
Saturday, August 22, 2015

What Does the Bible Say?

What Does the Bible Say?
Pastor Summer Woods 

You hear about it every day, 
This world is waxing worse and worse
Oh but what does the bible say. 

The time is nearing 
For we will soon see 
The Lord's appearing. 

The light of the world, 
No the children of darkness shall not hide 
But the children of light 
For in him shall forever abide. 

People are turning against each other 
When we are meant to love one another 
Oh but what does the bible say, 
Can't you see that God's word is being fulfilled each day.

You hear about it every day, 
This world is waxing worse and worse 
Oh but what does the bible say. 

Well they can tell us not to sing 
They can tell us not to pray 
But we will do it anyway. 

For there is coming a day 
When the trumpet will sound 
And all God's children be gathered around. 

We will hear him say 
Welcome home child 
No more will you roam on that glorious day 
Oh what does the bible say. 

This world can say that God is dead 
But I know the truth 
Cause he lives within my heart and he's loved me...

Note:  I could think of no better way to share this young woman's song than to present it on my blog, with her permission.  I feel honored as she continues to have faith in me that I will do right by her.  All one has to do is read what she writes to feel the strength of her faith.  We are friends only through our messaging on the monastery website, but I have faith that, one day, we will meet face to face so she might bless this sinner, and pray for him, if not in this life then in the next.


  1. Great message from a child of God....Well sung Summer...

  2. Thank you brother it was all God

    1. It is rarely "all God." God has children for a reason... to see them succeed. To quote Rick Pickett, "Great message from a child of God." We all have to be cognizant that God does work in mysterious ways. Thank YOU, Summer.


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