
Monday, December 2, 2024

Questioning Happy, Existence, Where, Reality, Atheists, and Truth


"You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need."
-- Vernon Howard

Why should I be happy for all I have?
You should be happier for all you don’t have. You should strive to be truly happy always, and in all things, regardless of your circumstances. It is a choice. The more you have the more drama you have let into your life.
What are some things that make or have made you lose faith in humanity?
People voting for Kamala Harris. She has done nothing, yet they vote for her.
Are you a perfect human in every way?
There is nothing “perfect.” All we can hope for is to be excellent. As for me, I constantly miss being excellent. It is who I am, and I don’t think I will change, just to be excellent.
Why does a person who has everything in life, healthy children, husband, money, housekeepers, etc., still feel deep anguish and admit to not being happy? Furthermore, he always thinks about tragic things and has many fears.
I’d like to clear this up. Is he gay? I mean, he has a husband. Or, did I read this wrong?
There are millions of proverbs. Is it true that there is a suitable proverb [or quote] for every possible situation one may face?
If there isn’t, I’m sure we can make one up. With all the talent floating around this site, I would think it silly that someone couldn’t develop something meaningful.
What do you believe is the genuine way to be happy?
Decide that all the “drama” in your life is not worth worrying over and choose to be truly happy always, and in all things, regardless of your circumstances. I did this after my divorce, and I haven’t looked back.
“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”
-- Abraham Lincoln
How does it feel to know that everything will eventually be forgotten and cease to exist?
I won’t be around, so why try to put this drama on my life?

How do religion and science differ in terms of their reliance on evidence?

Religion, lacking any facts, relies on faith in their belief. Science, on the other hand, requires proof of any facts. 

How do you feel about yourself and your life right now?
Why do some atheists view it as arrogant for people of faith to believe in God and hold onto their beliefs, despite the lack of proof?
It is arrogant for either side to argue what they can’t prove. Atheists can’t prove God doesn’t exist, and theists can’t prove He does. Both sides need to shut up about God and go about their business.
Should we just give up and let the world crash?
We can give up and watch humanity crash. The world will abide.
Are some of us born to fail?
No. We all born to succeed, but, some of us don’t understand the process. If we fail, we need to keep on trying until we succeed. When you are ready to die, you can bemoan a life wasted, or you can look forward to the next great adventure. It is a choice.
“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”
-- J.K. Rowling
No matter where you go, where will you be?
Where I go. Is this another trick question?
Is it ever a good idea to give up partial power/control to someone who might supplant you, eventually? If you must share power, wouldn't you pick people you wouldn't have to worry about?
It is what it is. Anything can happen in life. If you are a leader, put the vote to the people. If you are a controlling madman, you might be assassinated.
How can we determine if our beliefs are based on facts or wishful thinking? Is it possible to know for sure?
Find the facts, if they exist. Otherwise, your belief is wishful thinking, based on faith.
Does everyone have their own fate?
Your “fate” is what you make of it. It’s not a good idea to tie your fate to someone else… unless you have a parachute. You need a plan, a way out, when their fate starts to crash and burn.
Can someone change your destiny?
Only if I let them.
Do you find yourself happy in every situation?
Not in all situations. If I find myself in a bad one, my mind reminds me of drama, and I change the situation or leave. My daily plan is to strive for true happiness always, and in all things, regardless of my circumstances. It is a choice.
"Happiness is not a possession to be prized, it is a quality of thought, a state of mind"
-- Daphne du Maurier
Who are we really? Are we really who we think of ourselves as?
Unless you have a split personality, you are who you are. Acting differently doesn’t change who you are.
Did you realize, already, why you exist in this world?

To learn. It is why we are all here.
Am I just trying to live life, but it only ends in death?
Death is a door opening to a new life… unless you are an atheist. If you are an atheist, you are looking at eternal death. I like being a theist.
If everything happens for a reason, does that mean we can't change our destiny?
Is everything happening in life supposed to happen?
Yep. Everything you’ve done in life has led you to what is happening. If you don’t want it, you need to change what you want. It's pretty easy. You got yourself into this mess, and you can get yourself out. The problem arises when you accept what is not inevitable. You always have a choice.
Is it true that there is always something good behind everything?
Don’t fall for that line. There is nothing good behind evil.
“The text has disappeared under the interpretation.”
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
What do atheists believe in? Do they only believe in things that can be seen?
Other than fantasy stories, yes, they only believe in things that can be seen and proved.
What does "everything happens for a reason" mean? Does anything really just happen without a cause and effect behind it?
It means when something happens, it is caused by something.  Cause and effect. There is always a cause, and it leaves an effect. If you take the car to the market and get into an accident, maybe you shouldn't have gone to the market.  If you shave and cut yourself, maybe you should have been more careful. Cause and effect.
Who is in charge of reincarnation?
God. God is in charge of everything.
What is the point of trying hard at anything if everything happens for a reason?
If you tried hard at anything, this is the reason it happens. If you fail, this is the reason it happens. If you don’t do anything, it won’t happen… and this is the reason. Everything happens for a reason.
If something bad happens to me, would something good happen after?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on what you do after something bad happens.
Is it normal to not want to start another serious romantic relationship after ending one?
I found it pretty normal. I had many nights of just sex for sex’s sake. No serious relationships. A couple of years down the road I found a reason to get serious. Until then, the divorce had sucked the life out of me.
"Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time."
-- Maya Angelou
Why do people think that pushing people to tell the truth is a good thing?
They shouldn’t need to be pushed. Telling the truth is a good thing.
I haven't done anything great with my life and I'm 32 years old. Is this normal?
Not really. How about telling the truth?
Does success mean that one no longer has to work hard?
Success means you need to work hard to stay on top.
Are humans fundamentally good, evil, or neutral by nature?
Most of us are fundamentally good.
Has your life worked out as you imagined it would and is it better or worse than you thought it would be?
It worked out so much better than I expected.
Are you yourself, or are you you?
I am me. Being me, I am myself. If you are someone else, you might need help.
"Find out who you are and do it on purpose."
-- Dolly Parton

Editor's Note
(Re: disclaimer cum "get out of jail free" card)

Before you go getting your panties in a bunch - it is essential to understand that this is just an opinion site and, as such, can be subjected to scrutiny by anyone with a differing opinion. It doesn't make either view any more right or wrong than the other. Opinion, presented in this context, is a way of inciting others to think and, hopefully, to form their own opinions, if they haven't already done so. This is also why, occasionally, I will present an "opinion" just to stir an emotional pot. Where it may sound like I agree with the statements made, I'm more interested in getting others to consider an alternate viewpoint.

I fervently hope that we keep open and active minds when reading opinions while engaging in peaceful and constructive discussion in an arena of mutual respect concerning those opinions offered. After twenty-three years of military intelligence, I believe that engaging each other in this manner, and in this arena, is a way we will learn tolerance and respect for differing beliefs, cultures, and viewpoints.

We all fall from grace, some more often than others; it is part of being human. God's test for us is what we learn from the experience... and what we do afterward.
Pastor Tony spent 22 years with United States Air Force Intelligence as a planner, analyst, briefer, instructor, and senior manager. Following his service career, he spent 17 years working with the premier and world-renowned Western Institutional Review Board, helping to protect the rights of human subjects involved in pharmaceutical research. He also served 8 years on the Board of Directors for the Angela J. Bowen Foundation.
Ordained in 2013 as an "interfaith" minister, he founded the Congregation for Religious Tolerance in response to intolerance shown by Christians toward peaceful Islam. As a weapon for his war on intolerance, he chose the pen. He wages his "battle" in the guise of the Congregation's official online blog, The Path, of which he is both author and editor. "The Path" offers a vehicle for commentary and guidance concerning one's personal, spiritual path toward peace and the final destination for us all. He resides in Pass Christian, Mississippi, where he volunteered as the lead chaplain at a regional medical center.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tony at:

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