis: Why I Love This Guy, posted on The Path, 11/14/13
I wrote the statement above because of my fear for the new Pope in agitating a political machine as powerful and controlling as the Vatican. I hate being right all the time, it's a curse. My problem with writing these statements is the knowledge that the minute it is said, you risk opening the gates of hell, so to speak.
Robert Royal, editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing, wrote an article in association with Newsmax in which he says of Pope Francis, "...we now have evidence of his willingness to correct his own errors or imprecise statements -- and quite openly, too -- something not always seen in Rome's handling of PR problems."
"Rome's handling of PR problems? The Pope, God's voice on earth, is a PR problem? Hmmm..."What the Pope really meant to say was...," kind of equates to, "What God really meant to say was..."
Politics as usual, and I don't know who is buying this Vatican version of "political correctness," but I'm sure those Christians who don't like change, who like drinking from the cherry flavored Kool Aid pitcher, are probably breathing a huge sigh of relief. As for me, I'm hoping my new hero isn't caving to the powerful Vatican politico who focus their narrow view only their personal interest and not on those of God.
Kind of reminds me of the guys that wrote what they wanted to into the Bible, leaving out important aspects like, God has a wife. I'll leave that tidbit for later. It was supposed to be my next post, God's wife, as I write this current post with a glass of wine resting on the twenty pages of notes I have on the subject. But, I felt this needed to be put out there first, for you to consider for yourselves. I think it will put the aspect of God's wife, and why she has been edited out of your religion, into some context. Is it political correctness, or male agenda? Where, or when, does it end?
I hope for the sake of Christianity, for the love of God, and for righteous truth, Pope Francis is strong enough to stand up to the evil from within. Playing politics was never God's plan, love was. You're doing fine, my friend. Don't let them turn you into something you're not.
"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." -- Ronald Reagan
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