
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sermon for Sunday - March 8, 2014: Ground Zero Cross

The atheist group American Atheists is so distressed over the steel girders shaped like a cross that was found amid the rubble of 9/11 that the only atheist a periodical could get to respond for comment was Bill Maher.  Really?  He was it?  Does the American Atheists group really only have a membership of one?  And it had to be Bill Maher?  

At this point, after this one paragraph, I should let this post speak for itself, but many of you may not be familiar with Mr. Maher.  The fact that he is an atheist is about as surprising as the fact that he has an intelligent comment, and he is the best that atheists around the world can rustle up to get a comment from?  He helps the cause of atheism about as much as Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller fame).  I find this lack of competent representation hard to believe.  More surprising is the fact that Maher's comment was cogent, and I agree with it, to a point.

For those that haven't read his comment, I would ask that you Google it.

I have no issue with the fact that Maher is an atheist, I have no issue with atheists having the right to their own beliefs.  I do have issue with those that prevent others from enjoying the same freedom of belief, and freedom of religion is one of my top three freedoms seeing as how it is why this country exists.

Bill, I agree that we needn't fan the flames of hatred against all of Islam when it is just a few heretics that are trying to force us all to their will, heretics that act against Mohammed's teachings and their own Qu'ran by reinterpreting it to their own purposes.  I find it humorous that this is almost what's happening here; a handful of atheists, that can only rally one questionable voice for a comment, as they try  to make the rest of the world turn away from their religious beliefs for their own self-serving reasons.  I find it all very sad.  I'm sure a few atheists probably died there as well.  Instead of bitching about the cross, how about asking if you can place a memorial for those poor souls at the site as well?  Instead of always being confrontational, how about helping everyone heal?

There is argument that this isn't really a religious symbol.  Bullshit.  It is there because it is a symbol, a very powerful symbol of hope, rebirth, fellowship, and remembrance.  It is not the fact that it is shaped like a cross that atheists find unappealing, it is the thought that those of us with faith have something they lack - hope.

I have hope that one day people of little tolerance will find faith that we can all live in peace and celebrate our great diversity of belief.  I have hope that the Legion of the Perpetually Disenchanted with find peace instead of looking for self-serving minutia to quibble over when there are so many more important problems in the world.

Leave the cross alone, Bill, it is hurting no one.  With Easter almost upon us, I would think atheists would have more to contemplate bitching about than this symbol of hope.  After all, I would think if the birthday of a Prophet makes you itch, the Prophet rising from the dead should make you breakout all over.

Of course, as always, this is just my opinion and we all have a constructive one.  What's yours?

Peace, love, and kindness to everyone, and may God's blessings be upon us - all! 

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