
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Thought for August 11, 2013: The Marvel of God

Go outside today and marvel at something God has made.  If you're an atheist, just go out and marvel at something. 
Take the flower I photographed above.  Pretty?  But, what makes it pretty?  Is it pretty enough to make us marvel at it?  If we take a closer look, the flower is giving us the best parts of itself in its attempt be beautiful.  The stamen, pistil, petals, the sepal, and within those we would see the filaments and stigma.  If we were to cut it open we would see it has ovaries as well.
It is not just what we see from a distance that makes something what it is, I think its what we see when we get closer to it, and when we look inside it that makes us truly marvel at God's work, or the intricacy of nature left to its own devices. 
As it is with a flower so it is with the people around us.  The natural fullness of a woman's lips, the salt and pepper greying in an older man's hair, the crow's feet at the corners of their eyes, the spring in some one's step, the way their mouth turns up when they smile, the light in a child's eyes, a look of wonder.  And within each their is the way they greet us or the pies they bake, their caring touch or the fact that they are so giving of themselves.
But, is everything we marvel at beautiful?  I think when we look closer there is always something to marvel at in God's, or nature's, creation, something to make even the ugly around us beautiful.  I know a person who is beautifully perfect at being an ass.  I marvel at the fact they are a quintessentially perfect ass, yet, upon closer examination I find they are also beautiful in their own way.  I'm not sure why but, the mere fact they are an ass makes me smile when I see them coming.  I'll have to take a closer look.
Go outside today and think that you marvel at something God, or nature has made, then take a closer look, and smile as you find a reason to marvel!
I don't care who you are, you'll have to wonder, "How marvelous is that?"

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