
Monday, June 24, 2013


Babies will always have the favor of God. 

Is it any wonder they are born without sin.  Their eyes gaze upon a world of wonder, and gazing back into them we can only imagine that this is what must be meant in Genesis 1:27, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."  I can look in these eyes and imagine God gazing back at me.  No judgment, no expectation, well...maybe a bottle. 

We should be born with this look and never lose it.

I wish for these eyes... only wonders, and what wonders these eyes will see!  In 2022 she will be 10 years old.  In 2030 she will graduate high school, and then college in 2035.  She will be 60 years young in 2072.  With advancements in science she will be easily cruise past 88 by the year 2100.  Her children and grandchildren will see into the next century, and then look back.  "What wonderful history great-grandpa must have seen!"

Not so great as the future I see in these eyes, I think.

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