
Saturday, February 20, 2016

My Sunday Thought for 02/21/16: Beware of the Children

Beware of the children.  Have you seen them?  Their eyes seem as wide as saucers from ingesting mass quantities of various energy drinks.  Their fingers have a nervous twitch developed from hours of online gaming and texting.  When they congregate, which is rare, they do so in small or large groups, dressing somewhat similar, and for no real purpose.  Small groups for those seeming to have few social skills, or large groups for those preferring to get lost in the crowd for fear of standing out and being counted.  The only time they seem willing to get off their parents couch and leave their parent's house is to vote for the latest candidate that will promise them something for nothing, and then it's back to mommy's house for more video games and texting.  They graduate from college yet can't find Russia, much less the state they live in, on a map.  They have a job but don't bother saving for the future.  They live life in a world where participation gets a trophy and no one has to stress over being number one, except in the fantasy world of video gaming.  Dress alike, act alike, and think alike, they wander our streets like zombies in the movies they relish watching.  We are allowing our country to slowly morph into a veritable Village of the Damned.
At age three, the children are precocious, physically and mentally the equivalent of children four times their age. Their behaviour has become even more unusual and striking. They dress impeccably, always walk as a group, speak in an adult manner, and behave maturely, but they show no conscience or love, and demonstrate a coldness to others, causing the villagers to fear and be repulsed by them.
-- Wikipedia, "Village of the Damned" (1960 film)
We, as parents, have failed our children.  We failed at parenting, too caught up in our own jobs and issues of life to consider the responsibilities of rearing our young.  We assigned our responsibilities to the state, and we have gotten back everything we have come to expect from our liberal institutions of "higher education" - socialism.  For the majority of our youth, they seem content with their lot.  They have handed over the reins of life to the state and relegated God to cult status as belief in God is contrary to the philosophical need of the government for total control.  Really?

I find it disheartening when I see a divisive racist like Jesse Jackson walking side by side and hanging with Presidential candidates.  These are the rabble rousers of our country's youth that use the ignorance of youth to inflame hatred and frustration in the very system these same young people refuse to actively participate in other than to, occasionally, cast a vote for the candidate least likely to make us better than other countries, the candidate more concerned with participation in world affairs than leadership in them.

Beware of the children for they are the spawn of a society in a downward spiral to destruction. Our own complacency with active, constructive, parenting will go down in a rewritten history as the time when adults gave up the country to our youth.  We will be seen as complicit in the creation of the New World Order, of bringing to fruition of George Orwell's, 1984,  an accomplishment we will be seen as proud of.

Beware of the children, and the country which prohibits quality parenting, developing a sense of right from wrong, and teaching truth - in everything!  Teaching the truth means teaching all sides of an issue and allowing the student to make up their own mind.  Teaching means being fair and balanced in our presentation.  We, as parents, have allowed our schools to develop curriculum which favors a lack of truth, a lack of choice, mediocrity as a goal, and an agenda which favors governmental control of, well... everything.  These children which grow lacking basic understandings of how the real world works are set on a path to form the world in their own image of what that world should be.  They are set on that path by a government which the people are supposed to control, a government that is supposed to protect us from the very future it seems set on bringing about. 
The children begin to exhibit the power to read minds and to force people to do things against their will. There have been a number of villagers' deaths since the children were born, many of which are considered unusual, and some citizens believe the children are responsible. This is confirmed when the children are seen killing a man by making him crash his car into a wall, and again when they force his suspicious brother to shoot himself.
-- Wikipedia, "Village of the Damned" (1960 film)
Parent your children.  Be good mentors and custodians of the truth, not colored by your own personal beliefs, desires, or agendas.  Relish history as it unfolded, not as some fiction set down as a kinder, gentler, approach.  History can be an ugly thing, this is how we learn from mistakes and how we teach to prevent a recurrence.  Parent your children to be the best at whatever they choose in life, but ensure it is constructive to a vibrantly robust society and that they actively pursue their choices.

Step one is to helping them understand early on that, at the age of 18, you plan on throwing their lazy ass out of your house.  After you tell them this truth, actively and energetically work toward the goal so they know you're not all talk and no action.  It will be a sobering wakeup call to children that think life is an entitled bowl of frosted flakes.  Make them understand they are entitled to nada, zippo, nothing.  Life is what they make of it, so best they start planning early for what will be the rest of it.

Step two is helping them understand, if they need guidance, you will always be there for them and always love them, kind of like God is always there.  And that would be...

Step Three is helping them understand faith, especially developing a personal spirituality, a personal faith, in their own abilities, God, nature or the universe; a faith that everything happens for a reason, and that they have a capability to overcome any obstacle in their path through perseverance, hope, love, and the good advice, the history, of those that went before.
"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea."
-- Mark 9:42
Beware of the children? God help us all for the pitiful legacy, the lack of righteousness, honesty, understanding, tolerance, and faith; a legacy for all which we leave our children bereft. The next time your child, or any child, does something stupid, look to yourself for blame, not to God, and not to the child. Own the results of our pitiful efforts, for the blame of mankind's decline rests nowhere else than firmly on the shoulders of mankind alone.  It is our responsibility to save the ones we can; to prevent losing their innocencense to the corruption of souls, the zombie-like curse infecting our world.  Do I hear an, Amen?

Of course, this is all just a humble thought I toss out there on the pyre of burning books.  Have a nice Sunday!

Editor's Note 
(re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card) 

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch, it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either opinion any more right or wrong than the other. An opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form opinions of their own, if they haven't already done so.

It is my fervent hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions and then engaging in peaceful, constructive, discussion in an arena of mutual respect concerning the opinions put forth. After over twenty years with military intelligence, I have come to believe engaging each other in this manner and in this arena is the way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we do afterward, and what we learn from the experience.

Pastor Tony spent 22 years with Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, and instructor. He is founder of the Congregation for Religious Tolerance and author/editor of the Congregation's official blog site, "The Path," which offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's own personal, spiritual, path toward peace and the final destination.

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